You have to activate the enhanced thinking skills in your brain, and then you get everything superfast.
There are two worlds, it’s two.
Who came up with the idea that it is just one?
You know how your smartphone is working?
Exactly, there are two worlds, it’s two guys.
Now you look at this room here.
There are infinite ways of how this room actually could also look like, we built that shit right?
We built that planet, it can look like anyway we want.
We can make it happen to look infinite ways.
So you have to imagine all other possibilities of how this room could look like are also possible.
And how do you imagine that?
Just imagine a high dimensional wave going through it.
Sort of like this, not really but sort of.
Just imagine a wave with infinite possibilities of how the room could look like, and we could make all of them happen, all of them.
Look at the room again.
And now imagine a wave that includes all possibilities of how the room also could look like, here is the wave again.
You can imagine it?
Just a high dimensional wave showing infinite version of how it also could look like.
You can do it.
Now let’s look at the ping pong version of it I call it.
The second world version.
Here just imagine as black and white right behind it.
Like you have the room you see.
And you have a second ping pong version of that room right behind it.
Here look at it again.
Now imagine this second version also has infinite ways of how it could look like.
You can again imagine the infinite waves, just in the second version now.
But this time also with the second version of it, so this one.
Imagine you have a second wave going through it behind it, that has again infinite ways of how it can look like behind it.
And these two versions are connected over a ping pong effect.
You do something in one version, and it reflects in the other version.
That’s the connection.
Like a ping pong table.
You do something in one world, and it has an effect on the other.
And this is all the connection you can get.
This is how they are connected.
And that’s the basics of physics.
Just imagine two infinite waves, one you can see and one right beneath it, and it’s connected over a ping pong effect.
And that’s all you have to know.
That’s all the enhanced thinking capabilities you need to come up with more complex high-tech than what you currently have.
Just imagine the two infinite waves connected over a ping pong effect.
Peace out.
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