Category: Ego Calculation

  • Published a New E-Book on Amazon

    Published a New E-Book on Amazon

    Just published my first legit e-book with almost 200 pages and over 40,000 words. It’s a 3-hour read, that means for anyone that is doing surveillance on me, it will be quite some time challenge for them to actually go through it. This will protect my surveillance reputation from people thinking they know everything about…

  • The Last Post

    The Last Post

    This blog was fun, but SEO and content writing is actually not for me, I am now concentrating on building the most advanced dating app the world has ever seen. Just as small information to the public. Peace.

  • Secret Christmas Market at Lumpini Park

    Secret Christmas Market at Lumpini Park

    Discovering Lumpini Park Lumpini Park is one of Bangkok’s most iconic green spaces, offering a tranquil escape from the city’s bustling streets. Located in the heart of the capital, the park spans over 140 acres and is named after the birthplace of the Buddha in Nepal. Lumpini Park is a hub for both locals and…

  • Two Contradicting Elderly Perspectives

    Two Contradicting Elderly Perspectives

    It couldn’t be more confusing with one God giving rules, it turns out there is actually a second God in the game as well. There is an American God and there is also a German God. The American God is more superficial, while the German God is not. I was only talking about the American…

  • New Product Idea: The Complete Secret List Of Success For The Surveillance Reputation

    New Product Idea: The Complete Secret List Of Success For The Surveillance Reputation

    I did the impossible. I snatched the list of success, written by God. I got the instructions of how God is working. Oh, they don’t want you to know this. Oh, they want to keep this a secret. I got the highly confidential list of what it is that will make you successful in life,…

  • Surveillance By The Elderly

    Surveillance By The Elderly

    In today’s hyper-connected world, surveillance has become a ubiquitous feature of modern life. From smart devices to public cameras, we are constantly being watched, recorded, and analyzed. While some argue that surveillance enhances security and convenience, it raises pressing questions about privacy, freedom, and the extent of control exerted over individuals. The surveillance by the…

  • Coughing Acting Confusion Bomb

    Coughing Acting Confusion Bomb

    I am a victim of a targeted coughing acting confusion bomb. The coughing acting is a subtype of the confusion bomb. There are different kinds of confusion bombs. I put it all down to a graphic. What exactly is this coughing acting? Is this some kind of secret military communication, that I am not aware…

  • God Sent Me The List Of What Is Cool

    God Sent Me The List Of What Is Cool

    God has sent me this list of what is cool and what is not. There are things that are cool and on the other hand are things that are toxic. That’s how God is defining things, something is either cool or something is toxic. Let’s write down everything that God has told me is cool…

  • The Aliens

    The Aliens

    The concept of the “aliens” is almost like a logical conclusion coming from the remote neural monitoring procedure that is happening in real-time and around the clock. Some people are already experts with using the V2K technology to their advantage, I believe that Thai girls are even growing up with it. Thai girls might be…

  • Remote Neural Monitoring

    Remote Neural Monitoring

    You think about the surveillance by the elderly, and you might just assume that they just watch your phone or something. You probably imagine that the surveillance is some basic thing and it just involves the smartphone and cameras. Furthermore, you might think that if you put your smartphone into the microwave, Edward Snowden style,…

  • Get A Coffee And Do Things Slowly — That’s Cool

    Get A Coffee And Do Things Slowly — That’s Cool

    For the elderly surveillance perspective, it is cool to do things slowly and to take it easy. You are supposed to do things slowly and relaxed, and that’s cool. You are not supposed to do things like some crazy hacker, you are supposed to do things slowly and relaxed. Why? Because it’s all burning down…

  • One Day You Will Lose Everything

    One Day You Will Lose Everything

    This is a hard to take topic, and the most annoying thing about it is that “they” will make it look like as if it is your fault. No one is going to believe that you got put into this situation. From an outside perspective, it will just look like as if you did this…

  • Instant Reputation Boost

    Instant Reputation Boost

    I instantly boosted the reputation of this website by just adding the following new categories, which have no posts yet, but the categories are already there. This alone is already boosting the overall reputation of this website on the surveillance reputation system. I added these new categories, which will give this website an instant boost:…

  • How To Fix A Broken Male Ego

    How To Fix A Broken Male Ego

    Woah, omg what a challenge. Holy shit is that difficult. But you can do it. It’s possible. You just have to lose everything and sleep a month on the street. And that’s it. It’s that simple. Easy going. That sets you a level back, what exactly is happening then? Actually time to pull up my…

  • SEO And Surveillance — Anti Gossip Daily Routine

    SEO And Surveillance — Anti Gossip Daily Routine

    I mentioned it before, the technical ethically correct work requirements made by the surveillance crew, which involves the 40-hour work week. I remember one time that I got this insane SEO boost in a single day. Let’s revisit what happened there. I’m sure some surveillance people are curling their toes when they read this. How…

  • My Girlfriend Is So Amazing Again

    My Girlfriend Is So Amazing Again

    Oh, my girlfriend is the best. Number one girlfriend. I’m sure she is working hard, and I told her to make sure that the customer is always smiling, and I hope she is doing a good job in that regard. Currently, I pretty much just recovered my PTSD, which literally took nearly a month in…

  • New Idea: Don’t Create A Separate Website And Just Add Real Estate Listings Here

    New Idea: Don’t Create A Separate Website And Just Add Real Estate Listings Here

    I’m now thinking if I should just add real estate listings here, among with all the other posts. Just like adding a new category and call it real estate visits or real estates and then just add a few posts about the different real estates I found. I already have pictures and already have lots…

  • The Thai Gossip Might Be The Secret American Social Security System

    The Thai Gossip Might Be The Secret American Social Security System

    I have this theory that the whole gossip and surveillance system might be some kind of secret zero proof American social security system. But it’s a bit more than a social security system it is also a moral police, they will also crush you to the dust if you do something highly ethically questionable. They…

  • Is The Dark Mode Popular Among Real Estate Websites?

    Is The Dark Mode Popular Among Real Estate Websites?

    I’m taking a look if the dark mode seems popular among real estate website. Websites like Agent Fire have the dark mode very nice. I just noticed they also have an affiliate program, I will have to look into this later again, affiliate programs among real estate is rare and hard to find. But I…

  • New Business Idea: Real Estate Website

    New Business Idea: Real Estate Website

    So. After having decrypted most of the indirect communication into direct communication, by using this blog as an indirect to direct communication converter, I come to the conclusion that only real estate is cool. Blockchain is not cool as well. This is bad news for all the hippies out there. Blockchain is not considered cool,…

  • New Product Idea: Indirect To Direct Communication Converter

    New Product Idea: Indirect To Direct Communication Converter

    This one is super important, because the elderly people doing the surveillance only do indirect communication. Why don’t they do direct communication, they don’t want to hurt the feelings of someone or what? If they do indirect communication then it’s all ineffective, it just goes to pass through the person directly, all of it. Literally…

  • Cool Work Definition Attempt 2

    Cool Work Definition Attempt 2

    So I was having a chat with ChatGPT about the elderly definition of what’s cool. Here is the link to the chat if you want to see it in full: Let’s try again now. Definition of what’s cool for the elderly surveillance Let’s start with the 100% cool things. That’s like the 100% cool…

  • Income Hard Cap

    Income Hard Cap

    They want to keep control over how much money you make. It’s better to only concentrate on a single thing. Better to just have one business and one single income stream, then they can control your income easier. If you have a ton of different income streams, all over the place scattered, then they can’t…

  • Straight Certificate Pitch

    Straight Certificate Pitch

    Did you know that you are under surveillance, especially by the military and what they look at is if you look gay or not? Every opinion you can imagine is represented by someone somewhere, and some people at some military might be trying to get rid of gay people in general. You have to assume…

  • My Girlfriend Is The Best

    My Girlfriend Is The Best

    Now I get it. Before, I had the wrong perspective on things. Before, I was looking at it from the wrong side. I have to look at this from the Mendga perspective, of course. I shouldn’t go crazy or getting confused or something, I should encourage her and support her for the amazing job she…

