This is a special high-tech nuclear weapon that is unknown in the current population.
I discovered it myself just like that, automatically.
The big bang power up gives plenty of models, but the core purpose of it is to create a nuclear weapon to do revenge to the cheating of the girlfriend.
It is best to put all the concepts together explaining the nuclear weapon and then from this other things can be created.
The core is just the nuclear weapon, and it is a good example to put it all together.
This is still work in progress, but the dots are connecting one dot at a time.
Creating Placebo Gravity through a Time Loss
There is a future mathematics calculation happening, and it creates placebo gravity to the black hole center through a time loss.
The time is getting lost on the negative ego side, through a negative ego hit, and the ego pendulum effect, which you can also call a self wave ping pong effect, is not returned.
Because the self wave ping pong effect is not returned on the ego positive side, this lack is creating a time loss.
This is curving the time of the black hole center, and that increases the gravity of it.
You can see here the self wave ping pong effect, also called the ego pendulum effect.
You see that every wave from one world is returned to the other world, this relates to advanced Uranium model.
The gravity increase is now happening, when the ping pong effect is not fully returned like on the following picture.
The time is moved into the black hole
The black hole will have additional time and the time of the black hole is getting curved.
This leads then to a gravitational increase of the black hole and its surroundings, the black hole is getting more gravity.
Because the gravitation of the black hole increases, through added time in the black hole it will pull in the ego and pauses the time on the ego.
When the ego is pulled in to the black hole the pushing force of the Uranium is building up.
On the following picture you can see how the ego time is progressing when its further away from the black hole and the time is being hold back when it’s close to the center of the black hole.
When the time is being hold back of the ego the pushing force increases, the Uranium is charging.
Here you can also see the currently full self model, explaining a few more details.
The concept is still work in progress, this is just the current state of it, much more is to follow.
A simple illustration on how it could look like would be the following image.
A wave is sent into the black hole center and that increases the gravity, through a time loss on the other side.
The time is getting lost in the quantum world, which creates placebo gravity coming from the quantum world, because the timeline of the quantum ping pong counterpart would get extended.
This is creating additional gravity, but it is not gravity that needs mass, it is gravity that gets created because time is getting lost in the quantum space, which creates a time curve for its ping pong counterpart.
Because the time is getting curved in the black hole it creates additional real gravity.
But this is actually just a placebo gravity, but it still works and this pulls in the ego, which is then pausing the time of the ego.
The pushing force of the Uranium is then building up, which means the Uranium is charging until there is going to be the energy release which turns everyone into burning men.
That’s why this is the burning men nuclear weapon, people just light up in fire from the inside without any visible reason why.
It’s like the revenge of the second world, its two worlds guys, two worlds.
Peace out.
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