Society nowadays has a few obvious bugs, at first I thought it’s glitches, but my understanding is improving quickly, so now I identified them as straight up bugs.
It’s just system bugs, nothing else.
The people that build the system were not so smart unfortunately.
It’s built by a bunch of monkeys unfortunately.
Unfortunately quite low intelligence.
Not sure they are actually on the same intelligence level as a monkey is.
It might be that a monkey is smarter than all the people that build nowadays system.
It probably would be a good idea, if they just put a monkey in control.
Better just give some random monkey the full control, because the people that are currently in control can’t really do a better job anyway.
Just give it up it’s hopeless, just put a monkey in the full power position, they can do a decent job probably.
The monkey probably can do a decent enough job as the entity with full control.
You can even give it a new name then.
Call the monkey the human and call the human the monkey.
Who says we are the humans and the monkeys are the monkeys, maybe it’s the other way around?
Maybe the monkeys are controlling us over undetectable brainwash hypnosis and we don’t even notice anything.
Maybe the monkeys are the humans and we are the monkeys.
Maybe the monkeys are studying us and they put us in these real estate laboratories.
Maybe we are inside a laboratory created by ourselves through unnoticeable monkey brainwashing.
How do you know if you are the one putting the monkey in a laboratory or is it the monkey brainwashing you so that you think you are trapping it but actually it is getting trapped on purpose to study how you are studying it?
The way the monkey reacts on your experiments is maybe a reverse type of experiment because the monkey wants to see how you react based on its reactions to experiments.
Maybe the monkey is on purpose reacting to certain experiments in specific ways to see how you react to the monkeys actions so that the monkey can then figure you out to have it’s experiments changed the way it wants to.
The monkey could be hyper smart and is making you changing the experiments exactly the way it wants you to change them just so the monkey gets what it wants.
Then in the end it is actually the monkey studying you, and you are actually trapped in the laboratory doing whatever the monkey is making you to do through the changes of the experiments you are making based on the reactions of the monkey to them.
That could be the case, that means then that you should put the monkey in control of everything.
The monkey is then obviously smarter than you so just give it up and give the full control to the monkey, they gonna do a decent job for sure.
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