The human being is not as gay as the current world view wants it to be.
Reproduction is still the main goal of the whole thing, right?
How could gay people make even any sense at all?
Doesn’t really make so much sense that gay people even would have survived until today, right?
It’s much more likely that there is a mistake in the public current understanding of the world, and they made a pretty bad mistake.
It is possible to trick and manipulate the emotional system of a human in a way that it turns them gay.
This mistake happens specifically when trying to turn them straight.
What you would need to do instead is trying to make them gay, and this will turn them straight.
You always get the opposite in return, everything you try with humans, they will return the opposite back to you.
That’s just how humans work, they return the opposite.
If you try to make everyone gay, then they will all turn out straight.
Being gay doesn’t really make any sense at all, to say it purely logical, there shouldn’t be gay people and in the bible is also not the mention of gay people even once.
The public made a mistake and created the gay people themselves by tricking their emotional system this way.
You can also get rid of all gay people quite easily, if you correct the approach, and then you have it clean on the streets and people getting their shit together.
When you correct the gay mistake, the whole thing will actually be self run.
There is not much management effort left anymore, when you got rid of the entire gay thing and turned all the guys straight again.
Atlantis Fucked It Up
My guess is that Atlantis fucked it up.
I guess Atlantis was an attempt to over optimize the ego calculations and to make them as nicely doable as possible.
The issue with Atlantis is, that it is based on visual evidence for the ego calculation.
This is an unclear result, if people really triggered ego calculations like this is questionable, they are probably still missing the physical evidence to really fully trigger the ego calculations.
Also, that there is a citadel in the middle, that already shows that these people didn’t get the black hole feeling or the big bang moment.
The Atlantis setup is pretty much not really teaching the people how to create couples that become fused like glue.
The people that went through the Atlantis setup won’t really know how to create couples at all, and the physical evidence would still be missing in that case.
The Atlantis setup is actually what could be causing gay people to be a thing, eventually.
Because with the Atlantis setup you first of all just have the visual evidence, that means there is no rational ego slicing happening.
When the person is able to see their partner on the next ring, it would be an absolute visual ego calculation hit, there is no slicing happening with this.
It most likely could be that it killed their ego in one hit, and then it took all the magic.
Maybe, there was no ego calculation happening at all, their egos just got killed on the first hit, and it’s gone.
For some of these people or maybe for most or even all of them, the physical evidence could still be needed even.
In this case it would confuse the people a lot, if just the need for the physical evidence is lacking and the people also cannot imagine a rational number system.
The Atlantis setup is actually highly dangerious, because it is not giving the people the rational number system.
They only know absolute states, and then on top it lacks the physical evidence, which could still give them some need they can’t explain.
It would turn the people then straight up gay in the next step, because they would be just completely confused on what’s going on, because of this highly specific Atlantis setup.
The structure of Atlantis is highly artifical created, nature is not like this and you pretty much shouldn’t even be able to create an experience like this for the human.
Could be that the experience of Atlantis was more traumatising for the people and fucked them up a bit.
It could have triggered an ego calculation in them that they are not supposed to have triggered like this.
The people that went trough Atlantis have no capablities of imagining rational numbers, they cannot understand a human that is 96% straight and 4% gay, it doesn’t fit into their understanding of what they have experienced with their ego calculation.
They cannot understand how there can be maybe or rational states with a human.
They would see humans as strict binaries, just yes or no, but how does the existence of gay people then even make sense in the first place? They would have been out selected through survival of the fittest mechanism back in nature.
It makes much more sense that the human in general is 96% straight and just 4% gay, and this just applies to all of them.
That means that all humans are just 4% gay and that’s it, and that this is the default straight/ gay ratio of the human and that this counts for all of them.
The human being 4% gay would mean that they are gay enough to do something gay with their girlfriends, but not gay enough to do anything with other guys.
In the traditional world, this would translate to just being straight and nothing else.
All the almost gay looking activities just fall under the 4% gay ratio of the human, which just means that’s exactly how the human being exactly is.
The human being is exactly just 4% gay, which translates to fully straight with some gay activities with the girlfriend, which are required for the ego calculation to be triggered.
Getting the ego calculations triggered is nowadays a nearly impossible task, they got this shit completely wrong.
With the Atlantis setup they just created the dumbest human beings possible, I mean great, now I have to deal with the lowest level of intelligence, good job to the people from before.
I mean the public is acting on purpose as if they are as dumb as a human being could be, and it is also our fault from long time ago I get it.
But now it’s really funny because we have all the nukes ready and the population maxed out, so we got ourselves in a really funny fucked up situation.
The human needs the ego calculations to be triggered because this gives him the complex thinking capabilites, this is the university of nature.
It is also what our entire society is based on, this is how we as a human get the thinking capabilities for complex calculations.
And the human needs physical evidence for the ego calculations to be triggered or it is not getting triggered properly.
Everything else are half working placebos, and now you got the Atlantis problem, which rightfully got bombed away and removed from this planet until eternity.
With Atlantis they fucked it up for sure, because it created a placebo ego calculation, which is now turning the people gay.