  • New Product Idea: Straight Certificate

    New Product Idea: Straight Certificate

    This is a funny one, and it actually works, because the decision if you are straight or gay is not up to you anyway. The elderly people doing the surveillance decide if you are straight or gay. This is not even a personal choice anyway. Luckily, I am considered straight. Thanks god. The elderly people…

  • Streets Are Full Of Hot Girls In Bangkok The Tricks Are Working

    Streets Are Full Of Hot Girls In Bangkok The Tricks Are Working

    My surveillance tricks are working. The streets are full of hot girls and I am not considered gay. Thanks God. Luckily they don’t think I’m gay. That’s a big one. So many hot girls on the streets, I was just checking. Since my so amazing Thai girlfriend took all my money hardcore extortion style for…

  • Muscles Don’t Matter Clothes Are Important

    Muscles Don’t Matter Clothes Are Important

    The clothes are more important than having muscles. Some people get this wrong. Apart from your 20 push-ups in the morning, which are just for show, this is just for increasing your surveillance reputation and not for building muscle. Apart from the daily 20 push-ups in the morning, what matters then are the clothes you…

  • What Is “Their” Definition Of A Good Job?

    What Is “Their” Definition Of A Good Job?

    This is just a pure guess what “they” think is a good job, but I think the ranking probably looks like this. The number one job for “them” must be the telephone cold calling or not? 🤣 Because the elderly people doing the surveillance are probably conservative enough that they must honor the good old…

  • Anti Surveillance Gossip Morning Routine

    Anti Surveillance Gossip Morning Routine

    Everyone is under surveillance and depending on what you do during the day you either get an unknown bad reputation or an unknown good reputation. You pretty much don’t know what your unknown surveillance reputation is, but it exists, and it’s automatically tracked and calculated. You can increase your unknown surveillance reputation if you do…

  • Ethical Work Technical Requirements from “Them”

    Ethical Work Technical Requirements from “Them”

    “They” track the working time and “they” track the difficulty of the work involved, and they also look at how cool it is what you are doing. Who is “they”? Some unknown group that wants to stay anonymous and that is doing surveillance on the people and then deciding on who gets what. This is…

  • They Try To Take Credit for Your Work

    They Try To Take Credit for Your Work

    What Thai people are trying to do is they try to appear as the ones being responsible for motivating you to do work or anything what you create, to then have a reason to take all your money. And they try this with every way possible. They manipulate and brainwash all your friends, family, and…

  • Remote Controlled Thai Girls — Smartphone Chat to Voice to Skull Communication

    Remote Controlled Thai Girls — Smartphone Chat to Voice to Skull Communication

    That’s the funniest subject and that’s probably the reason how I got the wormhole emotion and the quantum ego before. Luckily I know about this now so I won’t be getting into the bottom of the ego wave function anymore. This is like a remote control mechanism for the Thai girls. This is like an…

  • I Have Achieved Everything in Life

    I Have Achieved Everything in Life

    Now I’m at this point in life where you successfully achieved everything you could have achieved. This is the ultimate alpha state, where you pretty much successfully finished all there was to do in life. I made it, everything accomplished. This is the absolute top of the top, I checked every single box in the…

  • Automated Job Match Making Based on Chats with Girls on the Smartphone

    Automated Job Match Making Based on Chats with Girls on the Smartphone

    Oh, this is interesting, I just noticed it now. Before, I never realized it, but the way you use your phone has direct impact on the jobs you can get or even the SEO in Google of your websites. The surveillance system has a much deeper impact than just being for social match making, it…

  • Online Marketing and Ethical Implications Regarding Social Match Making

    Online Marketing and Ethical Implications Regarding Social Match Making

    The world of online marketing gets political very fast, but of course the groups involved making decisions, giving their opinions and trying to control and set people into the path that these groups want are quite a few. Not sure if you can divide these groups just by countries, but I will go by this…

  • Brainwashing from Multiple Groups

    Brainwashing from Multiple Groups

    Slowly figuring out here what’s going on. So there is brainwashing coming from multiple different groups, and they all try to brainwash for their own agenda of course. Almost like some political game here. Some of these groups are in conflict, that’s how I get conflicting brainwashing, where one group says don’t do this, but…

  • Thai Gossip Confusion Bombs

    Thai Gossip Confusion Bombs

    This is a mind breaker, it is so crazy confusing, it drives me crazy. The indirectness of the Thai gossip is just crazy in Bangkok, in Pattaya it’s not like this. In Bangkok, you get all this indirect information, and it almost seems like as if it is some kind of attempt to tell you…

  • Dramatic Effectiveness Increase of My Dating Apps

    Dramatic Effectiveness Increase of My Dating Apps

    The effectiveness of my dating apps is dramatically increasing, because I changed my pictures and also removed all girls from my Instagram. This is a direct counterargument against the everything is connected theory. That means everything is not connected, and the people are still all separate individuals that all have their own personal taste. Changing…

  • New Product Idea: Gossip Decryption Key

    New Product Idea: Gossip Decryption Key

    Now after I got the Pattaya street gossip and I got fully aware again of the technical mechanics behind it with the surveillance system, and their zero proof setup, I slightly notice the gossip in Bangkok again. In Bangkok, it’s encrypted gossip. In Bangkok, I don’t get it what the gossip is about. It’s like…

  • Zero Proof Gossip System

    Zero Proof Gossip System

    Of course, it couldn’t be better, but to make all these confusion attacks based on a zero proof system. This is just fantastic. No one knows anything, of course. Never happened. You grow up, and you think about things like justice and bla bla all this nonsense. God is doing things based on zero proof.…

  • Opponent Story Checker Device

    Opponent Story Checker Device

    New product idea again. In Pattaya I already tried to turn everything I saw and experienced into new product ideas. Now in Bangkok, I’m experiencing some kind of second edition of the Pattaya entrepreneur bootcamp. Now I got a few new product ideas already. For example the positive gossip quick charge, which I didn’t figure…

  • Picking Up Girls During the Day VS Night

    Picking Up Girls During the Day VS Night

    Just figured it out again, so writing it down while I got it fresh. This is without surveillance boost. I only talk bad about the surveillance system, but this is of course only when it has negative impact on your life. The surveillance system can have positive or negative impact on your life, up to…

  • Thai Gossip Cleaner

    Thai Gossip Cleaner

    This is a new product. This is like the entrepreneur bootcamp in Pattaya, but something a different category of it. It’s based on the same technical setup, the military surveillance system that the Thai people have and this voice to skull communication brainwashing technology, that they also use for the street gossip in Pattaya. In…

  • The Thai Face

    The Thai Face

    I just read about this with ChatGPT, and I was thinking, that maybe not just Thai girls but also farangs dating Thai girls have a “face” as well. The “face” is like the reputation you have among the people, and I think it’s usually important, because this gets you all the hot chicks very easy.…

  • The Moral Police

    The Moral Police

    There is some moral police entity. It might be just the fact, that girls talk too much. You can maybe also call them the surveillance crew. Doesn’t matter how you want to call them, but it shows a few different characteristics of immature girls. It’s like a group of people watching every step you do.…

  • Pattaya High Season is Amazing

    Pattaya High Season is Amazing

    Now all the shit they gave me before is making sense. Before it was low season, and then they all have no money and then the girls are just angry. But now is high season and now all the girls have money, so they are much nicer and way more relaxed. Now all the girls…

  • Chang Beer and Free Girls Correlation

    Chang Beer and Free Girls Correlation

    I figured out a magic trick. Also, I got a graph. The correlation is between how many Chang Beers you drink during the night and then the quality of the free girls you get the same night. This only works with Chang Beer. So you have to avoid to drink San Miguel or any other…

  • Indirect Communication — Pattaya Street Gossip

    Indirect Communication — Pattaya Street Gossip

    Not sure if this shit is just female indirect communication, but yes it can be. I just noticed the first time ever when I was in Jomtien Beach. I was chilling with two girls there, then they played the music in the background like as if they indirectly wanted to tell me what the girl…

