All Pornography Is Low Quality

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People don’t know nowadays how to make proper porn, or what?

They have these rules and things that you should not do, I mean come on, that’s the best of it.

It’s like the best stuff is not really allowed to do, since when are there actual real taboos in porn, this is funny.

The best stuff are the things for which they don’t even have the words for it, this is even more than funny.

There is like this large black hole in pretty much the entire porn industry, here I made a graph explaining the state of porn.

Like the best stuff, it is not allowed to make it or what.

And then what they do is they are creating alternatives to all the things you cannot do, and all these alternatives are just off, they miss the point.

The alternatives to what they are not allowed to create don’t work as alternatives, what then happens in the end is that the guy just becomes vanilla again.

There are like social norms, or unwritten rules or something and certain things you just don’t do, but what’s the point of porn then?

If you only make porn about alternatives to what you are not allowed to be making, then no point in even making these alternatives, keep it fully vanilla then, just classic and that’s it.

Rules are made to be broken

There needs to be some porn revolution happen, where they drop their artificially created alternatives and just make porn exactly about all the things you are not supposed to be making.

Yeah, it will piss off the girls, but you can’t just not be making the good stuff at all.

It still should exist somehow, without some alternated version, just make it proper and create exactly the legit stuff with no political alternation to it.

It’s like porn turned into politics

It’s almost funny to look at it, you can see the political influences that played a role when the different porn categories got created.

You can see which side had the power during the creation of each porn category.

Where is the opposite style porn?

You know, pretty much just flipping it all around one time, and then it turns the correct fucking way.

And especially these things that you can’t do, especially this type of porn just has a complete black hole, non-existing, they make a big circle around it.

But nothing else is interesting, except of exactly turning that black hole into actual porn.

The current state of porn is the lowest imaginable, it is like they make it terrible on purpose.

Porn could be a billion times better, people are avoiding making the good shit on purpose, because of political reasons.

They are scared of something there of course, that means there is no actual proper porn at all then, the entire industry is then just missing the point, it’s like a placebo industry.

The actual real porn industry doesn’t really exist yet.

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