Positive Ego Calculation Events

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The male ego plays the key role in the personality of a guy.

Usually, people try to only build the ego of a guy, but this has diminishing returns and even leads to complete boredom.

Only doing plus, plus, plus is at one point getting stale, it loses its ego building effect and becomes standard practice.

The positive effects of building an ego disappears when it’s only being added non-stop.

You can see how people suddenly turn boring, like as if not much is going on anymore.

Like as if the excitement is lost.

Just building the ego all the time somehow loses its effect.

And what then?

Then there is nothing left to do?

Or you just keep on pressing the +1, +1, +1 and turn into a robot, that just goes through the movements?

It used to have an effect, that’s why you started it, so it has to be the correct movements, that you are doing.

The movements are still the same, that’s the correct movements.

Everything looks still good like before, you are still doing the same movements, this is correct.

And then at one point you disappear in the void in your head.

The movements are still correct, it still looks good, you must be doing the correct thing.

And then the robot just keeps on moving.

And slowly dies inside and disappears.

You did it, you turned yourself successfully into a robot.

As long as the robot is looking good, and the movements also still look good, no reason to change anything.

Just do the beautiful robot, if it still runs all good.

If you want to get the live back, there is an optional button as well.

You can also click the getting the soul back button.

You do this with, surprise, ego negative events.

Not just only +1, you also mix a -1 in there sometimes.

It gives you the soul back.

It makes the robot a bit more alive again.

The -1 is impactful.

But only doing -1, -1, -1 is also bad.

You have to mix it.

+1, -1, +1, -1, +1, -1.

Not exactly in that exact order, but just a few -1 have to be in there.

And it gives you the soul back.

It makes the +1 more interesting again.

It makes the +1 events again fun.

It gives the ego building a reason again.

After you did a -1, now it makes sense to do a +1 again.

Now you can see the reason again why you have to do the +1.

Because you just did a minus one, now you have to do the +1 again.

The minus one gives a purpose for the plus one.

The minus gives the plus a reason to exist.

The minus one makes the plus one so much more interesting.

The minus one makes the plus one very, very needed.

The minus one can turn the plus one into a lifesaver.

Suddenly you need the plus one again, very badly.

Suddenly, the plus one is a life changer.

Before, the plus one was just a robot move.

Before you were just a beautiful robot going through the movements.

But now you need the plus one to survive.

Now, the plus one is more important than anything.

Now you need the plus one and nothing else matters.

Now, nothing is more important than a plus one.

It used to be that you disappeared into the void before.

Before you were just going through the movements, not even there anymore.

But now you need the plus one and it will change everything.

It became that important now.

It’s because the minus one has special effects.

The minus one is doing something very different from the plus one.

The minus one is hard to understand what exactly it is.

But it is very important to have it in the mix.

You always have to put a few minus ones in there, they have to be there.

The minus ones are giving you the life back.

They are fixing something when you do too many plus ones.

Too many plus ones have a few downsides.

And the minus ones are fixing these downsides.

Then you can do more plus ones again.

Without turning into a robot.

Then you naturally go for the plus ones again.

And they become really fucking important.

You always have to mix in the minus ones as well.

Just make sure you get it to some nice wave function.

This is a good balance, a wave function.

A few plus ones, a few minus ones, a few plus ones.

Can also increase the amplitude.

Maybe 10 plus ones and then 10 minus ones.

Have the swing a bit higher.

Or 20 plus ones and then 20 minus ones.

Or 2 plus ones, 2 minus ones, 2 plus ones.

Or 5 plus ones, 2 minus ones, 3 plus ones, 1 minus one, 5 plus ones.

Can also do something different than a wave function, actually.

Doesn’t have to be an exact wave.

Can also have its amplitude changing in every wavelength.

Can have different peaks in every wavelength.

Also, can have changing troughs.

Can also have it very creative.

Can be completely wild.

Or something like this.

You just have to mix a few minus ones in there as well.

Just a few of them.

And this fixes the plus ones again, gives you the soul back.

And then it becomes an infinite loop.

Infinite fun.

Infinite live.

Infinite reality.

Different types of positive ego calculation events

There are different ways how an ego can get lifted, the process of self reflection is lifting the ego up as well.

You can divide activities in two categories, ego positive or ego negative events.

Only a few ego positive events are needed to already reach the maximum of how good a guy can feel with his ego, it doesn’t require much.

The internal automated ego calculation system only needs one or two ego positive events to reach the upper limit of the ego wave function already.

At this point, the guy needs then ego negative events to bring the mood down again, so that further ego positive events have an effect again.

Incremental increase of the ego doesn’t exist

You can’t increase a guys’ ego incrementally forever, the ego follows a simple wave function with about two increments of an increased ego and around 2 increments into the minus.

As soon as the ego of a guy hits the upper limit, which is just one or two ego positive events, then the guy has to do ego negative events, to be able to enjoy the ego positive events again.

Doing more and more ego positive events will lose the reward and will make the activity pointless, that’s why the guy needs ego negative events when his mood is the highest.

When the mood is the highest, the ego of the guy will naturally push him to do the increments of more and more and more, but this is a trap and will lead to staleness.

The smarter move is to do the ego negative events when the mood of the guy is the highest, to bring it all the way down again, from which it can be raised again to the top.

This process of bringing the guys’ mood up and down in a wave like pattern is what causes maximum personal development, and it pretty much is the most amount of fun a human can experience.

This is the wave function how the ego mood is getting defined by the self.

Self reflection counts as a type of ego increase

Self reflection is raising the mood of the ego, can even make the person become extremely arrogant, but it is just a type of ego increase, and it probably can’t compensate other types of ego negative events.

Self reflection is a type of ego increase, but it is not comparable with other types of ego increases and also cannot compensate every other type of ego negative events.

But self reflection is increasing the ego significantly enough that a soft type of ego negative event then makes sense, to bring the guy’s mood and ego back down and back to normal reality.

Because doing self reflection just can increase the guys’ ego that high, that it almost becomes incompatible with the average person, an ego negative event after doing self reflection makes sense to get the guy back to a normal baseline.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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