Pyramids, Atlantis and Today in the Perspective of Ego Calculation

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It all boils down to the ego calculations that are done by every human themselves.

The ego calculation defines the personality of someone, but how do they exactly work?

Since the domain was free to purchase, I am guessing that not that many people know that much about ego calculations.

Time for some history and let’s look at Pyramids, Atlantis and nowadays society in terms of ego calculations.

What kind of ego calculations are getting triggered with the different architecural structures, and what type of personalities did these create?

Atlantis and Ego Calculations

You look at Atlantis and it looks pretty good, I mean, this is as straight as it can get in terms of ego calculations.

Ego calculations require visual or physical evidence, and the physical evidence is fully accepted.

The visual evidence is sort of a placebo for the physical evidence, but it is the more straight way of doing ego calculations.

Doing ego calculations with physical evidence involves a slightly 10% gay activity, that’s why there is the quest for finding a straight alternative and Atlantis is offering this.

Atlantis is the straight way of doing ego calculations.

You have a gap between the different city blocks, and the connections between the gaps can probably be closed as well.

You could then have your partner on the other side and being able to see it, while you can’t really go there.

Atlantis is offering exactly the solution to the visual evidence problem with ego calculations.

With the Atlantis city design you can get the visual evidence needed for the ego calculation, while you cannot go to your partner at this moment, since there are gaps between every city block.

You can then be triggering ego calculations, which are necessary to give the human more advanced thinking capabilites than what they have when they are born.

With a city design like Atlantis you can be triggering ego calculations in the straightest way possible.

You can then see your romantic partner in an opposite city block, which you can see, but you can’t cross over it.

You would be able to only see your partner, but you wouldn’t be able to go over, because it has the gap between each city block.

The gaps between every city block are for creating a distance from which you are still able to see your partner on the other city block.

You are not able to join or to go over there, which means you would get an emotional response without being able to intervene, based on visual evidence.

Atlantis Feedback

My feedback about Atlantis is that it does look nice and it is the straightest way possible to do ego calculations, but the complexity of the ego calculation that the Atlantis setup is creating is probably the lowest possible.

It would lead to a society that is built on the lowest complex ego calculation that you can create. You would end up with a society based on lowest intelligence pretty much.

I personally don’t think that the visual evidence is really enough tough, it could even become denied as well.

Especially nowadays, you would have plenty of ways to deny the visual evidence that you would get from an Atlantis setup.

Maybe you won’t really recognize your partner.

Maybe it is too dark, and you actually can’t really see your partner at all.

Maybe your partner is not even visible at all.

There could be many ways how the visual evidence with an Atlantis setup could fail.

If you can’t see it and also have no physical evidence, then it never happened, and the ego calculation is not getting triggered at all.

The Pyramid and Ego Calculations

The Pyramid in the perspective of ego calculations is based on physical evidence only, and the visual evidence is probably completely neglected through the lack of light.

The Pyramid in terms of ego calculations seem much more complex than Atlantis, but it requires a slightly gay activity, like a 2% gay activity.

Using rationals with ego calculations is mandatory, only through this is the slicing of the ego even possible.

If you are not using rational numbers with ego calculations, then the entire process of slicing someone’s ego wouldn’t even be possible.

It is the fine slicing of the male ego that makes the male still stay with his girl even though his ego got slightly damaged.

If you don’t use rationals with ego calculations and only use absolute numbers, then the couple would immediately break up after the first time the girlfriend cheated.

A single full negative ego hit is enough to break the couple apart, so it has to be a slicing of the ego, which can only be done using a rational number system.

When using rationals with ego calculations, the definition of straight and gay also has to be using rationals.

You have then activities that are for example 10% gay and 90% straight.

You have to use these percentages when defining gay or straight, or you cannot fully understand how the ego calculations are working, because the ego calculations are using rationals and even more complex numbers,

With the Pyramid, you can be doing highly complex ego calculations that are all missing the visual evidence and are physical evidence based only.

The complexity of the ego calculations that you can create with a Pyramid setup exceeds the complexity of the ego calculations of an Atlantis setup by far.

By using physical evidence only, you can create the understanding of a rational number system and can then also correctly slice the male ego with rational slices, which will then lead to the black hole and the big bang.

You can only reach the black hole and the big bang when using rational numbers and by slicing the male ego with rational damages.

