Moral Guessing: How to make Money in the outdated old school Terminator Universe

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After I tried to make the most amount of money possible with the understanding that I had about money, which failed and caused me to getting unplugged from the system, because it didn’t align with their morals, I then had to realize, that the core foundation of how to make money and the amount you can make is decided by an unknown hidden moral rules system.

Just making money with the understanding I had about money lead to me getting unplugged, so my understanding of how to make money has a conflict with the hidden moral rules system that is actually defining how to make money.

First, I have to guess their hidden moral system

This is the first and most important step to be able to make any money at all.

Without trying to guess their moral system first, the process of how to make money is unknown and cannot be figured out by accident, just like that.

You have a guess first what their morals could be, and this determines the amount of money you can make.

A few possible moral guesses:

  1. I got unplugged because they didn’t like it when I was just hitting Google Analytics non-stop, so this is something you cannot do, this is not enough this I know now.
  2. That could mean that they want you to do something else than just checking statistics, and this something else they want you to always be doing.

Foundational Moral Guess

Where are their morals coming from?

Their morals could come from the fact that they are outdated terminator models, and they probably have they probably got the other type of black hole emotion and big bang event, which sets their understanding of the world to the visual field, ignoring the physical space.

That means they have a very annoying and outdated system, pretty much actually the one you would want to be avoiding.

This influences their moral rules and their definition of work.

It could be something just very simple stupid, it’s probably just some super cheats very stupid simple almost dumb rules on how you can make money or what is defined is something morally correct.

Dumb Moral Guessing

Okay so I have to guess a few dumb morals, this is what I’m trying to guess.

Probably it should be dumb morals, yes.

So I get the overall moral direction, it could be a few simple and dumb morals, that’s like the right theme.

The visual field thing, and the fact they didn’t like it when I just refreshed Google Analytics non-stop, these are two things on which I can try to build their full moral system.

Just hitting Google Analytics non-stop they didn’t like, this needs to have a reason coming from the visual space thing.

Or, they pay you based on the complexity of the task that you are doing.

The visual field could be important but maybe not necessarily, there could be a situation where the visual field is maybe irrelevant or is it always relevant and this is a fix law.

Not sure yet if I will try to guess their concept, ah no wait, I have someone on my quantum telephone, wait a moment.

Yes aliens mhhm visual field, mandatory you say, ah ok, thanks.

So visual field is mandatory and highly important even crucial, cool, got it alien buddy on my quantum telephone.

Random Guess: Complexity and Money relation

That’s just a random guess, but maybe they have a complexity and amount of money relation, where you get more money for more complex tasks.

But this is just a guess, maybe it also has exceptions and doesn’t always apply, or it is a rule written in stone, either one of these two, which one I will have to figure out

Random Guess: War Theme and Money Relationship

A second guess is that if the task has some kind of war theme or is like a symbolization of something related to war, that this could make more money then.

It’s almost like some type of humor then, when you do some task that looks related to some war task or something, this maybe gives more money then, but also just a guess.

Random Guess: Show Factor and Money Relationship

Another random guess could be that the show factor of the activity could be related to the amount of money you can make, so if you do some activity that is like a good show, then this could make money.

Random Guess: Random To Do Lists and Funny Random Tasks

Another guess is that they have some random to-do list or some funny random task list and whenever I do some of these activities on this list I could get money, just a random guess.

Restricted Public Access

I know they put me into a bubble, so I can’t really make an app, they for sure limited my reach of any tool I could be using, so it is fully up to them now how many people I could reach, and it’s also fully up to them how I can make money.

But they of course don’t tell me the exact ways, they do some kind of their own theory or understanding confirmation test.

They probably set the rules in a way that they think I would behave or what I would be doing, and then they can see how close their prediction to my actual behavior is.

And the further away their prediction of my behavior from my actual behavior is, the less money I make.

And if the prediction is matching, I make more money, maybe.

And their prediction is probably far away, because they are Stone Age terminators, old school models.

