Negative Ego Calculation Events

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You can get confused about the feelings of a human quite easily, because these are ancient feelings that were necessary for us to survive back in the days.

That the feelings are pointing to what you would call today weird activities that make no sense anymore, has something to do with our very modern, unnatural perspective.

We had to survive in challenging conditions.

That the feelings we have are pushing us to do things that make no sense nowadays is what you can expect.

The feelings had to be designed in a way, that even the most simple monkey would do the correct behavior.

The feelings are pushing us to pretty much just do the correct actions in the correct order, almost like a magic trick, and by doing this the survival of our species was guaranteed.

Nowadays, we are not in these tough situations anymore, but the feelings are still the same.

The sequence of events that the emotions are pushing us to do also make sense on some level.

From a reproduction perspective, the activities that the emotions are pushing us to do also make a lot of sense.

There is also highly advanced mathematics running in the background when doing these activities.

The correct order of them is also important, as well as the ratio.

You can’t only be doing ego positive activities, it will take life out of the people, and they will turn into dead zombies, just doing their acting.

You always have to mix in ego negative activities as well, but these you can also not do too often.

Eventually you will get the balance a bit off, which will then lead to the black hole feeling and the big bang event and puts you tightly together with your girlfriend.

The big bang event will give you a range of additional thinking capabilities, which will help you to understand what’s going on and how to get you out of the situation again.

The human even has an emergency knowledge upgrade integrated, in case the emotional sequence and the ego calculation is a bit off.

That’s probably also the reason no one really talks about how things are exactly done, because in the worst case, they will get the big bang which will help them to figure it out.

In the worst case, there is always the big bang event, which will get the human out of any difficult situation.

The activities to which the feelings of the human are pushing for, have to be done in the correct balance, it is pretty much resembling a wave function, nothing else.

It is a very strict wave function that has to be followed.

The ego can pretty much just go a bit into the minus and then has to go a bit up into the plus again and then again a bit into the minus and so on.

The ego has to always go up and down, through an ego positive or an ego negative experience, and it has to be done in a balance.

It can’t go too much into the ego positive, that makes the human bored and lifeless, there is pretty much not enough drama or problems going on.

The ego also has to go into the negative, which are always bad events. Ego negative activities are bad activities that are not really fun to do.

Ego negative events are not about doing something fun or pleasurable, they are for removing the ego again, when it got too high, and this is what gives life to the person again, it keeps life interesting.

Ego negative events are traumatizing and shocking, but the human needs these events to not get too bored and to grow.

Without ego negative events, the human gets bored, it is the ego negative events that make the ego positive events highly interesting again.

Ego negative events give the excitement back to the ego positive events.

Ego negative events can only be done with a girlfriend in love.

The male has to love the girlfriend first and then with her, he can do ego negative events, a very hard practice.

Ego negative events cannot be done with a girl for that the guy has no love for and that he doesn’t know.

Ego negative events don’t count with random people, it only works with a girlfriend with that the guy is in love with.

That means ego negative events are very, very hard to do, nearly impossible for most people.

Ego negative events cannot be done without a girlfriend with that the guy is in love with, because then the trauma is not strong enough.

It pretty much needs to be complete heartbreaker shocker experiences, something most people will never try in their lives, but this reveals the self, like this you can discover the uncontrollable part of yourself.

After some practice, you will then figure out that you have to be following a wave function with ego positive and ego negative events.

You cannot be doing one of these events much more than the other, you have to keep the balance of these two in complete balance, that it shows a nice wave function.

Once you went through this wave function often enough your emotional system changes and at some point you get the feeling of having succeeded the life program, and that’s pretty much it, you did the job of your emotions.

The emotions are not pushing for anything else, because reproduction is the focus, so the emotions are pushing for maximum reproduction possible.

Figuring out that the entire process is just a simple wave function with a very tight range of just a few ego positives and just a few ego negatives is so difficult, that nature even gives you a big bang moment with a thinking upgrade, just so you can figure it out again.

It is nothing but just a simple wave function. All you need is just a few ego positive events, that will make you bored and lifeless, then you do the ego negative events and that wakes you up again.

And then this has to be done in alternation in a wave function like pattern, something highly advanced.

This is a highly advanced reproduction pattern.

My theory is that we made a mistake with Atlantis back in the days, and not sure if they even knew it during Pyramid times.

The natural reproduction pattern, which is pushed by the human’s default emotions, is a highly advanced complex pattern.

The human has an extremely advanced reproduction pattern, which is near to impossible to understand.

It is the two types of events, while the ego negative activity can only be done with a girlfriend in love, which makes it extremely painful and this has to be compensated with enough ego positive activities.

The good thing about the ego negative activities is, that they are near to impossible to trigger inside the human.

Pretty much nothing but physical evidence counts, which is nothing that the human has to be scared of to be facing just like that.

The ego negative activity has to be done with a girlfriend in love.

It doesn’t count for the ego calculation otherwise.

It needs to be an activity and event that is highly traumatizing and damaging in order to trigger the self of the human.

This can only be done with a girlfriend that the guy is in love with, no other way counts for the ego calculation.

If you read this, you probably think this is a crazy thing to do, and this is the reason no one figures out how ego calculations exactly work.

It has to be done exactly with this highly traumatizing and damaging experience with the girlfriend in love, and only this will trigger the ego calculations properly and will reveal the inner being inside you.

After an ego negative event like this, the push for the ego positive event increases, but if this is already making the guy run away depends on how many ego positive events are still there.

The ego calculation is doing its wave function around the ego plus minus zero.

That means, just a single ego positive event or a single ego negative event can already make the person run or change their course.

The ego calculations are getting more and more sensitive the more often the ego wave function is run through.

The measurement of the ego is getting more precise, the ego is getting more and more fragile, you can say.

This relates only to the actual events that trigger an ego positive or negative event, which are hard to do, both of them.

Outside these two experiences, the ego positive and the ego negative event, the person has what I would call an infinite ego.

The ego becomes irrelevant outside the ego positive and the ego negative events.

It’s just these two events then that have the full control over the guy’s ego and depending on the current ego level, the person is either pushed to the ego positive or the ego negative event.

The ego pretty much hits a 100% completion state, with being highly sensitive for just these two ego events and nothing else.

An ego positive event will have a significant impact on the ego calculation, due to the sensitivity of the ego.

The ego is increasing the sensitivity the longer the ego wave function is run through, which means it will make the activities more and more impactful.

The excitement therefore increases, the impact on the ego is getting stronger and stronger to the point where fewer girls are needed for getting the ego into the positive.

Also less ego negative events are wanted then by the human, that means the situation is getting optimized on both sides.

Less ego negative and less ego positive events are needed, and these two events are having an increase on the impact on the ego calculations.

It’s like once the human figured it out how it works, it specializes and concentrates on exactly these two events, and they become more and more impactful on the ego of the human.

The ego of the human is highly temporarily, it all only lasts a few days and then the ego is gone, but the wave function pattern of doing ego positive and negative activities in alternation never changes.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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