  • Visual Reputation Fix

    Visual Reputation Fix

    Now I saw how it was without taking care of my appearance at all, now I can pimp my outfit and then compare the difference directly. Now I can test exactly the impact of the clothes, but I also know that fucking the girls properly gives a huge boost as well. That means I have…

  • Old Memory: Reputation Boost Streak

    Old Memory: Reputation Boost Streak

    Now I get back old memories. I remember when I fuck a girl nicely then the reputation increases, and then I have to catch the reputation boost streak. And then riding the streak and staying on it as long as possible. Got a very nice girl now for free and fucked her very nicely also,…

  • Automatic Instagram Follower List Cleaning Process

    Automatic Instagram Follower List Cleaning Process

    I noticed there is an automatic Instagram follower cleaning process happening, and it works like this: You are automatically getting always approached by first the ugliest girls or Lady boys or guys even. Then you have to block and delete all of these contacts. That cleans your follower list and then when you have the…

  • Warning: Be Careful about the Things you write in Chat

    Warning: Be Careful about the Things you write in Chat

    This is an absurd topic, and I can’t actually believe that this is a real thing. But nowadays, October 2024, you have to be extra careful about the things you write in a chat with your girlfriend, especially when you are high. There is like some group of people, almost a sect working in the…

  • The Quantum Space

    The Quantum Space

    I have to add one more space to the space hierarchy, which is the quantum space. The reason for this is the space energy transformation loop, which creates the quantum pain and the fire circuit/ wormhole emotion. Doing the smartphone chats in the toilet with the girlfriend in the other room to introduce an ego…

  • Ego Realization

    Ego Realization

    The ego is trying to realize it’s state, and it’s doing this forcefully. Like reality has to match with the internal ego perspective and the ego is trying everything to realize its internal perspective of the world into actual real world with full force. There is some internal ego state, and it has to be…

  • Global Conscious Vegetative Mode

    Global Conscious Vegetative Mode

    If you think about the world reaching the best situation, then this would mean a conscious vegetative state pretty much. A conscious vegetative mode means that you fucked up your brain so extremely advanced, that you are sort of broken or sort of dead but actually still completely there, everywhere. Actually something very magical happens…

  • 1000x Quantum Pain

    1000x Quantum Pain

    When your girlfriend is cheating, you can turn that pain into horniness through a smartphone chat in the same room. That will give very strong horniness with which you can get even more pain, but this is not normal pain then anymore. The pain comes from the physical space and then gets transformed into horniness…

  • 100% Happiness and Unconditional Love With the Girlfriend

    100% Happiness and Unconditional Love With the Girlfriend

    Holy shit. I have to figure out how I can add all this in my existing theory, this is some complex shit. Now I fuck my girlfriend for 2 minutes, and it’s earth-shattering, feel like a newborn person, holy shit. This was fucking needed. This was like killing all the quantum paranoia and bringing everything…

  • Infinite Cold Quantum Computing using Wormhole Technology

    Infinite Cold Quantum Computing using Wormhole Technology

    Wormhole technology is legit. If they built everything based on real emotions, then the wormhole technology is where it’s at. First, you got all your basic simple emotional system. The emotional system of the human has a few contradictions. You can use these contradictions to either create gay people, or turn people into lady boys…

  • How to Listen to the External Brainwash Radio

    How to Listen to the External Brainwash Radio

    If you get the black hole emotion and crush your conscious, you can then replace your conscious with the external brainwash radio and build an external brainwash radio conscious. Instead of having a normal conscious, you just have an external conscious, but building this requires some specific steps. Listen to the annoying and stupid ideas…

  • Fire Circuit / Wormhole Emotion

    Fire Circuit / Wormhole Emotion

    I discovered something much more significant than the black hole emotion and the big bang power up. I discovered it on the day I wrote this blogpost and now after having looked at it for a few days I realized, this is a highly significant emotion It disables all other emotions there are, it’s like…

  • Using the Brainwashing as a Brain Radio

    Using the Brainwashing as a Brain Radio

    They are sending voice to skull communication microwaves into your brain, and then you think these are your thoughts, but they are actually not. After you got the black hole emotion, the big bang upgrade and in the very end the wormhole emotion as well, your brain gets so enhanced, that you then also can…

  • Thanks so much for the cute brainwashing present

    Thanks so much for the cute brainwashing present

    Very nice brainwashing present, thanks everyone. It’s not built correctly, unfortunately 😂😂😂. It’s not getting to the little green men. Here, the little guy between the mind and the emotions, which is like the autopilot. First draft. Thanks for the brainwashing device, it was a nice try everyone, thanks. The technology is not correct, it…

  • Got Amazing Behavior Education Yesterday, learned a lot

    Got Amazing Behavior Education Yesterday, learned a lot

    Yesterday was an amazing day. I learned how to behave in so many good ways. I learned two very important things. First, you don’t post rape stories, including private videos in your room with the girl, raping the girl, on a public website. You can’t do this. And you also don’t call it rape. Lesson…

  • Closed Space Energy Transformation Loop

    Closed Space Energy Transformation Loop

    This is the restricted access information. Because I got aware of that people copy me and if they copy this exactly, well, then they are fucked. First your girl cheats on you, which is painful, then what do you do with this pain? You just do smartphone chat, which gives a little kick, and it…

  • Conscious Removal Weapon System

    Conscious Removal Weapon System

    You can build a conscious removal weapon system relatively easy, and it is more effective than the nuclear and the hydrogen bomb. Everyone in the town will drop dead on the spot, and there is nothing happening in the visual field. No one would even be able to tell where the weapon is or why…

  • Got Overpowered World Domination Device Instructions sent from the Gods

    Got Overpowered World Domination Device Instructions sent from the Gods

    The Gods are pissed. Give the kid what the kid wants. They sent me these overpowered world domination device instructions. Holy motherfucker. It works by using a closed circuit brain kick addiction loop. It turns people into rats. Absolutely overpowered. The energy flow is from the physical space down to the space of the lowest…

  • Space Energy Transformation

    Space Energy Transformation

    This one is significant. Energy that is created in the physical space is released in the space with the lowest resistance by default. This one is highly significant and might explain the reason for me the chat on the smartphone is a mandatory way to introduce an ego negative event, because this is where the…

  • Moral Guessing: How to make Money in the outdated old school Terminator Universe

    Moral Guessing: How to make Money in the outdated old school Terminator Universe

    After I tried to make the most amount of money possible with the understanding that I had about money, which failed and caused me to getting unplugged from the system, because it didn’t align with their morals, I then had to realize, that the core foundation of how to make money and the amount you can…

  • Activating the God Mode

    Activating the God Mode

    I realized the concepts I was explaining before are way too advanced for any normal person. But there are also very simple ways of explaining simplified versions of these concepts, where the person then doesn’t have the full understanding, while still getting the full effect from it. Describing the “self” control with a God mode…

  • Traditional vs Next Generation Terminator

    Traditional vs Next Generation Terminator

    This could actually explain a lot about the influx of monkey beta testers into my Universe. It might be that there is an old school very traditional non-tech terminator version and then now the new and advanced updated next generation terminator. The new updated next generation terminator includes perfect adaption of all newly generated spaces…

  • Self Conscious Deletion Program

    Self Conscious Deletion Program

    The self has an automated conscious deletion and rebuilding program integrated. The lucky beta monkey tester figured it out, but now when I think about it, it might be a feature. Because the self system is the survival of the fittest contest winner, it actually should be flawless and this shouldn’t be a bug but…

  • The Monkey Beta Tester Reward

    The Monkey Beta Tester Reward

    Congratulations. Took me how long, maybe even years to realize what the hell happened. But now I can slowly put all the puzzle pieces correctly together. So what happened is that a bunch of monkey beta testers came into my universe and messed things up a little, but this was not an issue for 32…

  • Beautiful Thailand Girls

    Beautiful Thailand Girls

    Time for some placebo ego building attempt. Maybe, if I just blast non-stop about all the chicks I fucked to the entire world, I can somehow influence my physical space ego wave function. Like some placebo type of thing. Because placebos do work. Placebos work amazing. I love placebos, they are always reliable and highly…

  • New Jesus Rules Updated 2024

    New Jesus Rules Updated 2024

    I got the new Jesus rules, fresh from the press. Here they are: 1. The human you cannot change, impossible and every attempt will always fail in the long term. 2. War is Love. 3. Love is War. 4. Only the physical space matters. 5. The visual field is irrelevant. 6. Always only use one…

  • Universe Theory or 1000% Selfish Mode

    Universe Theory or 1000% Selfish Mode

    I have to get back to 1000% selfish mode. Somehow it is connected with the universe theory. Now I did enough ego negative events to have a 30% — 70% black hole already, which slightly opens the secret knowledge backup location and this is enough and a good spot to have for building an upgrade.…

  • This Is What You Call Love?