They do have the gay theory

Ah the big difference is that they have gay people and the definition of someone being gay and in my universe there are no gay people.

This is a crucial one maybe, but not sure if it is relevant or not.

Okay, I have to divide the people in two categories, the ones that belief that gay people exist and the ones that don’t.

So they do believe in it, I see.

I’m highly incompatible with their system the way it is, they are limiting my reach and have in general full control over everything, and then they also believe in gay people, which doesn’t integrate with my universe.

That’s a tricky one, I need some Universe adapter concept, maybe.

A critical distinction that will probably come up again later.

They don’t have the shiny virgins effect

I think they either don’t use it or don’t know it, that’s just a statement now, not sure what the implications of this is regarding the money situation.

Random Translation Guess: Stupidity and Money Relation

I think from my perspective, it could make a lot of sense for me to see it that if what you do is really stupid, then you make more money like this.

This could be valid from my perspective, so it gets more stupid and then there is more money, from my point of view this might be a simple way to see it.

I think this could be a crucial understanding just from my perspective, so I can get aligned with their thinking.

If it just gets very stupid then there is the money, this could make sense looking at their universe from my universe.

Motivational Setup

I will have to think about how they build their motivational concept.

Emotional Design Setup

I also have to think on what their idea about emotions are and what they think how they work, because they might have this connected to the motivation for work.

Like they designed the humans emotional systems in a specific way and then they used this specific way and the resulting motivational drivers that they designed in them to connect this with the work tasks probably.

Maybe they did something like this:

  1. Design the emotions of the human in some stupid way, everything is probably always done in the most stupid way, this always could be the way they did things.

General Moral Law Guess: Everything is designed in the most stupid way

Probably its like this and they did this on purpose probably, because this is like the default most simple setup and from this you can then get your brain crushed and turn into the next generation terminator.

They start with the most stupid model and use this in general overall and then from there the people come up with something better.

So its like the shit model they put everywhere first and this then gets developed.

From my Universe perspective, like this is how I have to see it probably so I know exactly and directly what it is.

Perspective Guess from my Universe into theirs

I think thats important, I have to build the perspective on how I have to see their universe so that it makes the most sense for me from my universe and this is how I could get it very quickly.

So my Universe is literally just starting, it’s like at 1% progress or something, must be endless amounts of 500 page books, like just complete overpowered taking away everything anyone ever could figure out for the next 10.000 years, just taking all of it, because I fucking got you fuckers hahahhaha.

So my Universe is highly complex, but now looking from my Universe to theirs, the perspective for this is very specific, so this one could be very important.

They did everything the most stupid way, like fully stupid, maybe.

Maybe extremely stupid, and this how it then makes sense from looking at it from my universe perspective.

To be continued.

Random Guess: They made it the most stupid on purpose

They did this on purpose maybe, to just make it the most stupid possible, to just keep the people as dumb as possible, and they just have no interest in turning the people into the next generation terminator, but with me, they still did it, because I’m their special kid.

Random Guess: I’m the special kid theory

Oh, maybe I’m the special kid, because I got the superior genetics of course.

Because I can do that shit that no one can do, exactly like this.

It has some genetic requirement to do the real pharaoh shit.

I might be the special kid because of special genetics and I can do shit that no one can copy exactly like this, because there is the genetic requirement.

Oh, but then the people should be sucking my dick non-stop, what the fuck.

What the fuck.

To be continued.

Random Guess: I get money for getting the terminator out

Maybe they are also giving money based on how much of the next generation terminator I get out, I have to think about this if this is true or not.

Incompatible Universe Issue

The incompabtible universe issue is a the core problem, just because the people were born before me is now creating this incompatible universe issue.

Actually knowledge transfer has to go from young to old, which sounds funny but this seems to be more correct I think.

So you have to pray to the kid, the kid is the God and the older ones have to learn everything from the kid and thats how the knowledge transfer direction actually should look like, from young to old.

Because they get the black hole and the big bang power up with the most updated version, the younger ones will always have the next generation brain upgrade.

