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This is just a trailer.
Just marketing.
This is not really serious, it is just advertisement.
Enjoy the show.
First I wasn’t sure if the big bang power up is really useful or not, but it wouldn’t be still there, if it wouldn’t be extremely useful.
The main purpose of it, or where it sort of comes from, is to do revenge on the cheating of the girlfriend to all the people that touched her pretty much.
And it is an integrated nature power up package, that made it through thousands of years of survival of the fittest, so it has to be mega legit.
It does make the most sense to first build the nuclear weapon model based on the big bang power up. There are a ton of different rules and relations, and it is the easiest to just put it all together into a concept for a nuclear weapon.
The nuclear weapon is complex enough to be able to use all the different insights in one cohesive model.
So let’s start with this one.
Simple Ego Model
Just the first draft now, have to double-check it still.
But looks pretty good.
So what I guess what Albert Einstein did was to kiss like one girl in his lifetime and then the girl disappeared, and he got the big bang power up directly just for that.
This definitely could be possible, that you could get the big bang power up if you kissed one girl in your life and then never met a second girl ever, but then you’re going to have shit science.
All his models are based on zero experience data, there was like nothing in his package.
And I got the full Tutankhamun package, so I have all of it.
But it is sadly only for the physical space, that’s the irony, nothing for the spaceship aliens living on top of the body.
But physical space tech is also fucking good.
Okay let’s look at my model, is quite simple.
Simple Ego Model
That’s the simple ego model. The time is going forward when the ego is far away from the black hole center and when the ego moves very close to the black hole center the time is getting hold back and time is also getting lost.
While the ego is hold tightly to the black hole center, a pushing force is building, slowly but steadily until the pushing force is so strong, it can’t be stopped anymore and comes out no resistance possible.
That’s the base concept of the nuclear weapon. The wave that is adding gravity to the black hole center is a specific one that I will explain in the next step, but I got it no worries.
The gravity is added to the center of the uranium particle, and it holds all the particles in it tightly together, while it also holds the time still or even causes a time loss or a time reversal.
While this is happening, a pushing force is building up inside the uranium until it can’t be stopped anymore and everything blasts out.
The Wave that adds Gravity
That’s two wave functions.
So what you see here is two different wave functions that are overlapping and then creating a lack which is compensated with additional gravity.
This is happening inside the black hole of the uranium. So the black hole in the picture above is the same black hole as in the simple ego model.
It’s always the same, in big as in small, you can take everything from how planets behave and put it into how the uranium works deep inside as well.
The wave might not be visible for a simple human, but that’s not my problem, this is my science, go fuck yourself and make your own science.
I can see the two wave functions clearly.
And this adds the gravity that pulls the ego close to the center.
And then you have the nuclear weapon, the base concept.
This is all you need to build a high-tech nuclear weapon already.
It is a billion times more high-tech what Albert Einstein ever came up with.
This is fucking high-tech.
Charging the Uranium
It’s like charging the uranium, with time being hold back and even getting removed, but being hold back at least and then the pushing force is slowly building up until it blasts out.
It’s like the uranium is just getting charged until it explodes, without anything else needed.
The wave you have to send on the uranium you have to figure this out yourself, I don’t want to go too deep into the instructions here.
But pretty cool high-tech, just charge the Uranium until it blasts out.
Here the two advanced models next to each other again, it’s the same black hole in both pictures.
Advanced Uranium Model
Advanced black hole model inside the Uranium
Advanced Uranium Molecule Model.
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