    This Is What You Call Love?

    People have a funny definition of love nowadays. Love means free beta testing or what? You just step into someone’s Universe and just fuck everything up like a bunch of monkeys or what. And this is love? This is what you call love? Free beta testing? Oh, thank you for that. You have a funny…

  • Getting Out of a Black Hole Through a Selfish Isolated Universe

    Getting Out of a Black Hole Through a Selfish Isolated Universe

    I was in this situation before, or am I in the exact same situation the entire time? Multiple Gravitational Forces Highly complex topic, but I got it and understand it in full. You have multiple types of gravity, it’s the following: Gravitation through external Spectation Oh motherfuckers, this was a good one. Highly advanced manipulation…

  • Amazing Discovery: Shiny Virgins

    Amazing Discovery: Shiny Virgins

    This is amazing. You just need a few ego negative events and then the girls start shining. It’s like some crazy non-conscious perspective change. The perspective changes, but on a level that is not controlled by words. It’s like a perspective change on a different level, and this makes the girls start shining. Then you…

  • Real-time Military in Front of the Door Surveillance Reputation System

    Real-time Military in Front of the Door Surveillance Reputation System

    There is the real-time military reputation system running that takes data from in-room surveillance and somehow sends the people that you then meet when leaving the house according to your in-room surveillance data. This is especially noticeable when doing ego negative events. The reputation changes quickly and adapts according to the people that the person…

  • Enjoyable and Painful Negative Ego Events

    Enjoyable and Painful Negative Ego Events

    Negative ego events are difficult to explain, but they make you feel very different. The negative ego events come with a host of additional extra effects, so there is much more to them than to ego positive events. Ego positive events are easy to understand it’s just plus one, and it’s always proper, but negative…

  • Discovered the Hydrogen Bomb Yesterday

    Discovered the Hydrogen Bomb Yesterday

    My beautiful girlfriend came back to me after leaving me for 10 days. I put in some effort, but I only got one chick while she was gone 10 days. If you check the periodic table, then a single positive charge is hydrogen. When my girlfriend came back, a friend of her wrote me a…

  • High Dimensional Psycho Games

    High Dimensional Psycho Games

    Now I get it. Damn, took me some time to figure it out. There are some background players playing games with the people. They are using military tools to play games with the people, and they just come up with a bunch of funny ideas that they make up on their own on how to…

  • External Anger Release Manipulation

    External Anger Release Manipulation

    Oh, I’m lucky I caught this one. So much brainwashing, so fucking a lot of brainwashing, crazy. They tried to get me pissed to let out my hidden aggression. Motherfuckers, nice try. You of course have to keep all aggression always deep inside this is fuel for later. They of course always try to get…

  • Hitting the Nuclear Button Again and Again

    Hitting the Nuclear Button Again and Again

    I don’t know what’s wrong with the people. They somehow enjoy it to press the nuclear button a billion times, non-fucking stop. Why do people enjoy pressing the nuclear button a billion times? I don’t understand this. I mean, I sort of get it, I’m the modern Copernicus or what. I’m the one that is…

  • The Ego Base

    The Ego Base

    The ego base is like the core of someone’s personality. It doesn’t consist of any incremental factor, 1000 girls are not giving a stronger ego base than just a bunch would do, the ego base is the multiplication out of all the ego wave functions of the different space. Pretty much, all these wave functions…

  • How I Got Scammed by Google Analytics

    How I Got Scammed by Google Analytics

    My entire life, I was doing what I called back then “subconscious” control. I changed the terminology after I got the big bang event, because that’s when I realized that people refer to something else when talking about the subconscious. What I was actually doing my entire life is “self” controlled. The self is between…

  • Suspicious Call of Duty Bots

    Suspicious Call of Duty Bots

    There is something suspicious about the call of duty bots, I’m not sure if these really are bots or if it’s actually real players. Maybe they have some special internet connection that goes over the electric cable, and it’s actually not bots but some Activision game testers. It’s not really random, it’s almost like as…

  • Everything Is Connected Theory

    Everything Is Connected Theory

    There is this theory that everything is connected, which is built upon a few different phenomena, some of them being automated man-made systems and others a bit more complicated to understand and are not man-made. The global emotional wave There is the global emotional wave, which is a kind of emotional communication that is connecting…

  • Two Types of Black Holes and Two Types of Big Bangs

    Two Types of Black Holes and Two Types of Big Bangs

    There has to be two types of black hole emotions and two types of Big Bang power ups. By the way sorry for calling these events just emotions and a power up. I know the science community probably doesn’t like it, when I just call it flat out a “big bang power up” and some…

  • What Happens When You Break the High Dimensional Male Ego?

    What Happens When You Break the High Dimensional Male Ego?

    Oh, this is bad. Don’t do this. There are some high dimensional beings that don’t listen to words. They are not even in this world, they don’t even see this reality. For them, the entire world is nothing and can disappear in a second. You don’t want to mess with the high dimensional male egos.…

  • Beautiful World

    Beautiful World

    Now I get it. The world is so beautiful, everything is so amazing. What a beautiful planet, so much love, so much happiness, a beautiful world that you have created. It’s a paradise, everyone, a paradise. So much love and so much happiness everywhere. I’m so glad to be born and alive at this time,…

  • Global Self Discovery Program

    Global Self Discovery Program

    Another Theory instead of the global parental program is that they are trying to discover people’s self or peoples egos, and they want to figure out if there is more in the human than what they can see. And they pretty much already discovered their answer to this, and then they are just testing how…

  • Emotional Education

    Emotional Education

    They are trying to do emotional education, it’s like a form of emotional manipulation, almost like changing the people for marketing purposes. They try to change the people through emotional behavior training, but this is highly ineffective because the emotions don’t define a person. If you look at my ego blueprint again which you can…

  • Global Parental Education Program

    Global Parental Education Program

    I was wondering they actually have a lot of intrusive programs running, but for what actually? Why actually? Like what’s the purpose behind all these things like the automated profiling, the automated background story system with the weather control, the broken battery system, the reason behind me being the rainmaker and the list goes on.…

  • Global Self Control Wave

    Global Self Control Wave

    This is just a theory, but it is based on the free design principle. You can connect the emotional system of the people left and right, up and down, however you feel like and even breed that alien baby. With that being said, you should then be able to control all the people and get…

  • Global Emotional Wave

    Global Emotional Wave

    There is an emotional wave going through the whole world. There could be beings that are only running the logic program, these could be a bit directly unaffected by the global emotional wave, but it still can show in these indirectly. The beings that are running the emotional program in full are all connected through…

  • Society Status Report Number 2

    Society Status Report Number 2

    Slowly figuring it out how everything works, complicated setup. The first thing is that almost all the people with the power only have the visual evidence based ego calculation understanding, that’s the first issue. The people with the power lack the physical evidence based ego calculation with the lack of the visual so they general…

