Table of Contents
The big bang power up gives a human the following additional thinking capabilities, which are especially strong right after the big bang event:
- 3D visual problem solver projection behind the eye
- Out-of-body experience in another reality
- High dimensional visual thinking
- Logical thinking upgrade
- etc
The big bang power up is an event, in which the human can unlock a bundle of unprocessed memories in his head by trying to understand the black hole feeling with his girlfriend. This will give the person additional complex thinking capabilities.
The black hole feeling with the girlfriend can be created through a few different ways, there might be infinite ways to do it, and probably it is the best already to just tell everyone, no rules.
A randomly created reality could be really fucking good, compared to any reality that was created using sheer brute force and feels fake.
Planning, our world never works the way we want it to be.
We always get the opposite, we never get what we want.
A good idea would be to just have it randomly created then, just whatever, no rules, whatever happens, no control, just let the entire thing go like this.
This could result in a better world than we have right now, because every time we try we just get the opposite, and it’s never what we actually wanted, so why keep on trying?
Just let it go then and give up, just let it get randomly created, just give up the control and let it go, fuck it, nothing to lose at this point anymore.
How Do You Get the Big Bang Power Up?
By trying to understand the black hole feeling, the additional thinking capabilities are getting triggered.
The person has to do nothing else, but at some point asking himself why is he stuck with his girlfriend, but it has to be a girlfriend that he usually dislikes, that’s where the black hole feeling shows its power.
When the guy is in a relationship with a girl that he dislikes and is then getting the black hole feeling that is pulling him close to her, then the guy can get very confused on the reasons why.
When the guy is then trying to understand, why he is stuck with his girlfriend he doesn’t like, that’s when the additional thinking capabilities are getting activated.
This helps the guy to understand what the feelings is and what’s going on.
It also makes the guy aware of the physical space and the self that is living there.
Logical Thinking Upgrade
The big bang event gives the person a new, nearly automated logical thinking upgrade.
It feels like as if something inside the head explodes and then all the understanding is raining down in the brain.
I describe it as if someone threw some metaphysical ghost bicycle chain onto your brain.
Then the bicycle chain is some sort of alien logic virus creature, and it snaps to the brain and eats itself through the brain through logical understanding.
It tries to put everything into logical understandings, or logical boxes, it tries to make sense out of everything.
This happens with the big bang moment, but after you get the enhanced high dimensional and visual thinking upgrade.
First, you get the 3D visual advanced complex problem solver behind the eye feature, where you can directly see solutions to complex models behind your eye in a 3D visual projection.
After having this feature now for a few months, I can say it shows nothing but nuclear or gravitational weapons to pretty much finish the whole planet and that’s it.
Not sure if I can attract investors with that feature.
So this is more like some gimmick feature then.
You just see advanced weapon models as 3D projections behind your eye constantly.
That’s the first thing that happens.
Then you have the out-of-body thinking in another dimension and also the high dimensional thinking, where you can think like some overpowered Albert Einstein.
Even come up with some way of creating placebo gravity, and the thinking capabilities are just overpowered, as if you would need this for an average lifestyle.
As if life is so hard that you need these highly advanced, overpowered thinking skills.
Of course, you need this in your day-to-day life, that’s the highest importance of course.
After you get these more visual thinking skills, then the logic virus snaps on your brain, and it’s a strong one.
Before the big bang power up, there is no logical thinking skills inside the human.
They all cannot really think logically, not the way you can after receiving the logic program from nature.
The logical thinking capabilities of people that didn’t get the big bang power up nearly don’t exist, or are, at best, some placebo program, but it’s not really the real logic program.
The real logic program is the square trying to eat the circle, then, so it’s this one:
The classic problem of the square trying to eat the circle, but you already know, it cannot.
The square cannot eat the circle, and the circle will beat the square every time.
There is just no way that the square could become a circle, it is a dream that will never come true.
In the end, the square has to give up and accept reality, that the square just will never become the circle, it is just not possible.
The logic program after the big bang is then trying to understand everything that is going on, but it probably needs forever until it really progresses, especially with my high-tech quantum ego.
The quantum ego is very hard to understand, so currently for me the logic program is just being misused to create models for nuclear or gravitational weapons.
Especially the burning men nuclear weapon I like to point out here.
The burning men nuclear weapon is quite interesting compared to traditional nuclear weapon systems, as the real estate stays intact, while the humans inside these are just popping up in fire.
That means it grills all the humans while leaving the infrastructure intact.
This is an advantage compared to traditional nuclear weapon models, the infrastructure stays the way it is, just the humans inside of these are burned away.
Highly fascinating nuclear weapon systems.
The square cannot eat the circle
This here is a dream that will never become true.
It’s just not possible, the square cannot become the circle.
That’s why you have to accept a reality that is like this.
This is reality, it’s two worlds, and you build connections between these two.
Two worlds, not one.
Peace out.
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