Did you know that you are under surveillance, especially by the military and what they look at is if you look gay or not?
Every opinion you can imagine is represented by someone somewhere, and some people at some military might be trying to get rid of gay people in general.
You have to assume that it can have negative consequences on your life.
Be it at your job, be it the people you get to interact with, if you do certain things or look in a way that some people consider it gay.
You have to protect yourself from this false assumption, which can have negative consequences on your life.
With this brand-new straight certificate, you can be sure that no one from the military that is doing surveillance on you falsely assumes that you are gay, and you can avoid negative consequences of it.
When purchasing the straight certificate, you will also get the daily straight routine that you will have to do until the rest of your life to be considered straight every day of your life.
Secret straight routine
If you have too many muscles, you are considered gay immediately.
You will probably already notice the consequences.
The girls you get might be not the most attractive ones.
You have to be careful with not getting too many muscles.
All you have to do is 20 push-ups every morning, and this is enough.
Going to the gym is a fine line of making yourself look good and straight or straight up gay, quickly.
When you look at yourself, there cannot be anything feminine about your looks, or you will fall in the gay category immediately.
When you follow the dress code of your job and have to shave your beard and cut your hair, then you have to make sure this doesn’t make you look gay.
You will get problems in your job and in your career if you look even the slightest gay.
You might not be getting the career you were aiming for.
You have to be extra aware that no one from a surveillance perspective would consider you gay, or you will notice consequences.
The same applies the other way around, when you manage to look straight, then you suddenly get the career you were aiming for.
Suddenly, all the doors open for you.
It doesn’t matter what you study, and it doesn’t matter who you know if your appearance looks straight or gay is one of the most important factor for success in your life.
You have to pay extra attention with your clothes.
You need to get the looks from the people.
You need to be turning heads.
That’s considered straight and successful.
After you finished your studies and worked for several years at a company, what is left and what is the last deciding factor if you will be successful with the rest of your life or not is if you look straight or gay.
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