Gay people that you see on the street today could be an Atlantis fuck up back in the days.
The visual evidence is just a placebo evidence, but the physical evidence is what is actually triggering the ego calculations, and this leads to the black hole and the big bang and gives the nature logic power up.
You can easily get confused as a human being if you went through the Atlantis setup and then still somehow feel the lack of the physical evidence.
Then it would get into a very bad situation, because now you have people that don’t understand rational numbers.
The people nowadays are lacking the thinking capabilities to imagine what a rational number is.
They cannot imagine 4% gay, they don’t have the thinking skills for it, they lack the proper ego calculation, they are missing the training.
That’s when the people then could think that being gay is a thing, because they won’t understand that the physical evidence is what is triggering the ego calculation and this is what it’s all about.
You could be saying that this doesn’t look correct or nice for the girl, yes, but the ego calculation has to be triggered only one time in the course of a human doing a few single time events only.
After that the horniness drops quite low compared to before and the ego calculation got triggered, so the human being is then pretty relaxed and happy and the need for anything else disappears.
After the ego calculation got triggered the human being stops going crazy with the horniness, the horniness drops to a normal baseline but compared to before significantly.
This is just a one time event that has to be triggered in the life of a human and after that the need for triggering the ego calculation is satisfied for a lifetime.
When you follow this approach, it would get rid of all gay people.
Gay people make no sense, you made a mistake there, you got the thing with the visual and physical evidence wrong.
I know people would want a way how to do it so everyone gets the black hole feeling and the big bang moment, but what did this lead to now?
Population maxed out and Nukes ready on all sides.
Atlantis disappeared right?
People have to understand the rational number system, without this you cannot really understand the human in any way.
Just using binary states yes or no is pretty much the worst understanding you can have about a human.
Using rational numbers with humans is already a significant improvement to the current situation, it would change a lot for the better already.
Instead of using absolute states with yes and no, you would be using rational states.
Pretty much percentages like 10% gay and so on, and with this you already have a significant better understanding of the humans than you have right now.
In the beginning this thinking might already be triggering some brain buzz for some people, but exactly by trying to imagine something like 4% gay, it will activate the brain to slowly develop the understanding of how to imagine it.
This is pretty much the exact truth of the human being of how it is. The human being is pretty much exactly 4% gay, but just in order to trigger the ego calculation and for the physical evidence of it and it stops right there.
There is no increase of this percentage, this is the exact fix percentage and it will stay exactly at this 4% forever and not increase or decrease.
And the 4% means that the male human wouldn’t have sex with other guys, they don’t.
This would turn all guys into straight guys, with the fix 4% gay for their entire life unchanged.
But its not really that they are 4% gay, it is just that in order to trigger the ego calculation it requires physical evidence and this activity is what you could call 4% gay and that’s it.
After the human got the physical evidence for the ego calculation, the crazy horniness stops permanently, the human changes pretty much completely and also gets the black hole and the big bang moment and the full science knowledge.
That’s pretty much how reality actually looks like.
Probably they are all the exact same.
They probably all need the physical evidence just one time only even and this alone changes them completely for a lifetime and turns them forever straight as well.
The activity of the physical evidence can already turn them straight for their entire lifes by just doing it once.
This counts as a ego minus activity, which will remove their previous ego and give them a complete personality change and enlightend moment.
It will make them very smart if they just do it once and it gets rid of plenty of problems.
This is pretty much the only important experience that the male human just has to be making once with a girlfriend that he is in love with just to trigger the ego calculation properly to give the human the thinking capabilites to be able to understand the world and the universe.
People don’t like this at all of course, they want to have full control over their lives and not be depending on some internal program.
But then why are you turning people gay, that makes zero sense, you are taking the self control of the humans like this already away, there are no gay people.
No human wants to be gay its not a thing you brainwash this into them.
Instead of doing your brainwashing accident, you can also just follow natures integrated program then instead, which at least makes them straight their whole lifes.
Not sure what is more weird, your existence of gay people or the physical activity that is required for the human to trigger their ego calculations.
Probably it’s better to just have them their ego calculations triggered once with physical evidence, which will turn them straight for their entire lifes directly and literally stops the entire self discovery program they have.
After they did this experience just once the human is already complete, it just takes some time until the black hole and the big bang event is then happening after.
But this issue with the humans not being able to understand something like 4%, which translates to just straight nothing else, this problem is at the root of society and thats also the reason why we then have the population maxed out and the nukes ready at the same time.
It’s the lack of the imagination of rational numbers that cause this extreme of population maxed out and nukes ready.
If you compare these two states, population maxed out and nukes ready, then you can see the absolute thinking and the missing rational numbers in the current publicly available understanding.
The humans currently cannot imagine rational numbers so they cannot imagine a better world than population maxed out and nukes ready.
The better alternative using rational numbers and rational states cannot be imagined by the current human being, they have no idea how this should look like.
That’s the end of story, the people cannot imagine rational numbers, so they limited thinking capabilites is the core of all nowadays problems.
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