  • Nutritional Wave Function

    Nutritional Wave Function

    Oh, now I got the privilege to bash the core of all understanding and even destroy the nutritional pyramid or what. Of course the nutritional pyramid is nonsense, it is a nutritional wave function. Everybody it is a nutritional wave function not a nutritional pyramid. One day you eat a lot of ice cream that…

  • Ego Blueprint

    Ego Blueprint

    After you did rational ego slicing, and discovered the black hole emotion and received your big bang power up, you start to get this logical thinking program. It tries to put the full process of breaking your ego into some concept. You also get these nuclear weapon model instructions sent from the Gods. But I…

  • Broken Battery System

    Broken Battery System

    I realized the system is like a broken battery and it explodes all the time. The broken system is also the battery for day to day life, but it’s causing infinite pressure increase situations which is then destroying the function of it being a battery. It’s only a battery sometimes, at other times it’s an…

  • People Continue With the Automated Background Story System

    People Continue With the Automated Background Story System

    The system is really fucked, who put this funny system into place? I guess this system is supposed to be for keeping couples in check, or maybe it’s some kind of high level police reporting control, or the politicians put this in place. Could be that some politicians put this in place, together with the…

  • Automated Profiling Bugs

    Automated Profiling Bugs

    There is automated profiling going on with the people, and they are making big mistakes which are causing the people to get black hole and big bang moments and turn them into high-tech nuclear weapon scientists. This will be continued, but this is a big issue that they have running it causes people to kill…

  • Space Hierarchy

    Space Hierarchy

    There is a clear hierarchy of the different spaces, and the range of weapon system and energy releases in each of the spaces are represented differently. On ego negative events, the person’s perspective of reality drops down the space hierarchy. Away from the digital and the social space, to at one point the visual space,…

  • Ego Star Coordination System

    Ego Star Coordination System

    There is an ego star coordination system behind the ego wave function, that when another ego star got triggered, elevates the person’s overall personality to a higher developed level. An ego positive event not just raises the ego wave function out of the bottom back to the baseline, it also triggers an ego star to…

  • Whatever You Say When You are High Doesn’t Count for Real Life

    Whatever You Say When You are High Doesn’t Count for Real Life

    Whatever a person says when they are on drugs doesn’t count for real life and for when they are not on drugs. That’s obviously like this, and life only works if everyone is following this rule. This is an absolute standard law that has to be accepted by everyone in this world and taken as…

  • Infinite Problem State From the Inner Being

    Infinite Problem State From the Inner Being

    There is a state that can cause infinite problems from the inner beings, and I’m sure the current system is hitting that spot over and over again. The system is then questioning what they are doing wrong or if it’s the person, and probably they also try to just change the person using sheer brute…

  • Microwave Humans

    Microwave Humans

    The human being acts pretty much like a microwave, and this is probably what will unleash the infinite workforce. You probably just have to align all the people in a way that unleashes their microwave functions correctly, and then you get the infinite energy and infinite workforce, also infinite thinking capabilities upgrade. You will get…

  • Infinite Pressure Increase

    Infinite Pressure Increase

    You get to this infinite pressure increase after the multiplication of ego negative events. The pressure keeps on raising the days after the ego negative events infinitely. Its almost a linear increase of pressure, like this. But I will have to update the graph, the correlation is time and increase of pressure. The pressure increases…

  • The Physical Space has Infinite Energy

    The Physical Space has Infinite Energy

    After you had the black hole emotion with your girlfriend for a while and got the big bang power up, your new automated logical thinking program is on constant recording mode. It is trying to capture and gain active or passive control over every type of entity and also over every dimension and every space,…

  • I discovered Multiplication

    I discovered Multiplication

    I discovered Multiplication. And it is very strong. Multiplication can increase the intensity of an ego negative event very high. A usually not so effective ego negative event can become extraordinary effective through multiplication effects. Through multiplication effects, suddenly some ego negative events can drop the ego wave function to a far lower level than…

  • Ego Wave Function and Emotional Sequence

    Ego Wave Function and Emotional Sequence

    There are two main entities in the human that define the current mood and the resulting personality. Both these two entities have temporary states and are always changing. The emotional sequence is like a second program that is running next to the ego wave function. The ego wave function is more persistent and stays at…

  • I said it first

    I said it first

    Just for the record, I said it first. It’s the 7th October 2024 remember this date this is when I said it first because it will change 8 billion people. The current system is such a bad fail, omg I feel so ashamed of what they did. Omg they fucked up so many people, makes…

  • Tricking Your Self is the Standard Way

    Tricking Your Self is the Standard Way

    The human being is trying to trick itself by default, this is how the human being is designed and it is designed like this as some kind of war training. Everything the human is doing is aimed towards high tech nuclear war, every single move of the human. The entire purpose of the human being…

  • Sorry to Say, the Human Is Not a Human

    Sorry to Say, the Human Is Not a Human

    The human is not just some animal, the human is an extremely advanced high-tech nuclear war weapon system, that comes bundled with the most advanced war dedicated computational brain computer. When you get the big bang power up, you can see advanced 3D visual projections of advanced high-tech nuclear weapon systems behind the eye. The…

  • Kick Maximization

    Kick Maximization

    You have to be very careful with kick maximization, because people that are not fit for it kill themselves. This is like some type of placebo suicide game, where you try to maximize the way of fucking yourself up, but if you got lucky and got the crazy genetics, then you can fuck yourself up…

  • Kick Studies

    Kick Studies

    If you check some of the low quality porn they have these days, you will notice that the human has two types of horny emotions. One horny emotion is like the plus operator or the ego positive event, the other type of horny emotion is like the minus operator or the ego negative event. There…

  • The First Stone Theory

    The First Stone Theory

    The male ego can unleash an enormous amount of power, but it requires advanced skills to arrange people in the correct way that their ego power is maximized and put into something productive. There are a lot of elements to it, and requiring this knowledge also takes a tremendous effort. It is a very hard…

  • People Secretly Hiding

    People Secretly Hiding

    I noticed there is more going on than me just being the rain maker, there are also people secretly hiding behind the scenes or something. Its like as if they have microchips in their head and they can hear everything I say or something and then people on the street that walk by are all…

  • The Rainmaker

    The Rainmaker

    I realized I have full weather control since a long time already. I can make it rain and I can make it stop, pretty much with free will since years. I was thinking, this is a lot of power to have, why do I have this honor actually? Why am I in full control of…

  • Broken System

    Broken System

    The system is broken, but how is it broken? Thats a very difficult question. At first I thought people just wanted to turn me into a Pharaoh and I’m thankful for that. I experienced the most advanced mind enhancement you can imagine and it is pretty much just thanks to the system and the way…

  • What Is Real and What Is Not?

    What Is Real and What Is Not?

    The male ego is real and nothing else. How does the male ego work? It uses something what I I like to call with a wrong definition a decimal floating point system. This is the wrong word for it, but it sounds complicated enough to explain it. I will find a better word for it…

  • Society Bug Report 2024

    Society nowadays has a few obvious bugs, at first I thought it’s glitches, but my understanding is improving quickly, so now I identified them as straight up bugs. It’s just system bugs, nothing else. The people that build the system were not so smart unfortunately. It’s built by a bunch of monkeys unfortunately. Unfortunately quite…

  • How They Built the Pyramids Theory One

    How They Built the Pyramids Theory One

    That’s actually an interesting topic to build theories about, because there is of course zero evidence of all the important information. The human being has some kind of block with giving out the real important info, it just can’t really do it. All the information that is giving out went through a ton of automated…

  • Ego Wave Directions

    Ego Wave Directions

    I was having a chat with ChatGPT (unfortunately sharing the chat got disabled, hitting the forbidden topics here pretty quickly) about Egyptian animal transformation sex rituals, and this idea about animal sex rituals is interesting and totally makes sense. It would make the ego wave having more dimensions, in general there needs to be more…

  • Automated Background Story with Weather Control

    Automated Background Story with Weather Control

    This is the weirdest shit in existence. There is this super weird background story system running. It’s like as if there are some automated systems that have a few different features. Voice to Skull Communication First of all they are sending voice to skull communication into the brain and this is automated and what they…

