There is a very clear and very obvious gravitational increase curve, that reveals itself, when doing rational ego slices.
For every slice, there is a slight increase in gravitational pull from the ego to it’s black hole center.
Every slice just adds a tiny bit of gravity, just a little bit more.
When the slicing continues, the gravitation gets slightly stronger every time, until the ego is trapped in the black hole and that’s when the ego loses all its time, that it had before.
The gravitation from the ego to it’s black hole center is at first very slowly increasing, extremely slowly.
The first couple of slices it is nearly unnoticeable that there is an increase in gravity, and then towards the end the gravity suddenly increases significantly in a very short time.
The gravitation increases, because for example, an ego positive event is not fully compensating an ego negative event, which creates a rational ego damage, but rational ego slices can be created in infinite ways.
This rational ego damage is first unnoticed by the person’s mind, he doesn’t know at first that there is a rational ego damage happening, because a young mind usually only thinks using absolute numbers and states.
When the ego slicing continues, the gravitation slowly increases to the point, where the guy is suddenly stuck with his girlfriend for unexplainable reasons.
If the guy then actively tries to understand, why he is stuck with his girlfriend, then he can realize, that there has been rational ego slices with slight increases of gravitational pull with every slice happening.
Getting Stuck in the Black Hole
Getting stuck in the black hole means, that the gravitation to the black hole unnoticeably increased so slowly, that it is at one point holding the ego tight to it’s black hole center for unexplainable reasons.
The gravity and pressure of the gravity is noticeable getting stronger until the gravity is so strong and the pressure is so high, at 99% right before exploding, that it will confuse the brain of the person in this situation.
The guy won’t notice what is going on for quite a long time, before he actively tries to understand, what is happening.
This requires that the person is using the self control mechanism of the human, which is then automatically driving his actions, which then results in a nearly unused mind.
In this state, the black hole will confuse the guy and will give him a mental car crash for some time, especially, because of the effect of the rational and abstract ego calculations.
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