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You get to this infinite pressure increase after the multiplication of ego negative events.
The pressure keeps on raising the days after the ego negative events infinitely.
Its almost a linear increase of pressure, like this.
But I will have to update the graph, the correlation is time and increase of pressure.
The pressure increases infinitely and the person drops lower and lower into the physical space.
The hate increases and it pulls the worst possible being out of the person.
Its a purely hateful creating setup, just creating the worst enemies possible.
The issue is that the system is looking at the visual world and not at the world right beneath the visual field, because this is actual reality and not what you see.
The people nowadays have it fucked up they look at how things are and not at how they are and it’s a big difference.
The visual field has no importance that’s not how things are, the world beneath it is what things are and the outside world is not accounting for it.
So they are creating the worst enemies, purely hateful beings.
Just creating enemies not stop, good fucking system.
Good fucking system, gratulations everyone.
Why is the system creating this infinite pressure increase situation?
This is a system error, because they misunderstand the human being.
The older people, the people that build the planet the way it is now they thought that what they were doing when they were younger was “something fucked up”.
They were doing this before “something hard to explain”.
They were then trying to make sense out of all the weird things they did when they were younger and came up with the system the way it is now, based on the “random things” they did when they were younger.
The truth is that the human being is exactly like that they are just doing these “random things” and this is the true human nature.
There is no structure in what the human is doing, the natural way of what the human is doing is these “hard to explain things”, this is the correct way of human activity.
This is how the human behaves in this hard to explain way, to which you cannot put a structure, this is the human.
The older people can’t understand this, it is also hard to understand, the human doesn’t make sense.
There is no logic in the way the human behaves but it has clear rules coming from the self that can’t be broken or it creates an infinite pressure situation.
It creates moments, where the human is put into an infinite pressure situation and then nature is giving this person brain and thinking upgrades and this infinite pressure is being used to enhance the persons thinking capabilities infinitely.
The person will then become infinitely smarter, the brain capabilities will infinitely increase and the system is pretty much creating a point of no return for the person.
A situation where the person has no other choice but to get upgraded by nature infinite amount of times to then do what with the most advanced thinking skills?
No one knows but everything it is hidden from the visual field, nothing can be seen it doesn’t happen on the visual world it happens in the world beneath it.
The older people don’t understand the human is studying itself already
The human being is already studying itself, outside people are studying the human together with that human being.
There are two entities studying a human, the human itself that is studying itself and also the outside world that’s is studying it.
That’s the thinking error in the current system, there is already another entity having control and studying the human, the outside world is the second entity studying a human.
If you look at a human and try to understand what they are doing you have to keep in mind that they have a self study mechanism as well and they are looking at them selves as well.
The human is studying itself and the outside world is studying the human also it’s two entities studying the same person.
This is what creates the conflict and the infinite pressure increase situation.
It’s two entities studying a human not just the outside world the human also studies itself and this has to be accounted for and included in all management with the human.
Broken system nowadays, creating infinite pressure moments with a point of no return for the people.
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