How They Built the Pyramids Theory One

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.

That’s actually an interesting topic to build theories about, because there is of course zero evidence of all the important information.

The human being has some kind of block with giving out the real important info, it just can’t really do it.

All the information that is giving out went through a ton of automated filters in the human brain, and then what you in the end get as the final records is pretty much just bullshit.

The human being just has to destroy all the important information, that’s just what they do, that’s how they work.

So you have to built theories on how they did it and that can actually get closer to the truth than by studying their thousand times filtered and altered recordings.

Building theories around it is actually the legit thing to do, let’s start with my first theory on how they made the people built shit like this.

Theory Number One: Hitting the Ego Wave Right, Left and Up

If you look at my ego wave concepts, the two-dimensional ego wave:

And also the directional paths of the ego wave.

Then you can see that you could build a pretty good pyramid when hitting the ego on the right side and combine it with a conditional ego hit on the left up, if they put another stone on the Pyramid.

Because if you look at pictures like this, you can see it takes a lot of will power to get this done.

You need to gather a ton of will power, you pretty much have to turn the human being into full dedication full power mode, get everything out of them you can.

Pretty much optimize their work force and the easiest way to do this is over their egos of course.

You can use their egos in a way to bundle an immense work force, you just have to align things correctly.

And then you can use their ego to get them to do maximum work force, until they can’t break apart pretty much.

Over their ego, you can bundle so much work force easily.

The male ego can be used as a way to get the human to do work to the extreme.

The way the male ego works follows very clear and strict rules, they are easily definable.

The male ego just works only in exactly this way, and it is not the plain incremental ego system that is currently the commonly used ego system.

The plain incremental ego system that the public is using has a fatigue error in there.

People get something you can even call an ego fatigue, because they are just hitting the +1, +1 constantly, and this is not how you get the most out of the male ego.

You get the most out of the male ego through the ego pendulum effect, I also called it the self personality wave ping pong effect.

I’m slowly building and putting all this concepts correctly together, so it’s all still a work in progress, but the puzzle pieces are slowly connecting.

It’s like i’m building puzzle pieces one at a step, step by step, and then I’m putting all the puzzle pieces that match together into one beautiful picture in the very end.

At the moment I’m still at the puzzle piece creating phase, so I’m building all the puzzle pieces there are, and I’m slowly already connecting a few matching pieces here and there.

The Ego Pendulum Effect Unleashes the most Work Force Possible

The ego pendulum effect is the most effective way of unleashing the maximum work force, and also the best way to maximize the brain capacities of a human.

The human will become the smartest and brightest with the highest work force possible, through the ego pendulum effect.

Now, how can you use the ego pendulum effect in such a way that you then end up with people building these Pyramids like complete maniacs?

You have to organize and structure the people correctly, using their egos with the ego pendulum effect so that it drives them to build these on autopilot pretty much.

With the ego pendulum effect you can build the biggest Pyramid the world has ever seen, the best of the best pyramids, you just have to know how to exactly get the ego pendulum effect right.

Instead of doing anything else what the public is currently doing, you would just delete and forget about all of it and then use the ego pendulum effect as the core motivation mechanism.

This would then turn into a high-tech people management, hyper advanced stuff.

It of course also would always require a leading pharaoh, that understands the concept based on experience.

This knowledge is something that is very hard to transmit over writings, it is almost only possible to really get it when the leader is doing Pharaoh type of shit and knows the male ego very good.

But then you can do it.

Then, when you know the male ego in perfect detail, you can drop the existing society management and put for example the ego pendulum effect as the core way of managing the people.

With the ego pendulum effect as the root of society, you can spike up the people through their egos in a way that they build a pyramid that goes to Mars.

That’s just a first theory guess, the theories are developing while I am writing about them, they are getting better and better the more I talk about it and this is now the first one here.

Also, you notice how the topic of the blog post changed during the act of writing about it.

This has to show something, there is some insight that can be gathered out of this phenomena, so I keep it now exactly the way it is.

Moving a single stone concept

It all boils down to just having a concept of how to move or put just one stone using the male’s ego in the most advanced way possible.

Moving one stone only through the use of the power you can unleash with the male ego.

Very simple concept.

As soon as you have the concept of how to just add one more stone, only through the use of the male ego and nothing else, then you got the plan for infinitely high pyramids.

You just have to get the concept for moving one stone only through the power of the male ego together, and with this you can then build the plan for the infinitely high pyramid.

I have some graphs and models in mind, I will update later with these.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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