Quantum Ego

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You can reach a state that is the best described as a quantum ego.

It happens during rational ego slicing, using many ways and tiny increments with each slice.

At first the gravity is unnoticeable and with every ego slice the gravity slightly increases, little by little, nearly unnoticeable until the gravity gets very strong very quickly right before the gravity is combined with immense pressure.

All ego slices have to be done either using a lack of visual evidence or with physical evidence, but a variety of different ways can be used for the ego slicing.

There are infinite ways how you can slice a male ego with tiny increments.

When the gravity to the black hole center slightly increases, little by little, with every slice at one point the gravity is unexpected strong and combined with heavy pressure at around 99% ego slice.

The ego then turns into a quantum ego.

The black hole feeling to the girlfriend kills the society programming in the mind of the guy, and the guy gets a quantum ego.

With the quantum ego, the person has infinite amount of personalities and for every situation the best possible personality, that fits for that specific situation, is generated.

Instead of just having a single personality, the quantum ego goes the other way around and is generating a best fit personality for every situation individually.

The Best Fit Personality

The best fit personality is infinitely flexible. It adapts to every situation specifically. It tries to optimise the personality for every situation and always related to the person it talks to.

That means a new personality is generated for every new person the quantum ego is talking to.

The selection is always with a best fit approach.

Instead of holding to a specific ego and trying to build this, no ego is being hold.

The entire process of holding an ego has to be trained into a person, it is not natural to even have this as a standard way of living.

Holding to an ego is not natural

The mind is the entity that would be holding an ego, but the ego is not created in the mind, it is behind the mind.

If you use the word ego for the word self, you can draw new conclusions and models from it.

The self becomes the ego, the mind is holding the ego.

The mind can be represented as squares, the emotions can be represented as circles, and the ego can be represented as a circle connected to a black hole center.

The mind is the entity that has to be holding onto an ego in order to have a single personality only that would be displayed to other people.

In order for this to happen, the person would have needed to do enough ego reflection, that a well detailed copy of the ego is written on the mind, which the mind can then hold onto.

When the mind never had to create an image of its ego, the mind has no ego that it is holding onto, and then the ego turns into a quantum ego by default.

The quantum ego always tries to show the best fit personality in every single situation.

That means for every situation a new personality is getting generated on the fly and the person will have infinite amount of personalities.

When the mind is holding to an ego, it can only hold to a fraction of it. The mind works on a different dimension than the ego does, the mind cannot create a full copy of its ego.

By not holding onto a copy of the ego with the mind, the person will have the quantum ego with the best fit personality generation.

Infinite personalities optimised for every situation specifically.

Trying to understand how the ego works leads to nuclear weapon instructions

This could be the reason why Jesus said, don’t create yourself an image of God.

If you create very detailed models of how the ego and the mind works, it will lead to nuclear weapon models directly.

The way the ego and the mind works is similar to how nuclear weapons work.

Nuclear weapons seem to be the common theme among everything in nature, it is the most repeating topic of them all.

The quantum ego has infinite amount of male and female personalities

The quantum ego just generates whatever personality the best fit in that specific second.

It literally generates a unique new personality for every single second, whatever fits the best.

There is no holding to any specific personality.

You can replace personality with the mind and the quantum ego describes the self.

That means the quantum ego is generating a different mind for every second.

And it can generate infinite amount of male and infinite amount of female minds and change them within seconds.

It doesn’t have a collection of minds, it is more like a mind wave function and whatever fits the best to that specific second, or even microsecond gets then shown based on the quantum ego wave function.

Quantum ego personality wave function

All the different personalities that the person can show are all stored as information in an ego personality wave function.

The ego personality wave function has two sides, it has a wave function for the male side and a wave function for the female side.

The two wave functions can when run after another build a connection.

When one wave function of the female side is used, the wave function of the male side will be affected in a way that it matches the intensity.

I will have to redo this model it is just a first draft, the model will develop much more, stay tuned.

I will have to figure out how I can add this to all the other concepts.

Quantum Pendulum Effect of the Quantum Ego

The quantum ego has a quantum pendulum effect.

That means that the selection of the mind will match the intensity of the ego event hit on the ego side of the mind on the opposite side that was used before.

This concept is still work in progress,

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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