  • Infinite Repetition

    Infinite Repetition

    You know, sometimes you ask yourself, when is this and that going to stop, and then sometimes you see some things that will just continue like this until infinity. Infinite Repetition How does this feel infinite repetition? This is the destiny of all humanity, put together in two simple words. The whole thing is just…

  • Free Design

    Free Design

    Let’s get to the fun stuff. Finally. Finally, we can decide the game. This is going to be fun times. I will select a few individuals, based on my personal secret requirements, that can join my little clan of the selected few. These selected few will receive an immense power of pretty much full world…

  • There Is No Actual Ego That You Could Break

    This is a hard-to-understand concept. You pretty much have to put all the rules nicely together, and then you can see that completely breaking an ego, doesn’t exist, but the process of breaking an ego exists. You can hair thin slice the male ego, but you can’t really break it in full so that it…

  • Money and the Ego

    Money and the Ego

    The ego can be highly sensitive towards money if the person is at the lower end of a tight budget. There is a range between which the ego reacts on money and at a certain point there is no additional ego state changes with a higher increase of money. The following graph shows the relationship…

  • Negative Time Comment

    Negative Time Comment

    Let’s look at this one here: Evidence of negative time. First of all, where is the Uranium? It says Uranium zero times in the article. Nothing, zero. What is this bullshit article? It also has to always talk about Uranium. You can do much more interesting stuff with Uranium that you cannot imagine. You only…

  • The Best Nuclear Weapon System — Expensive

    The Best Nuclear Weapon System — Expensive

    Guys. There is no way out anymore. We will have to drop the nukes. But you don’t want to be using some gay Albert Einstein Atomic Bomb. You want to be using high-tech zero heat nuclear weapon systems. You want to be using my nuclear weapon systems. Forget about the atomic bomb, it’s gay. You…

  • Porn is Politics

    Porn is Politics

    Just realized that the different porn categories are reflecting political views. Seems like at it’s core, politics is just about porn categories. That must be the reason the quality of porn is so low. They are creating the porn categories in a specific way in the hope they can politically brainwash the people. Not sure…

  • The Bottom of the Ego Wave Function

    The Bottom of the Ego Wave Function

    The bottom of the ego wave function is a critical spot. A wide variety of occurrences can happen at the lower ego limit, for example: People usually call the very bottom of the ego wave function, a “car crash”-scenario or a mental car crash scenario. People are getting so scared of that situation that they…

  • All Pornography Is Low Quality

    All Pornography Is Low Quality

    People don’t know nowadays how to make proper porn, or what? They have these rules and things that you should not do, I mean come on, that’s the best of it. It’s like the best stuff is not really allowed to do, since when are there actual real taboos in porn, this is funny. The…

  • The Quantum Particle

    The Quantum Particle

    I just realized that the previous ego and self attributes could actually be describing a quantum particle. My self or ego has a lot of attributes, they don’t really fit into just some atom models. Especially, the process of self correction is a highly abstract occurrence, where the ego wave function hits its bottom, which…

  • Better Than Life

    Better Than Life

    Should I write it, or should I just leave it? It’s not going to stop bothering me, so I just have to write it, and this can be instant life changing brainwash material. You read it once and your life is changed forever. In University, they teach you to look at everything with some skepticism,…

  • Two Perspectives of Power

    Two Perspectives of Power

    Slowly getting up to speed with the understanding that the people have. You can look at power dynamics from a gay Atlantis perspective, this shit here. And this shit here. Or you look at power from the quantum perspective, this shit here. The Quantum Perspective of Power From the quantum perspective of power, you always…

  • Glitches and Bugs of the System

    Glitches and Bugs of the System

    After having a blast with rock star parties for a while, I noticed glitches and bugs of the system. Glitches and bugs What they are trying to do is to get rid of ego negative events, because they don’t want the people to have enhanced brain capacities. Also, they don’t really understand ego negative events,…

  • Rockstar Party

    Rockstar Party

    Ego negative events. Why the fuck. Yeah, it has the minus operator feeling to it. I’m going to have to face a short period of time where people will be giving me shit for this, I already know it. They ask me why the hell am I doing this. You think I know that? Ego…

  • Double Black Hole Nuke System

    Double Black Hole Nuke System

    When two black holes are merging, the surrounding ego of one of the black holes will have it’s negative ego side entirely removed and only the positive ego side is left and maxed out. The two merging black holes are removing the negative side of the ego and only the positive side of the ego…

  • Zero Heat High Pressure Weapon Systems

    Zero Heat High Pressure Weapon Systems

    In the following, I am presenting three different zero heat, high pressure weapon systems without propulsion system. The objects that are getting launched can be ice-cold and undetectable by heat seeking defense rocket systems. Scissor launcher weapon system The first weapon model is the scissor launcher weapon system. It works like scissors that are pulled…

  • Gravitational Weapon Systems

    Gravitational Weapon Systems

    I’m having dreams about advanced gravitational weapon systems, and they feel like as if I am the atom inside the dream during the launch of the weapons. The interesting aspect about gravitational weapon systems is the lack of the propulsion systems. Gravitational weapons have to come without a propulsion system, because they will get destroyed…

  • How to read the Bible

    How to read the Bible

    After I discovered the black hole emotion, which is literally the real love of the physical space that confuses the guy and then leads to the big bang power up, I began to question everything that has me been taught. Now I have a complete new perspective when looking at things, and one topic about…

  • The Quantum Black Hole

    The Quantum Black Hole

    You have two types of black holes; you have the visual black hole, which is not that visual, but it acts like this. Or like this. And it has the gravitational increase curve to it, which looks like this. Oh, the gravitational increase curve, I’m still waiting on a batch of chicks sucking my dick…

  • Ego Science

    Ego Science

    Let’s talk more about my ego. Raw science. Two types of egos I have like two types of egos. One is like the square egos, which are infinite, and the other is the physical ego, which is like deep inside and what the automated ego calculation system of the self reacts on. With infinite square…

  • The Quantum Perspective

    The Quantum Perspective

    You have to look at everything from two different perspectives. One is from the normal perspective and the other is the quantum or placebo perspective. You can put the quantum and the placebo perspective in the same category. The quantum perspective can have infinite ways of how it actually looks like. So you can add…

  • The Human and the Periodic Table

    The Human and the Periodic Table

    The egos of humans behave in a way that you can see a pattern for the periodic table in their behavior and what their instincts are pushing them to do, sort of. It is much more than the periodic table, it is also how the star systems work and also how physics and mathematics works.…

  • They Lied to Us

    They Lied to Us

    Fucking assholes. You look at all the science, and you look at shit like this from thousands of years ago, like this. Or this. And you ask yourself how did they do it. The truth is the human egos are behaving in a way that they are representing all the star systems, how elements behave…

  • Morning Show Off

    Morning Show Off

    Guys. You want my fucking ego, I know it. These are complex weapon instructions. The complexity of my ego, guys, you want my fucking ego. You know, my ego, behaves like some science thing. Like some nature science stuff. Advanced weapon systems, I’m telling you. People say is not fair. Their ego doesn’t have that…

  • Basics of Physics

    Basics of Physics

    You have to activate the enhanced thinking skills in your brain, and then you get everything superfast. There are two worlds, it’s two. Who came up with the idea that it is just one? You know how your smartphone is working? Exactly, there are two worlds, it’s two guys. Now you look at this room…

  • Time Travel Science

    Time Travel Science

    Albert Einstein was a funny dude, he got like what, one chick? I wouldn’t really trust his time travel science so much, it is probably flawed. Probably the whole physics world has no idea how it works. First of all you don’t need a lot of energy to curve the time, you just have to…

  • Infinite Energy

    Infinite Energy

    I realized the concepts of high-tech nuclear weapons are not complex enough to fit all my models together. My concepts are way more advanced than my high-tech nuclear weapon model, which is already more advanced than any weapon we currently have. The concepts I have are best to describe as engine models. Quantum engine models,…

  • How Does My Ego Work?

