The Ego Base

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The ego base is like the core of someone’s personality.

It doesn’t consist of any incremental factor, 1000 girls are not giving a stronger ego base than just a bunch would do, the ego base is the multiplication out of all the ego wave functions of the different space.

Pretty much, all these wave functions are getting multiplied into a single ego base, which looks then like this.

Call of Duty and GTA counts for the visual space ego wave function

Call of Duty and GTA counts for the visual space ego wave function, only.

Which is like a placebo, sometimes it has an effect, but it won’t be a reliable thing.

But placebos do work sometimes.

Until the placebos stop working.

But playing Call of Duty and GTA is a form of emotional communication.

When playing these games, you can clearly feel the self, because what you feel when playing these games is complete external emotional manipulation.

These are not your emotions that you feel when playing Call of Duty and GTA.

While playing these games you can clearly feel the self, when all your emotions are created through external emotional manipulation.

You can then disconnect yourself from your emotional system, because you then know these are all not your emotions.

That’s when you can clearly feel the separation between the emotional system, your physical space self and your visual space self.

You can divide the self in visual space self and physical space self

There are two types of selfs, there is the self in the visual space and there is the self in the physical space.

The self in the visual space is unfortunately just a placebo, only the self of the physical space really matters and sets the majority of the ego base.

But placebos work, until they stop working.

You only really notice the visual space self when building it up, once it’s build up it becomes sort of a normal thing, but the physical space self is still untouched, even with a fully build visual space self.

The ego base is a result of the multiplication of all spaces, so if the self wave function of the physical space is very low, then the visual space self wave function can compensate the drop a little bit.

Like if you feel like shit, then having nice stuff is a nice placebo for fixing your issue, but it’s not really fixing your issue.

But placebos work, until they stop working.

For a while, you can fix a low self wave function of the physical space with a good visual space self wave function, because it gets multiplied and put together into the ego base.

With the correct ego base, you can enjoy ego negative events

The ego base is the multiplication result of all the different ego wave functions.

That means the ego base is a very abstract result mix of wave functions, and it looks like this.

When the ego base is set correctly, which is very hard to explain how to do it, and also very difficult to do, but when it’s set correctly, you can take the aggression out of the ego negative events and only have the horniness left.

What you can do now is with the correct ego base, you can take out the aggression out of the emotional sequence that leads to an ego negative event, to only have the horniness left.

That means you end up with the following, the aggression removed, and only the horniness is left, but this requires the correct ego base.

All of this is depending on the correct ego base, which doesn’t respond to incremental factors.

Setting the correct ego base is the art to control the human

The ego base sets the entire reality of the human, you can set it and change it, and this changes the possible emotional sequences then.

Depending on what ego base the person has, different emotional sequences are possible.

Setting the ego base is an art by itself, you can use everything from all the four different spaces.

While the physical space ego wave function is the most difficult to change, it is the most persistent and also has the highest impact.

But all other spaces can be used as a temporary placebo to fix a broken physical space ego wave function.


You can see it is possible to take out the aggression out of an emotional sequence that has both horniness and aggression.

This requires the exact correct ego base, which is a result of a multiplication of the four different ego wave functions of the four different spaces.

The four different ego wave functions all have a very low upper limit, they are only getting increased by maybe 2 units until they are already hitting the maximum.

That means a pure incremental system doesn’t work to build up someone’s ego base, even 1000 girls doesn’t have a permanent effect, because all they do is to bring up the ego wave function to it’s limit of +2.

The ego wave functions cannot take that many ego positive events, back in the days in nature it was probably enough to have the ego wave function just going up by 2 units.

The internal system can probably not properly respond to such a high number of ego positive events, after just a few it hits the limit already.

That means getting 1000 girls has the same effect as just getting 2 girls recently.

The timing is important.

As the wave functions are moving, these are changing states, and they can’t really be fixated, except of a low physical space ego wave function, this one unfortunately, doesn’t just move up like that so easy.

The physical space ego wave function is the biggest problem of the human, for everyone.

The reason is that it doesn’t respond to anything of the visual space.

There is a separate ego wave function for it, but which acts in the same pattern as the physical space ego wave function, which means it stops at +2.

If the visual space cannot change the physical space ego wave function, then this is the core issue that the human nowadays have.

The most significant ego wave function is unaffected by everything the world has to offer today.

This means this is a lack and a core issue that all the humans nowadays have, and it is like a hidden detonator that could be used to build my Pyramids.

This sounds very good.

After I got scammed by Google Analytics and lost everything, because I broke my high dimensional ego which just rejected my brain program and gave me full brain overkill.

I at least figured out now how I can make everyone build my Pyramids.

So the story has a happy end.

Just a few more organizational things I have to figure out, and then it goes right back to the next Pyramid.

I actually never saw the Pyramids, I traveled everywhere else but the Pyramids I don’t want to see, because I already know they did a terrible job.

I avoid them on purpose, I don’t want to see what they did there.

Better we build a new one, and it’s going to be amazing for everyone.

Just have to set the correct ego base and people will run for it.

Remember, the ego base looks like this.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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