With an absolute number system you can’t even slice the male ego at all, which means you would also not be getting to the black hole or the big bang.

With an understanding of the absolute number system you shouldn’t know anything about black holes or the big bang, because you need the rational numbers to be able to slice the male ego correctly which will then lead to the black hole feeling and the big bang moment.

Atlantis and Pyramids compared

Atlantis is like the most straight way to do ego calculations, but the complexity of the ego calculations from an Atlantis setup is not as high as it could be.

The Atlantis setup is the more publicly accepted and nicer way of doing ego calculations.

It’s like the most good-looking and straightest way of making ego calculations, but the complexity is low, and it leads to a more religious society.

The Pyramid setup exceeds the complexity of the ego calculations of an Atlantis setup by far, let’s say infinitely more.

The Pyramid setup is for making real proper highly complex ego calculations, to the point, where brain surgeries and maybe the contact with other beings and dimensions is easily doable.

The society during times of Pyramids might not look the nicest, but this doesn’t have to be true, it still can look pretty good.

The Atlantis setup is just the version that sounds very nice and looks like, perfectly optimized for looking nice and as straight as possible.

The Atlantis setup has it very nice that many people together can get trigger their ego calculations.

It’s just that the complexity of the ego calculations could be very low and that’s why it ends up with a church and an unknown God pretty much.

It could be that there is nearly no complexity in the ego calculations with an Atlantis setup, it might be the lowest complex possible way to do ego calculations.

The Atlantis setup might result in the most simple human beings possible, you can say.

Pretty much optimized for the most simple humans possible, that shouldn’t be using the technology they are using, because it will lead to outcomes that they didn’t see coming.

The Atlantis setup would result in such a simple ego calculation that anyone could trigger a more complex ego calculation, by accident, without even trying or knowing what they are getting themselves into.

This is also the reason why you have famous inventors then over time. It is so easy to get a more complex ego calculation than the ego calculation on which the general public knowledge is based on that you can become a famous inventor with very low effort.

A Guess of What Happened

Could make a lot of sense that with the Pyramids, you can trigger a highly complex ego calculation, and with Atlantis, you can trigger the lowest complex ego calculation.

The visual evidence is probably what triggers a low complexity ego calculation, and the lack of it is what triggers highly complex ego calculations, which is then using physical evidence instead and is a slightly gay activity, 2% gay.

It could be that this is, where the rational numbers are even coming from.

This slightly 2% gay activity, which requires physical evidence and is necessary to trigger the ego calculation if the visual evidence cannot be made, could be the reason rational numbers had to be created.

Because the 2% gay activity is not a fully gay activity, and it’s also not 100% straight anymore, but it is mandatory in order to trigger the ego calculation.

Without this 2% gay activity and also with the lack of visual evidence, the ego calculation cannot be triggered properly.

It can be triggered in a placebo like fashion, everything else but physical evidence are placebos that lead to a low complexity ego calculation, to the point where I would argue if any ego calculation is actually taking place.

The physical evidence is what gives the ego calculation a full hit, everything else are half working questionable placebos and not really working properly.

The Impact of Atlantis Ego Calculation on Nowadays Society

If you consider that the Atlantis setup leads to a questionable ego calculation and if you look at the citadel and the type of person this would create, then you can assume that society nowadays is built on this questionable ego calculation result.

That could reflect in the entire society, where no one really knows anymore what is real and what is not.

It also can explain every other glitch or problem you can see nowadays in society, if it is all based on a questionable ego calculation result.

The questionable ego calculation result would reflect this questionable aspect in every detail.

The human needs the ego calculation for creating science and building tools, the ego calculation is what gives the human the logical thinking capabilities in the first place.

A society built entirely without any ego calculations would just look like it was back in the days with the apes, probably.

The ego calculation is what gives the human the complex thinking capabilities that it requires for creating science and tools.

The ego calculation is at the root of societies development, depending on how complex it was created, the science and tools that can be created based on it changes.

Questions to Nowadays Society

The obvious question is where does society nowadays have the rational numbers from? The society nowadays is grouping the people based on absolute states, yes or no, how are they even able to imagine something like a rational number?

In their world, rational numbers don’t actually exist, they never had to use it anywhere, the people nowadays shouldn’t actually be able to imagine rational numbers.

Rational numbers are coming from slightly 2% gay activities. They are clearly not fully gay, but also not fully straight, this leads to the rational number system with 2% gay activites.

