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This is amazing.
You just need a few ego negative events and then the girls start shining.
It’s like some crazy non-conscious perspective change.
The perspective changes, but on a level that is not controlled by words.
It’s like a perspective change on a different level, and this makes the girls start shining.
Then you see girls on TV and want to cum directly.
The ego negative events get added, and the effect intensifies.
On the very first ego negative event you notice how the feeling is with 80% pain, need for pussy and so on but if you don’t stop there and just take another hit then the emotion gets stronger.
On the first ego negative event, the girls are not shining yet.
You can write this in stone, on the first ego negative event the girls are not shining yet.
On the second ego negative event, the girls become shiny.
Suddenly you see a girl on TV and there is this extreme specific interest for the girls that’s like a result of multiple ego negative events.
Like, the girls become extremely interesting, much more than when you were a teenager.
Like overkill interesting, spiked up.
It makes girls seem amazing.
It’s like they get this golden light around them and the interest for them is spiked up.
There should be virgins running down the street everywhere, non-stop.
All the streets should be full of virgins only.
Amazing Discovery
I mentioned it already before so it’s repeating and legit and what I discovered is how to make girls become shiny.
This is an amazing discovery, you can do some magic trick and suddenly the girls get this golden aura or light around them, and they become shiny and extremely interesting.
It’s like some special magic trick.
Why this magic trick works like this must have to do with something that back in the days in nature people were either tricking each other or playing funny games with each other, something like this.
I will have to think more about it why you can make girls become shiny and also the process of making them shiny is hard to understand why this process makes girls become shiny.
Actually starting from the ego negative events I can explain all of it.
My entire logic is just removing all porn categories, they are about politics only anyway, and then I just divide everything into ego positive or ego negative events.
Which porn belongs to what is obvious.
The ego negative events actually really look like ego negative events, you can clearly see it, and the ego positive events are also obvious.
All the other porn categories you can delete in my universe, you just put everything into just two boxes, ego positive or ego negative events and everything falls under these two categories.
And the ego negative events they can make girls become shiny.
It’s an amazing phenomenon that I discovered few months ago already.
Suddenly I noticed how the girls on TV are so crazy interesting, like 1000x more than ever.
And now I noticed it how it exactly slowly develops and slowly gets stronger.
I could actually make a graph of the girl shining increase rate.
They become more and more shiny, it increases.
And then suddenly you have this extreme interest in getting girls, like 1000x more interested than ever.
And then you cum after 2 minutes, and it’s so crazy amazing, haha.
Ego Negative Events Addition or Multiplication
Not sure if the process of making girls become shiny is an addition of ego negative events or a multiplication.
I used ego negative multiplication already in another context, so I can call this here the addition, just because this is what is still left at the moment.
The addition of ego negative events, which is actually a subtraction then, I mean multiple ego negative events done after another lead to the shiny girl effect.
You can even make a formula:
Number of ego negative events = Shininess Degree of the girls
So the more ego negative events you do in a row, the more the girls become shiny.
But you have to keep it easy with the ego negative events.
Don’t do too much of them, you have to apply moderation to them because if you only go after ego negative events and nothing else you will just end fucked up.
Like you can see it ego negative events also look like that’s an ego negative event, if you only do this and nothing else things get fucked up.
You are pretty much not supposed to only do ego negative events non-stop forever, or it will fuck up your head sooner or later.
This is in direct opposite to the currently dominating American culture, I believe.
Like in American culture they try to put the people just into exactly one box, and it somehow works at the moment I guess because these are already completely brain fucked to the limit.
Like they are already so broken that you then can put them into just one specific fucked up box, yes, good job.
The problem with just doing one thing only and nothing else is the shiny virgin effect.
The ego negative events are creating the shiny virgin effect and suddenly girls are 1000x more interesting than ever in whole life.
This fucks completely with their current system, suddenly you have there some specific ego negative events and these are actually making girls become shiny and 1000x more interesting.
Yeah, that fucks with your system pretty badly.
Did you consider the shiny virgins effect?
1000x increased interest in getting young hot Girls by doing ego negative events?
You got this in your planning?
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