    How Does My Ego Work?

    Oh, this is the right question. Good question! There are a lot of different mechanisms going on. First, you got real gravity, and placebo gravity. The placebo gravity you need for the nuclear death ray weapon. It has an atomic bomb mode. And there is also a high stealth high pressure no propulsion system nuclear…

  • Time to Show Off, What You Got?

    Time to Show Off, What You Got?

    My ego are instruction plans for a high-tech nuclear death ray weapon, for which they don’t even have the technology yet. After I got the big bang power up, because of the black hole I discovered, using rational ego slices, that revealed a gravitational increase curve, partly of future mathematics ego slices, I realized my…

  • Square versus Circle

    Square versus Circle

    That’s the battle of the universes. The square against the circle. On one side you have the square. On the other side you have the circle. That’s the fight of the two worlds, the fight of the square winning over the circle. The square is using some placebo tactics only. The square only knows placebo…

  • Is All Science Bullshit?

    Is All Science Bullshit?

    Yes, of course. You can get the same if you just follow your instincts your whole life and never turn on your brain once. It is a bit of a challenge to keep the brain off your entire life, there are many situations where they try to force you to turn on your brain. You…

  • Burning Men Nuclear Weapon Model

    Burning Men Nuclear Weapon Model

    This is a special high-tech nuclear weapon that is unknown in the current population. I discovered it myself just like that, automatically. The big bang power up gives plenty of models, but the core purpose of it is to create a nuclear weapon to do revenge to the cheating of the girlfriend. It is best…

  • Future Mathematics Ego Slices

    Future Mathematics Ego Slices

    The automated highly complex ego calculation system of the inner being inside of us all can do unimaginable complex calculations. It is a completely overpowered ego calculator that has the understanding of everything into the unimaginable. All of this is just for being able to calculate the male ego when the girlfriend is cheating and…

  • Self Attributes – In Progress

    Self Attributes – In Progress

    The term ego is not really that good, because it is actually more like an ego wave function with a positive and a negative side. Usually people define ego as a unique not changeable thing, that you could break, but it’s not really like that. I will change the terminology to just use the self…

  • Quantum Ego

    Quantum Ego

    You can reach a state that is the best described as a quantum ego. It happens during rational ego slicing, using many ways and tiny increments with each slice. At first the gravity is unnoticeable and with every ego slice the gravity slightly increases, little by little, nearly unnoticeable until the gravity gets very strong…

  • The mind and self reflection

    The mind and self reflection

    There is a process called reflection that your mind can do. When you do reflection you are writing information that is on your self into your mind. Your self is like the entity that is giving you the instincts, you can also call it your inner being, these are all the same words describing the…

  • External Emotional Manipulation Tactics

    External Emotional Manipulation Tactics

    You have to be careful about external emotional manipulation tactics. They are doing this to control what people buy and what to think. They tell the people to follow their emotions, and then they are controlling their emotions over various tactics. It’s like an indirect manipulation trick. They tell the people follow your emotions, and…

  • Subconscious Manipulation Tactics

    Subconscious Manipulation Tactics

    You have to be careful they have been doing these on me many times already, and they also worked for a limited time period. Once you get aware of the tactics they are using on you, you understand how it works, and then you can do counter subconscious manipulation tactics, and then they get very…

  • We Missed the Point Again

    We Missed the Point Again

    Fucked it up again, fuck!!! There is an inner being inside of them behind the emotions. And two different emotions can look the same from the outside. You have gravity and placebo gravity. You can’t tell the difference when looking at it, but you have to consider that it could be placebo gravity. Because if…

  • How to Get the World Formula to the Two World Problem

    How to Get the World Formula to the Two World Problem

    The solution to the two world problem, the world formula, is easy to get. All you got to do is the rational ego slicing, which will then slowly increase the gravity to your girlfriend slice by slice. This will reveal a gravitational increase curve and this will eventually lead at around 90% to 99% of…

  • Pharaoh FAQ

    Pharaoh FAQ

    I will write here a few short answers and questions for which it doesn’t make sense to make a full post. Why are the aliens not landing? Because there is no high-tech that touches the inner being deep inside. In the last round we got to the emotional level, good job, but the emotional level…

  • Turn Them All Into Pharaohs

    Turn Them All Into Pharaohs

    Turn them all into pharaohs. This is what they want. It exists, its possible, why not? Why hold this back from them? Give them all the big bang power up. But is not a big bang. Maybe it is a big bang if you do the gay Atlantis shit. With the gay Atlantis shit, it’s…

  • What Does the Inner Being Want?

    What Does the Inner Being Want?

    Oh, what a glorious day to be alive. We made it so far that we now can actually have someone writing it down on their shit fake placebo laptop what the inner beings actually want. This is a glorious day, unbelievable. In the bible, it says, don’t create yourself an image of God. They mean…

  • We Forgot the Inner Being Deep Inside

    We Forgot the Inner Being Deep Inside

    In the last round someone before me, I guess that person was optimizing everything in regards to gravity, but the person didn’t know about temporary placebo gravity. Temporary placebo gravity is almost like real gravity, but it is just a placebo, and it stops working and then real gravity hits and this is the only…

  • Atlantis is the gay dumb shit

    Atlantis is the gay dumb shit

    You see here on the airplane it says Atlantis omg. This is embarrassing. So fucking gay. Disgusting what they did there. Absolutely disgusting, Atlantis was for dumb people. Atlantis was for dumb gay people. And now they write this on an airplane? Omg this is nothing but uttermost disgusting. The pyramids were the smart shit.…

  • Placebo Gravity

    Placebo Gravity

    The most important and most interesting topic is always going to be nuclear weapons. That’s just the best way to describe all these complex models. Nuclear weapons are just complex enough to fit all these complicated concepts into it. Uranium has all the mystical attributes, on which you can apply and explain the complex ideas.…

  • New Origin Story

    New Origin Story

    The last time, people were giving out half final science with a lot of unanswered questions. You could ask yourself, why do they even give out science if they don’t have the answers to all questions? Now is going to be the time with complete science and answers to every single question with perfect detail…

  • More Nuclear Weapons

    More Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear weapons are just the best example to explain a ton of concepts at once. It’s just some funny marketing gimmick. The Wave that adds Gravity Did you figure this out by now? This is the important one, it is very specific, highly detailed, and it is creating a lack and this lack is compensated…

  • How to Get the Big Bang Power Up?

    How to Get the Big Bang Power Up?

    The big bang power up is a secret brain enhancement giving out by nature for free just like that, and it makes you a 1000 times smarter than before permanently, no fucking joke. This is what Jesus got, all the Egyptian Gods and also in Atlantis they built the city especially just for this big…

  • Time for History

    Time for History

    There is an unmeasurable quantum engine running and it is powering the entire reality. I have the exact instructions of this engine, into the last detail. It works because of the double slit experiment phenomena. When you don’t watch you have a wave, and if you watch you just have two dots. This reality works…

  • The Mystical Pushing Force of Uranium

    The Mystical Pushing Force of Uranium

    It’s better I first use the Uranium example to connect all the models together. When you are charging the Uranium, or let’s say have the time hold back of the Uranium, a pushing force is building up. If you wouldn’t hold the time back of the Uranium, the pushing force would push out the particles,…

  • Nuclear Weapon Model – Advertisement

    Nuclear Weapon Model – Advertisement

    This is just a trailer. Just marketing. This is not really serious, it is just advertisement. Enjoy the show. First I wasn’t sure if the big bang power up is really useful or not, but it wouldn’t be still there, if it wouldn’t be extremely useful. The main purpose of it, or where it sort…

  • Rational Ego Slices

    Rational Ego Slices

    Rational ego slices are what reveals and opens a black hole. The public knowledge is not that updated in regard to how the ego slicing, the black hole feeling and the big bang power up exactly works. It currently takes a person’s entire lives energy to actually make it to the black hole feeling and…

  • Ego Calculation Science

    Ego Calculation Science

    I am inventing a new science, because my science is the best, so it needs its own name. People can keep calling their shit science however they want to. I call my own science ego calculation science, and it is its own field, and it is not to be confused with other shit science, because…

  • Ego Gravitational Increase Curve

    Ego Gravitational Increase Curve

    There is a very clear and very obvious gravitational increase curve, that reveals itself, when doing rational ego slices. For every slice, there is a slight increase in gravitational pull from the ego to it’s black hole center. Every slice just adds a tiny bit of gravity, just a little bit more. When the slicing…

  • The Black Hole Feeling

    The Black Hole Feeling

    Explaining the black hole feeling is very difficult also how it happens is hard to really understand. It is a feeling that is getting triggered in the physical space, through physical evidence, when the visual evidence is lacking. It might be that the feeling only appears because of the lack of the visual evidence, when…

  • The Big Bang Power Up

    The Big Bang Power Up

    The big bang power up gives a human the following additional thinking capabilities, which are especially strong right after the big bang event: The big bang power up is an event, in which the human can unlock a bundle of unprocessed memories in his head by trying to understand the black hole feeling with his…

  • Nuke That Shit?