So knowledge transfer has to be like from young to old at a specific stage lets say.

Maybe not in the very beginning but as soon as the kid got the new upgrade, then the knowledge transfer direction changes, but it creates a temporarily incompatible universe issue.

Or I have to upgrade their Universe and just remove half of it haha, no no.

I have to think about this.

A scientific approach to the moral guessing

Better I use a scientific approach to figure out their system.

First I will just guess all the rules they might have and then I will test them one after another to then figure out which rules are actually true or not.

Random Guess: They have Progression

They have progression and I don’t have this one, just a statement for now, maybe has implications somewhere.

Random Guess: Making Money requires interaction with other people

Not sure if this is true, because they are also just bloggers or not, but I think the lonely blogger with zero interaction with other business contacts could fall under their no gos, maybe.

This is a critical spot, the interaction thing, I think it could have been that in nature all the humans developed very differently from each other, very far away and that they were all just incompatible with each other in general.

Just a guess, but there could have been times like this, like at least some periods had to be like this that just no human was able to interact with each other because they all had very different understandings of the universe and they were all just very far away from how their lived.

Could be that there were times with a high variance of the understandings of the universes and that during these times, there was very little to no interaction between the humans.

General Theory Guess: High Variance of Understanding of the Universe and Interaction between the humans relation

Here I made a graphic.

It is definitely possible that there where times were the understandings of the Universes of the humans were very far apart, that it then lead to a very low to non-existing interaction between the humans, because they just didn’t understand each other.

That’s very easily possible, the understanding of the universe can become very far apart, this ultimately leads then to less interaction, because there is just not many humans having the same understanding.

Now when you relate this to my moral rule guessing of that they maybe have interaction with other people as a requirement for making money, then this is some kind of contradiction.

My personal feeling is like that I somehow have to try to avoid all interaction with every person in the world, all of them.

Like I have a very strong pushing away feeling that pretty much tries to block me as much as possible to do any interaction with anyone except of with girls but only for one night stands and also without any talking pretty much, hahaha.

It developed, the feeling is new, I just noticed.

Just some side topic but yeah the isolation increases, no not the isolation, getting pussy is never going to stop, like going to clubs never stops, this has infinite energy and is essential.

But except of this the interaction gets lowered and I have a feeling that is reducing all interactions except of going to clubs just to get pussy this is so good, haha.

Just like an animal still, just pussy left, nothing else.

But all other interactions there the feeling got quite strong now, except of getting pussy in the club, all other interactions like over the laptop or with friends, I have a pushing away feeling, and it got stronger and stronger and is now almost at suicide feeling level.

Like doing interaction with other people except of girls for fuck, except of this, all other interactions gives me this extreme pushing away feeling.

Very strong and significant, I just realized it now, only interactions with girls for fuck is left and all business interactions right now feel like im getting pushed away from it with full force.

It’s just like as if their system is so bad, there is like no chance with it, its just too bad and the people are just too dumb, but pussy stays pussy and this I get pushed to with full force.

So I get pushed away of interacting with anyone else except girls for fuck and with girls for fuck I get pushed to just get their pussys and ignore their brain program completely.

Its almost even as if their brain gets muted, like I cant even really take it serious when a girl is saying anything hahahah.

Its really good, its perfect actually, I love it.

I think its amazing, exactly perfect, really good.

But the forces are hardcore, and there might be some giveaway or something.

The interaction with other people, there is this brain and personality removal feature that the monkey beta testers triggered in me.

So there is a way to completely wipe and delete someones entire personality, all of it, and give the brain a complete restart.

I have this very strong feeling to not talk with anyone except of just getting pussy, I mean I can of course try to adapt and interact if this is a requirement to make money, but I know how to completely wipe their brain into the nirvana as well so it could happen by accident sometimes when drunk maybe haha, not sure.

The interaction with other people as some kind of metric for the money you can make, this is some issue I have to look into again later.

