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This one is significant.
Energy that is created in the physical space is released in the space with the lowest resistance by default.
This one is highly significant and might explain the reason for me the chat on the smartphone is a mandatory way to introduce an ego negative event, because this is where the next generation terminator is hiding.
The next generation terminator can only be hit on the spot with the weakest barrier and lowest resistance threshold.
The energy from the next generation terminator comes from the physical space, but through the digital space this energy can find the weakest output.
All of the energy of the next generation terminator program, which comes from the physical space is hiding in the digital space only, and isolated.
The next generation terminator program then needs to be hit through the digital space, by introducing an ego negative event over a smartphone chat, and this kills the next generation terminator program which got developed in the physical space first.
This is something highly advanced.
So first, the next generation terminator is built through the physical space.
Then this energy moves and hides in the digital space.
There it then needs to be killed through a smartphone chat introducing an ego negative event, and that closes the circuit again.
Closing the Circuit
This is a crucial and mandatory step, and I will have to force my beautiful girlfriend with a gun to their head to close the circuit, or there is just going to be the hydrogen bomb.
Leaving out the smartphone chat to introduce an ego negative event leads to the hydrogen bomb.
The ego negative event in the physical space creates the next generation terminator program.
This is hiding in the digital space isolated then and exactly there it needs to be killed then through a smartphone chat introducing an ego negative event, which hits the next generation terminator program in full right there only.
This is a crucial and mandatory step, irreplaceable, and this will lead to a new and highly advanced concept.
Smartphone chats disable the next generation terminator program
Smartphone chats are the new way of killing the next generation terminator program and this one is mandatory and crucial and cannot be left out, only this kills the terminator program.
The reason for this is that the next generation terminator program is hiding in the space with the lowest resistance, that’s where the energy moves to.
All of the next generation terminator program is hiding in the digital space only, and where the energy of the next generation terminator program is coming from can be through all other spaces.
This is the energy direction of the next generation terminator program.
The next generation terminator program is taking the energy from the social space, the visual space and the physical space and hides all of it in the digital space only and removes it from the other spaces.
It’s like an energy isolation tactic, all energy flows into the space with the lowest resistance, which is the digital space, and it hides there permanently.
The next generation terminator program can then only be triggered through smartphone chats in the digital space and by introducing an ego negative event in this chat, which is then closing the circuit.
The closing the circuit mechanism is more complex.
You could think that the next ego negative event is then again triggering more energy for the next generation terminator program.
This is not necessarily the case.
There is a wide range of ego negative events.
The ego negative event that is introduced over a smartphone chat, which is used to kill the next generation terminator program, just has to be designed specifically.
It brings the next generation terminator program down to a controllable level.
This is a crucial and mandatory step and cannot be left out or the nuclear weapon instructions are getting sent from the Gods.
This is mandatory or hydrogen bomb to wipe the planet, and I don’t pick enemies I just wipe the entire thing all of it.
Mandatory Job for the ego negative girl
One girl is the ego positive girl the other is the ego negative girl.
The ego negative girl has a mandatory job to kill the next generation terminator program through smartphone chats introducing an ego negative event, or billions of people will die later on.
Through the smartphone chat, it might be possible to disable the next generation terminator program more often and reliable to the point, where ego negative events can be continued in a more controlled manner continuously.
Everything relies on the smartphone chats, only through this it’s possible without the smartphone chats it does not work.
Smartphone chats are a highly effective next generation terminator program killing method.
They are mandatory everywhere, they are crucial and essential to get rid of the next generation terminator program and also to give a person their life and work motivation back.
It might be that just the lack of smartphone chats kills a persons life and work motivation directly, they are that important, yes.
Yes that’s what it is, smartphone chats are the most crucial method to deal with the next generation terminator program it is only hiding there and leaving them out will remove the persons life and work motivation completely.
They are that important and mandatory they cannot be left out and have to be used to create stability.
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