Porn is Politics

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Just realized that the different porn categories are reflecting political views.

Seems like at it’s core, politics is just about porn categories.

That must be the reason the quality of porn is so low.

They are creating the porn categories in a specific way in the hope they can politically brainwash the people.

Not sure if that really works, the currently existing porn categories are all just terrible, all of them, they messed up the entire thing, all of it.

There must be some political motive behind the bad choice of porn categories nowadays.

All the good shit is just missing.

But totally makes sense that they would restrict and create the different porn categories in a way to brainwash the people into some political thing.

Not sure why they have all the categories wrong, but it’s all wrong, all the porn categories are wrong, delete all of them and start over again, completely wrong, all of them.

Just go ahead and delete all existing porn categories and then start again from scratch and this time without some hidden political agenda.

Porn as the secret weapon

Wow, porn is like the secret weapon or what.

Highly ineffective secret weapon, at least make it proper if you already want to brainwash the people with that.

The way the porn categories are currently built are not the most effective brainwashing approach.

This can be made much more effective, powerful political porn brainwashing, turns the people into whatever you want.

But not with the currently existing selection of porn categories, you just messed them all up, they are just all wrong and nothing else.

Weird power play in porn

You can see some weird power play in porn, that is not really optimized towards the kick feeling.

They tried to change the porn categories with some political motives and then completely forgot about optimizing the kick.

Porn is about optimizing the kick or not.

Optimizing the kick requires advanced high dimensional complex problem optimization skills of the human brain, porn is all about kick optimization, this is nothing but mathematics.

Porn is Mathematics

Porn is about mathematics and not politics.

They tried to add some political agenda into porn, but it doesn’t belong there, take it out and put the mathematics back.

You can’t add your political agenda and then remove the mathematics from porn, then you end up with shit porn nothing else.

You have to put the mathematics back into porn, and you have to optimize the kick, this is what it’s all about.

You added your political agenda and then literally destroyed the entire porn industry, all of it, because you took the mathematics out of it.

You have to leave the mathematics in there, you can then on top also add your political agenda as well, if it fits, but you cannot take the mathematics out of porn, or it’s going to be shit porn.

First you have to put the mathematics and optimize the kick to the maximum and then with the optimized kick, then on top you can add any political agenda you want, anything, as long as the kick stays optimized.

Don’t destroy the kick with the political agenda, then it’s not really porn anymore, then you just created shit porn nothing else.

Politics and porn is okay, but leave the mathematics in there as well

Just make sure the kick is optimized, and then you can make the porn in any political style you wish, free choice, just make sure the kick is optimized and that’s it.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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