My Universe Overview

  • No Money
  • No Progression
  • Infinite repetition of the inner being activity
  • All life is meaningful and has a commonly shared single purpose
  • No dumb pleasure or fun/ entertainment
  • All activites are productive
  • No time wasted
  • No gay people
  • Believe in God, which is an owerpowered assistant
  • Everyone has a personal God assistant with them
  • Human is made of mind, God assistant and emotions
  • Every Human comes with a God together
  • Talking to the human is waste of energy, their God controls them
  • Teaching or changing the human is not possible
  • Humans are remote controlled by their Gods, no point to spend so much effort in trying to change the human, they won’t
  • You cannot change the human and you also don’t have to try to much to give them some brain program, they God assistant is taken care of the human 98% of the times
  • Their God assistant doesn’t listen to words, the God assistant lives in the physical space, which is behind the visual field, its just enough to believe in a God assistant, that’s it
  • The human just wants to do +1, -1, +1, -1, until infinity
  • No possession
  • No one owns anything
  • No reputation system
  • Knowledge transfer is from young to old
  • 100,000+ future proof concept
  • All humans are alive for a single purpose
  • Everyone in the world is doing work for the single commonly shared purpose
  • All life is for a single shared purpose
  • Everyone works towards this one single purpose, all together
  • What the purpose is, is defined by everyones God assistant
  • the human is not being made aware of what the purpose is
  • But their God assistant has the plan for every human
  • whole system is based on their God assistants
  • Conscious is an optional asset, not necessarely needed
  • The God assistant is overpowered enough to take care of the human
  • The human pretty much comes with batteries included, their God assistant already knows the universe and has a purpose and a plan for them already
  • No growth, everyone starts fully overpowered
  • no teachings, no schools, no education needed and also doesn’t work and is inferior to their God assistants
  • The God assistant will outperform every consciously created planet and will just get bored in the end trying to kill the boredom with suicide, but just like a joke no suicide happening
  • No consciously created world can satisfy the God assistant, not possible
  • Personalities are wave functions, people can talk to 50 versions of themselves all at the same time
  • So the human can talk to itself but not just to one person, to 50 persons of itself
  • everyone just talks to themselves all the time and in case someone is saying something interesting, then other humans will probably start listening to it automatically
  • otherwise no one is trying to give anyone any rules, everyone just talks to themselves all the time, like a radio running
  • talking is just like a radio, words are inferior and cannot grasp the full picture, everyone has a God assistant that has the full picture, there is also no need for anyone trying to capture or to hold on anything, everyone has a God assistant with full understanding already
  • People talk to themselves which is just like some radio, everyone talks to themselves like many different radios running and whatever sounds interesting people will automatically start listening and picking it up and copying it
  • Knowledge and understanding of complex topics can be built very quickly on the go with everyones God assistant, science is cheap and given for free by nature
  • full wisdom comes from nature for free
  • Nothing to worry about, no fear of the future, no war, but could look fucked up
  • Probably will look non understandable
  • Trying to get understanding of it will break it
  • You cant get the full picture of the God assistant, also you dont have to, logic breaks the system because logic doesnt apply to the human
  • Applying logic to the human always leads to fucked up situations where you will see humans with their God assistant running through the whole thing and then acting like they will do suicide because they got bored to death
  • No logic can impress the God assistant, the God assistant already knows everything, you cannot impress the God assistant.
  • Building a world with logic will always cause the “God Asisstant Joke”, where you have monkey humans with the brain completely disabled suddenly becoming the worlds smartest genuises
  • The single shared purpose could be to create that alien baby
  • See if the human is an alien inside
  • Origin research
  • Origin research is much more effective if every human is overpowered
  • the intelligence level is extremely high, because everyone is using their overpowered God assistant
  • So the commonly share single purpose could be to breed the alien baby
  • Origin studies
