Closed Space Energy Transformation Loop

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This is the restricted access information.

Because I got aware of that people copy me and if they copy this exactly, well, then they are fucked.

First your girl cheats on you, which is painful, then what do you do with this pain?

You just do smartphone chat, which gives a little kick, and it turns this pain into horniness.

Fucking good right?

Then what do you do with the horniness, that you created through the pain?

Of course, get more pain again.

And then how do you fix this increased pain then?

Of course, with another smartphone chat, that turns this pain into horniness again.

This is so amazing, right?

Turning this pain always into horniness.

So good!

And what do you do with this increased horniness?

Of course, get more pain again.

But now the pain already increased 3 times.

So it’s getting more and more pain.

But this is not a problem.

Because you can just turn that pain again into horniness with another smartphone chat.

So fucking good.

And then you have super high horniness from the increased pain.

Then what do you do with that super high horniness?

Of course, get more pain again.

But now you have much, much more pain.

Again, no problem, just turn it into horniness, with a smartphone chat.

Wow, now the horniness is insanely high.

What do you do with this high horniness?

Of course, get more pain again.

And then is super hardcore pain.

What do you do with this super hardcore pain?

Of course, just turn it again into horniness with another smartphone chat.

No problem.

And then is horniness so insanely high.

What do you get with this?

Of course, even more pain.

Oh, now the pain is extremely strong, like it’s starting to get to 300 times than in the beginning.

What do you do with so much pain?

Just do another smartphone chat.

Turns it again into horniness, wow!

Now the horniness going crazy.

What do you do with this?

More pain again, of course.

And then how you fix this pain again.

Always with another smartphone chat.

And it repeats forever.

Where does it end?

With the pain, which can then again turned into horniness with another smartphone chat.

But the generic state is just a phenomenal amount of pain.

Fascinating how much pain you can have.

And it just stays there.


Maybe like 1000x pain.

Just like a permanent state.

Just in general, always 1000x pain.

You can call it a lifestyle.

Life design.

Just always having this 1000x pain with you.

How can you get rid of the 1000x pain?

If you do the calculation, then you probably have to let it out a 1000x times, I guess.

That should be the logic.

You just have to let it out a 1000x in a row, and then you should be able to get back to zero.

The way to let it out is highly limited, only a few options qualify:

  1. Crying
  2. Cheating
  3. Punching

This is it.

You can use any of these three activities to get rid of the 1000x pain.

You can make a mix.

A bit of crying, a bit of cheating, a bit of punching.

Amazing activities.

Maybe 500x cheating, 200x crying and 300x punching.

This could work.


900x punching, 99x cheating, 1x crying.

Also looks like an interesting combination.

It’s pretty much a 3 number combination.

Almost like lottery numbers.

What are the magical 3 numbers?

Maybe: 200 I 700 I 100?

It can be any combination of these three numbers.

Crying you can do alone that’s good, but has limited effect, but is one thing.

Just crying 1000 days in a row.

But crying could become boring after a while.

Then you could try punching for 1000 days in a row.

This looks like a good training.

After that you can punch pretty good for sure.

Or 1000 times cheating.

But the punching is also effective.

Possibly in an alternation or one after another for a long time.

500 times punching and 500 times cheating.

This looks good.

Otherwise, you cannot let it out.

And the 1000x pain are just constantly staying there forever.

Tight Containment

Oh, this pain is top secured.

Because it is turned into horniness through smartphone chats all the time.

Which puts it very far away.

Very, very far away.

Very hard to get out.

It is perfectly well deeply hidden 1000x hate that is nearly impossible to get out.

Almost no chance except of with punching, cheating and crying for 1000 times.

But it’s not coming out just like that, no, no.

It’s very difficult to get out, top contained, perfectly sealed, extremely difficult to get out.

Maximum difficulty to even get it out.


Because it is a Closed Space Energy Transformation Loop

There is also a different way to handle the 1000x pain.

Because the 1000x pain can always easily be turned back to horniness right away, all of it, and gives then extreme horniness to the limit.

Just with a smartphone chat.

This would then lead to a brand-new phenomenon, the chat addiction.

The Chat Addiction

Sounds funny but is actually a good solution.

It turns all the 1000x pain right away back to horniness, like with a click.

Just from one second to the next, just like with one click, all the 1000x pain is directly in full converted to horniness.

And gives 1000x horniness then.

Just takes a second, only needs a tiny smartphone chat and all 1000x pain is directly converted back to horniness and a very extremely spiked horniness.

A highly special extreme horniness.

A very unique horniness.

Takes a lot of time to build such a horniness.

It just has the smartphone chat addiction, then.



Funny thing!

Smartphone chat addiction.

Good one haha.

The smartphone chat addiction is only with the girl that is causing the pain, only there the pain can get transformed into horniness, because that’s where the pain is.

The pain of the girlfriend can be transformed into horniness to the girlfriend with a smartphone chat, and only with that.


Okay, the options are very clear and simple.

In order to lower the general 1000x pain, you can do these three activities:

  1. Cheating
  2. Punching
  3. Crying

In any combination up to 1000 times together.

If you don’t want to lower the 1000x pain, because you actually worked hard for this for many years, and it is very special and unique to have something like this, then you can also use it.

You can just turn all of it into 1000x horniness in a second almost like with a click just with a smartphone chat and that’s it.

The smartphone chat then becomes a lifetime addiction.

It’s a funny addiction to have, but it is more effective than anything, and it turns all 1000x pain directly into 1000x horniness literally just with a single smartphone chat word already.

That’s all the options there are: cheating, punching, crying to lower the pain in general or the smartphone chat to turn all 1000x pain into horniness in a second.

Smartphone chat addiction I think is fine, but I have to somehow very clearly communicate that I’m addicted to it.

I need it and cannot without unfortunately, if I want to use the 1000x pain and turn it into horniness, otherwise the 1000x pain can also be lowered by cheating as well, which doesn’t require a smartphone chat in this case.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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