So where does society actually have it’s rational numbers from? They shouldn’t have rational numbers if they are grouping people only based on straight or gay with absolute definitions, they should have 4% gay or they shouldn’t really be using rational numbers, because they don’t actually know how they work.

Key Takeaways

Society nowadays could be based on the science created on a questionable ego calculation result.

The rational number system is missing in the general public knowledge, yet it still can be found in the science that gets tought, but they shouldn’t have this knowledge based on their current understanding of reality.

In nowadays current understanding of reality, rational numbers are something unimaginable, so they shouldn’t be using rational numbers with any technology they have, because they don’t actually understand them.

The current public understanding of the universe is limited to absolute numbers, so they should not be using anything else but absolute numbers with every technology they created as well, because they don’t know what they are dealing with.

It’s like kids with guns, they are using technology that they don’t actually understand, which then leads to the result we have today with earths population maxed out and the nukes prepared on all sides.

The public understanding is not actually that advanced yet that it would qualify them to be using advanced technology.

Society has to be using the rational number system in their general understanding of the universe and the human, to show that it has the knowledge required to be able to use advanced technology.

A society using advanced technology has to reflect the understanding of being able to use it by using rational numbers in their general understanding of the world.

If society is not showing the understanding and ability to use rational numbers in their general understanding of the world, then it shouldn’t be using technology that is based on rational numbers or you end up having kids with guns.

You will have a world full of kids with guns if the rational number system is not used in the general understanding of the world.

The definition of an for example 4% gay activity has to be general public knowledge, which then shows the ability of the society to think like this which then also qualifies them to be using the advanced technology their are using.

If society cannot show the ability of understanding a 4% gay activity and this also cannot be made general public knowledge, then you have kids with guns and a world where the people shouldn’t be using the technology they are using.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


One response to “Pyramids, Atlantis and Today in the Perspective of Ego Calculation”

  1. Emma

    Wow this is very interesting and amazing news for all of us, thank you so much for sharing this information

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  • Indirect Activity Manipulation Tactics

    Indirect Activity Manipulation Tactics

    Oh, you have to be careful with these ones. I saw them a couple of times getting used on me already, and they caused serious damage. Lots of damage they gave me. I’m not sure how much damage it is, but they gave me a lot. You have to be careful, when you do an… read more.

  • Positive Ego Calculation Events

    Positive Ego Calculation Events

    The male ego plays the key role in the personality of a guy. Usually, people try to only build the ego of a guy, but this has diminishing returns and even leads to complete boredom. Only doing plus, plus, plus is at one point getting stale, it loses its ego building effect and becomes standard… read more.

  • Negative Ego Calculation Events

    Negative Ego Calculation Events

    You can get confused about the feelings of a human quite easily, because these are ancient feelings that were necessary for us to survive back in the days. That the feelings are pointing to what you would call today weird activities that make no sense anymore, has something to do with our very modern, unnatural… read more.

  • Who is God?

    Who is God?

    You better believe in God, because you cannot deny him. It will always come out, because this is the program that was winning the survival of the fittest contest. God is inside all of us. Every human has a God inside of them, and this God has very clear and fucked up rules of what… read more.

  • Where is Reality?

    Where is Reality?

    You see the people on the street and the goal is obviously to make them all happy. Now comes the question, can you even control their emotions enough to even have the ability to make them happy? The answer is you cannot. You can try every placebo there is, and build an entire placebo reality… read more.

  • 96% Straight, 4% Gay

    96% Straight, 4% Gay

    The human being is not as gay as the current world view wants it to be. Reproduction is still the main goal of the whole thing, right? How could gay people make even any sense at all? Doesn’t really make so much sense that gay people even would have survived until today, right? It’s much… read more.

  • Pyramids, Atlantis and Today in the Perspective of Ego Calculation

    Pyramids, Atlantis and Today in the Perspective of Ego Calculation

    It all boils down to the ego calculations that are done by every human themselves. The ego calculation defines the personality of someone, but how do they exactly work? Since the domain was free to purchase, I am guessing that not that many people know that much about ego calculations. Time for some history… read more.

  • Nice Try

    Nice Try

    Nice try everyone, the brainwashing is pretty good nowadays, I have to say very good job, it was nice entertainment. I especially like the part where you copied my entire live’s brainwashing tactics, the best of it, and gave it all back to me. This was an honor, that must have been so many people’s… read more.