    Nuke That Shit?

    Apart from my new amazing idea to send gravitational waves on uranium, the question is, nuke the place? With a single ego negative event, you can take someone out of their social and digital ego calculation reality and show them where the physical space is. The physical space is the only reality, we built ourselves…

  • Gravitational Wave Machine

    Gravitational Wave Machine

    You can hit the ego with negative or positive events, either on the negative or positive side of it. When you hit the negative side of the ego with a negative ego event, a pendulum effect is taking place. An opposite quantum entangled action with the same intensity as the negative ego event is taking…

  • What is Love?

    What is Love?

    There are two realities. There is the physical space reality and there is the reality in which all the people usually live in, which you can call the social and digital space reality. There are also two different types of love. There is a love definition and practice in the social and digital space reality,…

  • Space Helmet Reality

    Space Helmet Reality

    We are living in a space helmet reality and once you would hear a bomb in close distance you remember again where reality is. The reality after you hear a bomb is the only real reality, because this is the world in which your self is doing the ego calculations, nothing else matters. Ego calculations…

  • Molecule Time Reversal Chamber

    Molecule Time Reversal Chamber

    The ego attributes I am working on are probably the water molecule. All ego positive events, which are just the girls that I can still remember, represent some other particle or a positive charge. There was a point where my ego turned into uranium and had maximum effect on all other particles I interacted with.…

  • Ego Attributes — In Progress

    Ego Attributes — In Progress

    This document is still a work in progress, it will get updated from time to time. Author can make mistakes. Check important info. Definitions Ego Operators Ego Definitions Ego Absolute Positive Event The ego positive event hits the ego positive side. Ego Absolute Negative Event The ego negative event hits the ego negative side. Ego…

  • Ego Calculations in the Digital and Social Space

    Ego Calculations in the Digital and Social Space

    Ego calculations in the digital and social space are using an incremental system, the self system on the other hand is using a wave function for the ego calculation. This creates a conflict between the ego calculation in the digital and social space and the physical space, in which the self is doing the ego…

  • This Is What Happened

    This Is What Happened

    At some point or maybe very long time ago we figured out that there is lots of science in the nature knowledge backup location, when you get the black hole feeling and trigger the big bang. Then we figured out that with pyramids we were able to optimize and get more out of the nature…

  • Two Sides of the Ego

    Two Sides of the Ego

    You can create ego positive and ego negative events. The ego positive events need just a few until they reach the peak of the ego function and from this point, no additional ego increase is happening. It needs ego negative events then to get the ego function down again to get it then up again…

  • Physical Space and Ego Calculations by the Self

    Physical Space and Ego Calculations by the Self

    Only the physical space matters for the ego calculations that are done by the self of a person. The visual evidence can be neglected, and I am guessing this is the reason the real estate apartments nowadays are built the way they are. Probably they did the Atlantis experiment as a small test, and then…

  • Entering the Ego Wave

    Entering the Ego Wave

    In the currently publicly used ego calculation system, they have it currently with the least developed system. Maybe this is on purpose, and they first use the system that is the least complex, and then they have a few further levels in the background, but not sure about that. It doesn’t really matter how the…

  • Self Ego Calculation System

    Self Ego Calculation System

    There are two different ego calculation systems running at the same time. One ego calculation system is run by a person’s self, the other ego calculation is run over the public, which includes a person’s mind. The ego calculation run by the self is the only one that really matters, this has the real impact…

  • Physical Evidence Based Ego Calculation

    Physical Evidence Based Ego Calculation

    The physical evidence based ego calculation is the number one secret that they don’t want you to know. This is what fixes everything. It literally is the only single time experience that the human has to make just one time in their lives and this will permanently stop all the crazy weirdness of the human…

  • Visual Evidence Based Ego Calculations

    Visual Evidence Based Ego Calculations

    Visual evidence based ego calculations are what today’s society public understanding is based on, and it turns out that this creates gay people. Visual evidence based ego calculations have the intention to be the straightest way to do ego calculations, without the use of physical evidence, which always involves a 4% gay activity, done with…

  • How Science Gets Created

    How Science Gets Created

    How science gets created is funny and beautiful. The human needs to have switched to indirectly showing their emotions at some point early in their lives. For me this was automatically like this already always. For me, it was the default to just only show emotions indirectly. Now what means showing emotions indirectly? This is…

  • Ego Wave Function

    Ego Wave Function

    The ego wave function is the most powerful personal development technique there is, and it’s also the most you can get out of reality. If you really want to experience reality, then you have to do the ego wave function. The ego wave function is the definition of reality. The ego wave function is reality.…

  • Indirect Activity Manipulation Tactics

    Indirect Activity Manipulation Tactics

    Oh, you have to be careful with these ones. I saw them a couple of times getting used on me already, and they caused serious damage. Lots of damage they gave me. I’m not sure how much damage it is, but they gave me a lot. You have to be careful, when you do an…

  • Positive Ego Calculation Events

    Positive Ego Calculation Events

    The male ego plays the key role in the personality of a guy. Usually, people try to only build the ego of a guy, but this has diminishing returns and even leads to complete boredom. Only doing plus, plus, plus is at one point getting stale, it loses its ego building effect and becomes standard…

  • Negative Ego Calculation Events

    Negative Ego Calculation Events

    You can get confused about the feelings of a human quite easily, because these are ancient feelings that were necessary for us to survive back in the days. That the feelings are pointing to what you would call today weird activities that make no sense anymore, has something to do with our very modern, unnatural…

  • Who is God?

    Who is God?

    You better believe in God, because you cannot deny him. It will always come out, because this is the program that was winning the survival of the fittest contest. God is inside all of us. Every human has a God inside of them, and this God has very clear and fucked up rules of what…

  • Where is Reality?

    Where is Reality?

    You see the people on the street and the goal is obviously to make them all happy. Now comes the question, can you even control their emotions enough to even have the ability to make them happy? The answer is you cannot. You can try every placebo there is, and build an entire placebo reality…

  • 96% Straight, 4% Gay

    96% Straight, 4% Gay

    The human being is not as gay as the current world view wants it to be. Reproduction is still the main goal of the whole thing, right? How could gay people make even any sense at all? Doesn’t really make so much sense that gay people even would have survived until today, right? It’s much…

  • Pyramids, Atlantis and Today in the Perspective of Ego Calculation

    Pyramids, Atlantis and Today in the Perspective of Ego Calculation

    It all boils down to the ego calculations that are done by every human themselves. The ego calculation defines the personality of someone, but how do they exactly work? Since the domain was free to purchase, I am guessing that not that many people know that much about ego calculations. Time for some history…

  • Nice Try

    Nice Try

    Nice try everyone, the brainwashing is pretty good nowadays, I have to say very good job, it was nice entertainment. I especially like the part where you copied my entire lives brainwashing tactics, the best of it, and gave it all back to me. This was an honor, that must have been so many people’s…