My entire life, I was doing what I called back then “subconscious” control.
I changed the terminology after I got the big bang event, because that’s when I realized that people refer to something else when talking about the subconscious.
What I was actually doing my entire life is “self” controlled.
The self is between the emotions and the mind.
You can imagine you have your conscious and also your feelings, but which entity is actually feeling your feelings and listens to your mind?
There has to be a third entity that is not your emotions and not your conscious, so this is the self, or the little green men.
And this is a highly advanced entity inside of you, it has attributes like the most advanced particle including all laws of traditional physics and quantum physics combined.
It partly works over emotions, but not directly, the emotions are getting filtered and individually approved by the self first before they are used for an action.
It is therefore resistant against external emotional manipulation, which is nowadays only used for marketing purposes anyway.
So it is a good thing to have all emotions getting filtered by the self first, just to get the advertisement out of them.
What happened now then is that near the end of 2023, the little kick you get by checking the Google Analytics caused my system to get addicted to checking the stats non-stop.
I was blasting around 46 websites Auto generated with ChatGPT and then just checking the Google Analytics non-stop waiting until I get rich pretty much.
I then got literally unplugged from the system, and they pretty much told me that you are not supposed to do it like this.
They pretty much made me aware of that I’m literally just sitting there and refreshing Google Analytics non-stop and this is not really some productive activity.
The fact that it needs a lot of creativity and a ton of skill to just blast out 46 websites Auto generated with ChatGPT didn’t matter to them.
They just don’t want people to just sit there and refresh Google Analytics all day and do nothing else besides that.
So that’s where the “self” control then in the end ran into.
Just refreshing Google Analytics all day non-stop for months waiting until I get rich, but yeah didn’t happen, they unplugged me from the system and told me what’s up.
They said this cannot do, this is not a productive activity just sitting there and refreshing Google Analytics all day, this you cannot do.
Got it, that’s why I talk about the chicks that I fuck now instead.
I totally got it, totally makes sense.
Just sitting there hitting the refresh button on Google Analytics all day for the little dopamine kick on every refresh is not possible, got it.
Talking about the chicks that I fuck, and their beautiful pussies is a much more productive and better activity, totally got it.
Lesson learned.
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