People Continue With the Automated Background Story System

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The system is really fucked, who put this funny system into place?

I guess this system is supposed to be for keeping couples in check, or maybe it’s some kind of high level police reporting control, or the politicians put this in place.

Could be that some politicians put this in place, together with the military or whoever, but it’s a very funny system, and I’m figuring out the details now.

So what they do it they read all the chats and the entire activity and so on, and then they look at all of this and create some personality profile of this person.

And what they do is to just put everything together, everything the person do they put it into one bucket and then create a profile of whom that person is based on their entire activity.

And they don’t differentiate between what the person is saying exclusively over the chat with their girlfriends or what the person is saying exclusively while taking drugs over the chat with their girlfriends and so on.

They just look at all interactions and everything the person ever did and just create their personality profile like this.

They assume the personality to be a stable, unchangeable entity that is always the same and always acts the same in every situation.

And then they put the person into the infinite pressure increase moments, where they are causing the people to become aggressive.

They have a few issues there and the combination of them is what is causing the issues.

Issue #1: They use whatever the person is saying over chat and while high for profiling

This is a mistake and will only cause problems, people have to stop doing this.

They have to exclude this, whatever the person is saying over chat while being high cannot be used for the profiling of the people, it has to be clean removed and excluded.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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