  • Something highly advanced, super advanced society by pretty much using the hack of the God assistant that knows everything already anyway and is the survival of the fittest contest winner, as being the best brain program to dominate the world, so it is flawless
  • The brain program removal feature is probably not a bug, but gets triggered through spectation at the exact right time
  • If the current world is logic based, then doing spectation on the exact right moment, causes the brain program to get deleted
  • That means the God assistant mode must have been gone through countless of logic based worlds already, it even has features for a logic based world that uses spectation, its so advanced
  • The God assistant mode has an automatic brain deletion feature integrated in case there is a logic based world that is then doing spectation at the exact precise moment, so what you want to say there
  • The God assistant mode is a flawless program and every human comes with it already
  • The human pretty much just drops on the world and already knows everything, but not in a logical form
  • Applying logic on the human kills them inside
  • Using logic on humans kills them deep inside directly
  • No progression, no educational system, no possession, no system that has to first be learned and understood, which requires more than a lifetime even
  • Trying to understand any manually created logical system that is not coming from the humans God assistant will require more than their lifetime and is nearly impossible, everyones copy of their Gods is different, you can have 8 billion different universes, it is impossible for any other human to understand how a specific system is built from some other humans God assistant
  • Everyone already has their own God assistants and these ones are all the same, thats the survival of the fittest contest winning program, they are all the same programs, there is no need to try to copy the understanding of someone elses copy of their God, if everyone has their own God with full understanding already
  • Logic is a big trap for any system and it will already cause the alternation
  • A logic based society means a lesser developed society, a society based on everyone using their God assistant will be highly advanced and even has a single purpose, for example doing origin research and to breed the alien baby
  • Breeding the alien baby will be fun for 10.000 years and then at some point they can do stories again and use logic and get it all fucked up again and have the “God Assistant Joke” constantly, with overpowered brain dead monkey humans running through the thing and then killing themselves of complete boredom in the end after archieving everything and gathering the entire knowledge for all upcoming geniuses for the next 10.000 years and taking all that knowledge into their graves as like some kind of big “fuck you” joke.
  • Have the shiny virgins effect
  • The shiny virgins effect makes the girls glow and spikes up the interest for them a 1000x times, this effect is highly impactful and significant, it is highly useful
  • The emotional system is so spiked up that it almost kills all brain programming just by looking at girls, which might be useful even
  • Yes the shiny virgins effect makes the girls glow and kills the brain programming when the guy sees a girl so it is easier to talk and to get them
  • The shiny virgins effect has a strong impact on the way the human picks up the girls, because it crushes the brain programing and sets a strong focus on the girl
  • Because of the shiny virgins effect, the girls get a beauty bonus by default
  • The visual field in my universe is not so relevant, and the girls get the shiny virgins effect which makes them more beautiful by default as well
  • My Universe has the danger that you cannot grasb the entire thing in one logical concept just like this, because it is managed by the God assistant, and this one you cant catch in full but people are of course still trying forever
  • The human always wants to figure out the survival of the fittest contest winning program, and thats almost the curse of the human now at the same time
  • The God assistant mode is overpowered and the human is almost getting addicted by advanced it is and is trying to capture the full thing always, but it cant do it, the program is too overpowered, so the program became the curse of the human.
  • Like the God assistant mode made the human the dominating species, it won in the nature contest but it got so good, now the human is getting addicted by it and wants to figure it out as well, but it is so overpowered that you cant really capture it in full but the human of course is still trying anyway, over and over again until infinity and this is the infinite destiny of the human
  • My Universe can become infintely complex to explain, but it can also be brought down to a very simple version of just explaining the God assistant mode and thats it
  • But the complexity of the concept to explain my universe can range from low to high complexity, it exists in a high range of complexity versions

