I instantly boosted the reputation of this website by just adding the following new categories, which have no posts yet, but the categories are already there.
This alone is already boosting the overall reputation of this website on the surveillance reputation system.
I added these new categories, which will give this website an instant boost:
I messed up the menu for now, I will fix it tomorrow during normal working times I will need my laptop for that.
For now the menu has no search bar anymore, but I will add this back tomorrow morning when the normal work time starts.
For now, the menu is just in a working condition.
It’s not the most beautiful now, but it has the big logo and the hamburger menu.
Even though the alignment of the hamburger menu is wrong on the left side, it should be on the right side, but for now it works.
The website is at least in a working condition.
Tomorrow morning, I will fix it during normal working times.
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