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There are two different ego calculation systems running at the same time. One ego calculation system is run by a person’s self, the other ego calculation is run over the public, which includes a person’s mind.
The ego calculation run by the self is the only one that really matters, this has the real impact on a person’s reality, and it also leads to the black hole and the big bang.
The ego calculation run by the self is operating through the senses of the physical space of a person.
It is following a wave function and when too many ego negative events have been received over the physical space, it will create the black hole feeling, which leads eventually to the big bang event as well.
Both these events can only be triggered, through the ego calculations of the self, which are only operating over the physical space, that means it requires physical touch or evidence.
The visual field is a secondary factor for the ego calculations of the self. The lack of visuals with ego calculations is what triggers the big bang, when there is a black hole feeling to the girlfriend.
Ego Positive Saturation
A common scenario is that a person’s positive response coming from the self to an ego positive event is saturated, and this happens quite quickly. It only takes a few ego positive events over the physical space to build up the emotional baseline and the ego of a person, while the person might not be aware of this.
The ego can already be built to the maximum, regarding the self of a person, while the person is still using the public ego calculation system, in which the person then continues the additional ego positive events.
There is the disconnect between people’s self, that is doing ego calculations, and the public ego calculation system. The public ego calculation system includes the mind of a person, in which ego positive events are the only type of events that are seen as good.
The ego calculation of the self can already be saturated, while the person doesn’t know that there won’t be any more additional positive feedback coming from the self.
In this case, the person would then need to add a few negative ego events.
That brings the ego calculation of the self down again, to then be able to bring the ego calculation up again with further ego positive events.
People are usually always just hitting the upper limit of the ego calculation systems of their selfs and are not getting any more additional positive feedback from it.
When they add a few ego negative events, it would bring the ego calculation of the self down again.
They would hit a bottom quite quickly and from there the person can build the ego up again, with a few ego positive events.
Only the physical space matters for the ego calculations of the self, and the permanent emotional baseline of a person stays, to which the last ego positive or negative event it brought it to.
The last ego relevant event sets the permanent emotional baseline for a person. When no further ego relevant events were received over the physical space, the emotional baseline stays at where it was with the last ego significant event.
Ego Negative Saturation
When a person has received too many or a significant ego negative event, the emotional baseline of the person can drop so low, that it leads to the black hole feeling and the big bang event.
A single significant ego negative event, which always requires physical evidence, can drop a person out of the publicly used ego calculation system and pull him into the self created ego calculation system, because it feels that much more real.
When the person dropped too low in the self created ego calculation system, a black hole feeling to his girlfriend is created.
This will then lead to a big bang event, that the person can trigger inside their brain by trying to understand the black hole feeling.
Trying to understand the black hole feeling is what triggers the big bang event in a person’s mind. The big bang event gives the person a wide range of new additional thinking capabilities.
The black hole feeling is pulling the guy close to his girlfriend, and it is created through the ego calculations created by the self, which receives ego positive or negative events only over the physical space.
The public ego calculation system has no effect on the self ego calculation system, which can put the person in a surprising situation, when they got the black hole feeling to their girlfriend the first time.
The black hole feeling is created through ego negative events using physical evidence, but only in case the ego negative event was a rational minus and hit the correct emotional baseline to cause the black hole feeling.
Where the emotional baseline will end, when receiving an ego negative event is unpredictable, but there is a range of possibilities. It can hit exactly the black hole emotional baseline, which is also creating the big bang, or it can hit an emotional baseline that makes the person angry and run.
How the person will react after a proper ego negative hit, that the self accepted as a full hit, is unpredictable and ranges from anger and running away, to the black hole and the big bang.
The ego negative hit requires physical evidence, or it cannot be triggered. Without physical evidence, the self system is not triggering an update to the ego calculation, and it is like as if nothing happened.
You sometimes see the public trying to get people to react emotionally, also in case of ego negative events, but all these emotional reactions triggered externally are not coming from the self or an updated ego calculation.
Misunderstanding Between Emotional Response and Self Response
The external world can only trigger a person’s emotions, it cannot trigger a person’s self without the physical space. Sometimes you can see emotional manipulation attempts that also partly work, but all they do is to just trigger someone’s emotions, this is not the self.
There is a difference between an emotional response triggered by the external world and an emotional response triggered by someone’s self, through an ego negative event using physical evidence.
Using physical evidence for a negative ego event will trigger the self, which will kick the person out of their in their mind created reality and pull them back into the real world.
The ego calculation of the self has a stronger impact on a person than the public ego calculation.
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