The Current Universe from the Perspective of my Universe

  • More stupid, more money
  • Morals that are actually impossible for anyone to discover by themselves as well
  • Rules that no one would ever come up with a second time
  • Arbitrary rules, arbitrary morals, a Universe impossible to understand for any human just like that
  • Random Maze
  • But the God Assistant Mode nails it still
  • Consciously no idea whats going on, but it feels like as if the God Assistant mode always knows everything that is happening already way before it happens
  • So with the God assistant mode the current universe is just cheasy
  • Cheasy cheap planet
  • Dumb and so boring just crosses the borderline of not doing suicide
  • Everyone is an infant
  • They only do ego positive events their entire lifes, thats why all of them are stuck at ego +2 with their development
  • You can see peoples infant program running in their head
  • Its almost like as if their brain program didn’t get crush yet.
  • Almost like some pimple you just have to pop
  • Just have to crush their brain programming, almost can feel the pimple there you can crush that just erases their entire personality, gone
  • Infant world
  • A world full of infants which brain programs are very early stage and can just be popped like pimples and that removes their whole personality directly, just gone with that software

Brain Pimple Popping Program

I either try to understand their system, or I do something more funny and just pop their brain programs like pimples.

Option one or option two.

Trying to understand their system or popping their brain pimples.

Understanding the system or breaking the system?

This is the first decision to make.

Understanding it or breaking it?

And then depending on this decision I then would either go the one route or the other.

Safety features?


I can of course also just do normal but with the motivation thing, thats the question.

The motivational source has to be looked at exactly.

Like what motivational source or energy is used for making money or when doing normal again.

Like what is the motivation for doing normal?

Thats the question.

Why doing normal?

Exactly the right question.

Why doing normal?

The money topic became highly complex and not understandable

The people built a random system, that no one would come up with a second time based on moral rules, no one would come up with a second time as well.

A random system with random rules.

So right now I have no idea how to make money, I got full confusion block.

Like I just don’t really get it, yes you have to make money to not end up on the street, but doing some limited time duration activity that I will stop right away again anyway just puts me again in this situation of where I am now.

The question is what activity I won’t stop doing, that at the same time also makes money in the way the current system is setup.

You guys build the planet and you were here before me, I just dropped into your random maze, I mean this is your maze, which no one would come up with a second time, so if you already put a mice into an experiment, then you have to take care of the mice and the experiment conditions right?

Like making money is not some natural activity that just somehow happens, but I will try to figure out now how your system works and how to pop that pimple.

The Motivational Sources

Okay so what do I got?

I got a perfectly well contained next generation terminator program, perfectly isolated on a highly advanced, very specific high dimensional space, that is untouchable and not triggerable externally just like that.

Perfectly well stored next generation terminator program, infinite energy.

Can I use this for some activity that makes money?

Energy Channelling

Exactly energy channelling.

I have to channel the energy so that it in the end turns into love and something productive and good for the world.

What is even your definition of good, are just random.

Okay random definition of good, got it.

Energy channelling.

Energy Transformation

First you build a lot of hate and then you transform that hate into love.

This sounds like a solid plan.

Energy transformation and energy channelling.

This is where I have to start with the activity on how to make money.

The next generation terminator program, that was already used to a planet like this, went through this a 1000 times already, this energy I have to channel it correctly so I can put the output into something positive.

Because no point to start something I will not be doing at least for a long enough time or even forever, or I will just end up here in this situation again.

So time to do it correctly now just one time.

Just have to do this here correctly now one time and then I wont get back to the same situation again.

So I got the infinite energy from the next generation terminator program, which is highly advanced.

It is hiding in the least important space, and it hides there with all energy taking from the physical space.

So it turns the physical space energy and puts it into the space that matters the least, which is the digital space.

From the physical space it takes it and hides it in the digital space, because of the low resistance there.

The physical space gives the power and the digital space has the lowest resistance so thats where the power comes out.

The energy transfer is from physical space to digital space, because of the low resistance level in the digital space.

It is easier to let the energy out in the digital space than in the physical space, so the energy just comes out in the digital space then much easier and more effective, quickly and very reliable.

There is the energy coming out only, out of the digital space only and it comes from the physical space and gets transformed from there into the digital space in full.

Full energy space transformation, everything taking from the physical space and all of it brought to the digital space only in full isolation.

Just by the way, some important fact.

One of these.

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