Another Theory instead of the global parental program is that they are trying to discover people’s self or peoples egos, and they want to figure out if there is more in the human than what they can see.
And they pretty much already discovered their answer to this, and then they are just testing how it exactly works and how to deal with this because how they built the pyramids they still don’t know.
What they do is they are trying emotional education, but this is not self education, self education they don’t do, they just try to deny people’s self, that’s their way of dealing with the issue currently.
But what they end up doing now is doing a self discovery program, almost by accident, at least that’s how it is set up.
The way it is set up is that they are doing self discovery for the people.
They try to figure out how the self exactly works, and they are doing this through first of all emotional education and also logical education.
Both is ineffective for dealing with a persons self.
This is how the self then comes out, and then they realize oh there is more to it than emotions and the logic, there is also the little green men in between.
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