Not sure if this shit is just female indirect communication, but yes it can be.
I just noticed the first time ever when I was in Jomtien Beach.
I was chilling with two girls there, then they played the music in the background like as if they indirectly wanted to tell me what the girl wants.
This was the first time I ever noticed something like this.
I know there is all this real-time military surveillance going on.
All this rainmaker and automated background story system shit, but it’s the first time in Jomtien Beach that the background music was related to what the girl is indirectly thinking, it never was like this before.
Ah, I just realized in Pattaya they have this hardcore strong gossip going on that they don’t have in Bangkok.
I see now, it’s different.
Only in Bangkok they have the real-time military surveillance, the rainmaker shit and the automated background story system, but in Bangkok they have no street gossip.
In Pattaya they don’t have the automated background story system, but they have the street gossip.
In Bangkok, they don’t have street gossip
I just remembered and noticed now again that the Pattaya street gossip, they only have it here.
I wrote over 200 Blog posts here on this website and I didn’t even talk about gossip once in Bangkok, never.
In Bangkok there is no gossip, but in Bangkok they have the automated background story system, which they don’t have in Pattaya.
In Bangkok, it works completely different from how it works in Pattaya, I’m just realizing it now.
They are lazy with the surveillance in both cities, they always only do surveillance on the first few days or weeks, and then they drop it.
In Pattaya they have street gossip, which doesn’t exist in Bangkok, nothing like this at all, nada.
The street gossip in Pattaya is very special, it’s high speed information transmission, it’s like some kind of botnet.
It’s funny how it works, but yeah of course in Pattaya they have this shit tuned up of course.
In Bangkok, it’s not so overkill, there it’s like low effort version, but there is no street gossip in Bangkok at all.
In Bangkok, you can actually start to feel lonely completely, as if there is zero surveillance.
But in Pattaya you cannot, the street gossip is insane here, and it’s high speed and very efficient.
Now in Jomtien Beach I noticed how they wanted to tell me indirectly what the girl wants over the street gossip.
In Bangkok this doesn’t exist, it’s not so tight and controllable.
In Bangkok, they have these automated background story systems, and they have like story universes, and you can skip and jump and rewind each individual story universe and even overlap them.
Overlapping story universes you can create in Bangkok, and it happens just like that.
Even difficult to notice that it even happens.
And then you can escape one story universe and jump into another one, which pauses the other story universe.
So yeah, like this you can legitimately just pause a relationship just like that.
Also, what you do then in the other story universe won’t even be connected with the story universe you have with your girlfriend, this one is just paused, while you are in another story universe.
In Bangkok there is no street gossip, but you have automated background story universes, which can be quite annoying still because they are like persistent a bit, if you don’t know how to escape and pause them.
But there is no street gossip like in Pattaya.
But now in Jomtien Beach I noticed it the first time that they gave me indirect communication of the girl over their gossip system.
It’s not just an automated background story system.
Also, not just a street gossip system like in Pattaya.
It is also an indirect communication tool from the girls to say something that they don’t want to say directly, next to the two other features.
But that I got the indirect communication of the girl while talking with her and that it was something she indirectly wanted to tell me without saying it, this is the first time I got this one.
Because usually it’s more like about giving the gossip or talking shit about the person.
It’s not like indirect communication of what the girl wants to say usually.
Just in Jomtien Beach it was like this now, but that’s the first time I saw it like this.
Usually it’s some automated background story or street gossip, not necessarily related to any girl even.
That’s like the superstar status, then if you get street gossip unrelated to any girls. 🤣🤣🤣
Probably for most guys this shit is actually just only indirect communication of the girl they are dating probably, I guess. 🤣🤣🤣
Just for me, it’s often times unrelated to any girl and just straight up shit talking about me directly.
I call it street gossip, and it’s not even related to any girl, it’s just about talking shit and nothing else.
I actually called it the Entrepreneur Bootcamp in Pattaya, that’s how it is for me.
Usually it’s like some Entrepreneur Bootcamp, that’s what the street gossip is like for me, and usually it’s unrelated to any girl at all.
That means you are a superstar then if you get the street gossip just like that without actually even seeing anyone, like some kind of precaution gossip then.
Like some kind of heads up gossip, or some warning gossip of what’s about to come or something.
Superstar gossip I would call it.
That’s what it mainly is.
And now I also saw it as indirect communication of the girl, but for 95% it’s just superstar gossip, unrelated to any girls.
Selfish gossip, gossip just for me alone. 🤣
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