If you think about the world reaching the best situation, then this would mean a conscious vegetative state pretty much.
A conscious vegetative mode means that you fucked up your brain so extremely advanced, that you are sort of broken or sort of dead but actually still completely there, everywhere.
Actually something very magical happens when you do the thing where you let the girlfriend cheat, and then you turn this pain into horniness over a smartphone chat and go for another round, and you do this 1000 times.
Then something funny happens, your conscious expands over multiple dimensions all it once and the main conscious entity doesn’t exist anymore.
Instead of having a single conscious entity that is trying to become everywhere of everything else and trying to control everything else, your conscious expands over all dimensions and entities.
The main controlling entity disappears, and all entities are interacting with each other at the same time.
The controlling entity is then all of them at once.
The conscious is not the main controlling anymore, but all entities have equal rights pretty much you can say, and all entities are used to the maximum in full at the same time.
There is no real entity anymore that a person could hold itself to, the persons disappears among all spaces at once.
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