The Quantum Black Hole

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You have two types of black holes; you have the visual black hole, which is not that visual, but it acts like this.

Or like this.

And it has the gravitational increase curve to it, which looks like this.

Oh, the gravitational increase curve, I’m still waiting on a batch of chicks sucking my dick for that one.

You can see the gravitation increases of the ego to the black hole center

Here the blue dots are the fragile microscopic male ego.

And the black dot is the black hole.

No one knows what’s happening behind that black hole.

It’s a blank spot, no clue what’s happening on the other side of it, it is unknown.

There might be cheating happening, but no one knows.

Unknown cheating.

Never happened.



Only physical evidence in the physical space counts for the ego calculations of mister self.

Nothing else matter.

Physical evidence in the physical space is the only thing that matters for the ego calculations.

The visual field does not exist.

The visual field is irrelevant.

The visual field creates dumb gay people.

The human being is not fucking gay, no one.

You fucked that up with Atlantis, there is placebo gravity.

You see this here.

Looks like a cat, right.

The truth is that’s a Sparta warrior.

Small mistake, you fucked that up.

Small fail.

There is placebo gravity and this pulls in the ego to the black hole, where the pushing force of Uranium is building up like this.

The gravitation is increasing because of the time loss.

With future mathematics, it looks like this.

Now this is the traditional black hole, now let’s look at the quantum version of it.

They are both interconnected, the quantum black hole is beneath the traditional black hole.

Remember the quantum is right beneath the visual field, it’s two worlds don’t forget that, so the quantum black hole is right beneath the actual black hole and there it looks like this.

There are many quantum mechanisms happening behind the traditional black hole setup, a wide range and a host of quantum mechanism, lots of stories to hear from grandpa.

The first one here is the mechanism of pulling the shit out of the person and leaving him as the holy being, the quantum black hole is doing that.

The quantum black hole pulls the shit out of the person and leaves the holy being, the glorious Sparta human being.

Jesus was unfortunately underpowered, so he doesn’t fit to our examples anymore.

Jesus just didn’t have the complex, high dimensional thinking skills.

Jesus was also lacking the advanced 3D visual behind the eye projection feature of complex models.

Also, Jesus didn’t have the out-of-body experience thinking, or maybe he got this, this could be.

But he was good with stories and the Bible was legit, if read correctly, I will have to make a post about how to read the Bible correctly soon.

But good stories Jesus, thanks for that.

Back to our model.

The quantum black hole, sits right beneath inside the traditional black hole on a second parallel dimension plane, pretty much connected and attached to it through a second dimension ping pong effect.

Now in the following graphic you can see the second quantum effect that is happening in the quantum black hole tightly connected with the traditional black hole.

This effect here you can compare it with scale of justice.

Oh shit, they lied to us again.

Yeah, fucking assholes.

All the justice system they all built on the unspeakable sex adventures that they did back then and cannot tell anyone about it, so they end up inventing some random justice system based on unspeakable sex experiences.

Idiots, but their secrets didn’t last that long.

How long did they last now?

50 years?

Not that much.

Not really that effective of a story.

Jesus did a better job there.

Now let’s try to connect all these models here.

We have the anti-asynchronous quantum entanglement, which is this one here.

The red dot is the male ego, the green dot is the black hole center.

Only one of the two entities can be up at the same time.

When the mood of one of the entities is up, the mood of the other entity is down.

The infinite time reversal process is holding the mood of the red entity, or let’s say the male ego, down.

While the infinite time reversal process is holding the mood of the male ego down, a mythical pushing force is building up.

An unexplainable mythical pushing force.

Very unexpected where this one is coming from.

A pushing force, unexplainable.

It is building up while the infinite time reversal process is holding the mood of the male ego down.

And then at one point it snaps.

Then a lightning push is happening.

The lightning push happens here.

This is then blasting out the holy being, because the black hole pulled the shit off the ego, and only the holy being is left.

That means it blasts out the Jesus, right here.

The Jesus is getting blasted out while the shit got sucked in by the black hole.

This is then blasting out the holy being like here.

How the explosion mechanism, the high pressure perfect stealth high-tech nuclear object launching system then looks like in perfect detail I still have to write down.

This is for the next part, then.

This was just explaining a bit of the quantum black hole.

The next series of blog posts will explain the high-tech nuclear object launching system without propulsion system in perfect detail.

Stay tuned.

Work in progress.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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