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The automated highly complex ego calculation system of the inner being inside of us all can do unimaginable complex calculations.
It is a completely overpowered ego calculator that has the understanding of everything into the unimaginable.
All of this is just for being able to calculate the male ego when the girlfriend is cheating and if the ego of the guy got broken with fine rational slices, then it reveals everything about science.
It has many mathematical concepts, much more than absolute and rational numbers, it also has complex numbers and future mathematics as well.
Future Mathematics Ego Calculations
You have to slice the male ego in very specific ways, but the best is always to just do the full bulk approach of doing everything.
Just with some specific ways during the full bulk approach, it has a future mathematics calculation, which works like the following:
Ego Negative Upcoming Future Event = One Increment of Gravitational Increase
The future event is increasing the gravitational pull, because there is a lack of time that would be needed to compensate the cheating.
The cheating already happened, but during the cheating event, the time of one of the egos was paused, while the other ego side was active.
When the ego side, that was paused, is then active again, after the cheating event happened and when the cheating event happened, while the other ego side was active, then the cheating happened during a time while the ego was paused.
That means the ego is missing the timeline during which the cheating happened.
The cheating still happened on the timeline of the black hole center.
The timeline of the black hole center is therefore longer than the timeline of the ego that was paused during the cheating.
If this type of ego slicing is repeated over a lengthy time period, it creates a significant time lack and a shorter timeline of the ego compared to the timeline of the black hole center.
In order to match the timelines, the shorter one of the ego and the longer one of the black hole center, the timeline of the black hole center has to curve to match the same time level as the ego.
The curve of the timeline of the black hole is adding additional time to the black hole center.
The cheating took place on the timeline of the black hole center, but during this cheating, the timeline of the ego is missing.
That means there is additional time on the black hole center, which would translate to events happening in the future from the ego perspective with the time lack.
This can be described as future cheating or as cheating during a time pause.
The counter cheating action would be that the black hole center has its time paused, while the ego is then doing the revenge cheating, which would then result in matching timelines.
Pausing the time of the black hole center is not reliable though, it is not really a doable option, that means the future cheating could theoretically be countered, but in reality it is difficult to do, which is then increasing the gravity.
The time loss during the cheating event is a significant gravity increase factor.
You can therefore draw a new formula based on this.
Time Loss during Ego Negative Event = Gravity Increase
When there is a time loss during an ego negative event, the ego negative didn’t really take place yet, there is no matching timeline during the event of the cheating.
It is like cheating that didn’t happen yet on the timeline of the ego, it happened on the timeline of the black hole center, but there is no matching timeline on the ego during the cheating event.
It can be seen as upcoming cheating, which would need to be compensated in the same way, by having the time of the black hole center paused while the revenge cheating is happening.
This is not feasible, and that’s why the gravity increases.
The gravity is getting stronger the longer the time lack during ego negative events.
More ego negative events with missing time = Higher gravity increase
This is a special form of ego slicing which involves a time loss as the factor to reduce the impact of the cheating.
Because of the time loss, the impact of the cheating is reduced to a something what can be understood easier by calling it a rational ego slice, but it is in this case not a real rational ego slice, it is a time loss ego slice.
Time Loss Ego Slice
The impact of the cheating is reduced, and it doesn’t count as a full cheating hit, because the ego is missing the time during the cheating event, it is almost like it didn’t happen yet.
It happened on the timeline of the black hole center, but the ego doesn’t have this timeline, that means it is like upcoming cheating, which reduces the impact of the cheating.
The cheating doesn’t count as full cheating because the ego has a time loss during that event, it is also not a rational ego slice, it is a time loss ego slice.
An ego slice happening during a time loss, a time loss ego slice, and this one is increasing the gravity slightly, by a tiny increment, because it falls under the category of a rational ego slice.
The time loss ego slice falls under the category of a rational ego slice, because it slightly increases the gravity in the same way a rational ego slice would do it.
Ego Timeline and Black Hole Timeline compared
You can see on the following graphic the comparison between the two timelines.
You see the timeline of the black hole is longer than the timeline of the ego.
What happens then for the understanding is that the time blocks of the ego have to be pulled together, like on the following picture.
But now you can see the timelines have to match to be on the same timeline in the end, this is now creating a curve of the timeline of the black hole, which you can see on the following picture.
You can see the timeline of the black hole got curved, and additional time got added to the timeline of the black hole, additional time that the ego timeline is missing.
This lack of time is creating gravity, and it pulls in the ego to the black hole center.
In the following picture you can see that the lack of time of the ego is increasing the gravity to the black hole center.
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