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This one is super important, because the elderly people doing the surveillance only do indirect communication.
Why don’t they do direct communication, they don’t want to hurt the feelings of someone or what?
If they do indirect communication then it’s all ineffective, it just goes to pass through the person directly, all of it.
Literally a waste of time to do indirect communication, it’s pretty much all voided.
Only direct communication counts, if it’s indirect it’s just automatically disregarded.
All indirect communication has to be converted into direct communication first and only then does it have any effect on the person or the communication never happened.
Indirect communication doesn’t work, it has to be direct.
I’m slowly converting all this indirect communication into direct communication, which is all the stuff I write here on my blog.
All the indirect communication that I received since the beginning of the year, which is a ton of information, too much information, more than any human can handle, all of this I had to and still have to convert into direct communication.
This blog here is pretty much the direct communication version then of all the indirect communication that I received.
Whenever I receive indirect communication, I first of all don’t get it, literally 2% I understand, and then I have to slowly over the course of months or years convert it into direct communication and then write it down here.
Useless indirect communication, really.
All indirect communication always has to be converted into direct communication first, before it has any effect.
New Product Idea: Indirect to direct communication converter
There should be some faster device that immediately translates the indirect communication into direct communication, or it is just Chinese that has no effect.
All communication in the end needs to be in the form of exact and precise instructions, like a manual for a robot.
It needs to be a manual for a robot in the end, or it has no effect and only this one can be understood by the person.
As long as the communication only exists in an indirect form, it has no effect and is voided by the person.
And people can try as hard as they want and use 1000s of people, it will not change anything, the communication has to be direct in the end to have any effect.
Giving someone indirect communication is like the encrypted form, only when it is direct communication it is the decrypted form and can then be understood by the person.
Everything that I didn’t write down in form of direct communication on this blog, I don’t know, and I still would need time processing the indirect communication I received to convert it into direct communication and then write it down on this blog here.
So better don’t even waste your time with indirect communication, it is voided and has no effect, it’s encrypted communication.
I have a backlog of massive amount of indirect communication that is all ineffective until I happen to accidentally convert it into direct communication.
How could the indirect communication to direct communication device look like?
It could be some form of Google Indirect to Direct Communication translate app.
Maybe you can have an app and this one converts all indirect communication into direct communication instantly, when you receive the indirect communication.
You have the app running non-stop and then whenever someone says something the app tells you in a direct form what it means what the other person is saying.
It’s a different type of translation app, it’s still all in English let’s say, but the English just gets converted from indirect to direct.
As long as the communication does not exist in a direct written form, like exact instructions for a robot, then this communication is ineffective and never happened.
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