There is something suspicious about the call of duty bots, I’m not sure if these really are bots or if it’s actually real players.
Maybe they have some special internet connection that goes over the electric cable, and it’s actually not bots but some Activision game testers.
It’s not really random, it’s almost like as if they are doing some joke.
There is something suspicious about randomness
It’s extremely weird, but there is something suspicious about randomness, and it’s somehow connected to the everything is connected theory.
Things are not as random as they seem like, I start to doubt that true randomness is actually a thing, and it almost seems like as if everything is pre-determined.
This fits to my infinite repetition theory, like as if we are just trapped inside an infinite loop, with no progress and things just happen over and over again forever.
That would also kill the idea of randomness, it would make rolling the dice not random at all.
The Call of Duty bots are just not acting random enough, it seems to me as if they are acting according to my actions or something.
As if there are some Activision game testers playing the call of duty bots in a way to copy the things I do.
Somehow, it questions the idea of randomness for me.
I don’t really trust these Call of Duty bots, they can’t be pure random, they have to be connected to everything else somehow.
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