The Quantum Perspective

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You have to look at everything from two different perspectives.

One is from the normal perspective and the other is the quantum or placebo perspective.

You can put the quantum and the placebo perspective in the same category.

The quantum perspective can have infinite ways of how it actually looks like.

So you can add the placebo perspective to the quantum perspective, same shit.

Placebo perspective and quantum perspective, same shit.

It’s just two different perspectives.

And both perspectives have infinite forms of how they can be.

Then you don’t need any other perspectives or new definitions.

It’s just two infinite perspectives.

Two perspectives that can have infinite amount of how they can be.

Doesn’t matter how you call them.

You can call them real and placebo.

You can call it classical and quantum.

You can call it black and white

You can also call it one and two.

There is just two perspectives, and you have to always look at things in two ways.

You look at something in two ways, and then either one way is better or the other.

Or you have a ping pong effect.

You so something in one, and it has an effect on the other.

So the way these two different perspectives are connected with each other are also infinite.

You have infinite ways of how these two infinite perspectives are connected.

But these two perspectives you can’t combine them, it doesn’t work.

It almost works yes but not really.

You have infinite bridges, let’s say.

So you have the square and the circle.

Now the circle are the emotions, the square is the logic.

The square is trying to eat the emotions, which looks like this.

But the squares actually cannot capture the full circle, they cannot, that means you need to have two perspectives in the end then anyway, this is just a dream that the square can become a circle, so you end up here again.

You are back to the square and the circle again, now instead of the square trying to eat the circle, you also have infinite ways of how to connect.

You see problem solved.

You then just have to develop a two perspective view.

You look at things always with two perspectives.

And then sometimes it’s like this.

Circle much bigger than the square, you can also have it displayed like this.

The circle bigger than the square, or like this.

The square bigger than the circle, but the most important is this one.

The circle and the square separate and just with a connection.

This is the actual reality.

Like this is the actual truth.

The real truth is this one.

This is the only real truth.

All the other models are just bullshit.

The rest is nonsense.

The other models exist yes, but they don’t really work.

The other models are just broken models.

This is what they are doing today.

Squares trying to eat the circle.

This is what we do today.

Square is trying to eat the circle.

But it doesn’t work.

The square cannot become a circle.

It is a dream.

It cannot.


So the real truth is this here.

This is the real truth.

And this is giving the high-tech.

This is how you get the high-tech nuclear weapon systems.

With this one here, you get some atomic bomb.

Also, these other models here, they exist but are shit, like this one here.

Shit model.

Also, this one.

Also shit model.

The good model is this one.

Just a connection.

And there are infinite ways of how it can connect.

The circle can have infinite ways of how it can be.

And the square also.

And they connect in infinite ways.

You then have to develop a two perspective view.

You cannot only look at the visual.

You look at the quantum as well.

Emotions you cannot see, yes.

They are in the quantum.

The definition of emotions are that they are not visible.

You have to think then.

Use common sense.

Connect with the alien frequency.

You have an alien frequency receiver inside of you.

It is like the alien frequency wave that goes through the entire universe.

Your microscopic tiny ego can feel the alien frequency.

And when things change, when planets move, when constellations change, when people walk, it all can be felt by your microscopic ego measurement device.

And this information is given to you through feelings.

So you can develop a second perspective.

Just from looking at the visual field.

You can use the microscopic tiny ego measurement device and this gives you the information of what’s going on in the quantum in feeling form.

It is not in logical form then yes.

It is feeling information.

You cannot get everything into logical form.

The square cannot become a circle.

It cannot.

It is a dream that you would think the square could become a circle.

It is a dream that you would be able to get all information in logical form.

You cannot.

You never will.

It is impossible.

Because the square cannot be the circle.

So the logic cannot understand everything.

It cannot.

But you can get the information that the logic cannot give you in form of a feeling.

Everything your mind cannot understand, you can feel the answer to the missing understanding.

You can feel the information that you cannot understand with your logical mind.

The information is given to you in feeling information.

And a lot of the feeling information will never become a square.

Almost the most information will remain in form of feeling information.

But this is not a problem.

You just have to develop a two perspective view.

You look at things from the square view, from the logical mind.

And you look at things from the circle view, from the feeling perspective.



Then you also get more in check with your self.

Your self becomes the connection.

Your self becomes the line in between the circle and the square.

Here is the self then.

It is the line.

You have it like this then.

And then you mirror reality the best.

Then you mirror actual reality.

You almost have a three part system then.

One part is the circle, which are the emotions, one part are the connections, which is the self and one part is the mind which is the square.

This is then as real as it gets.

This is a proper reality understanding, then.

And from this perspective, with having a three entity system, if you look now at something like this.

Then this is just garbage.

A dream never come true.

This here is the system that reflects reality.

This is a two perspective view with a connection.

You can call it a quantum perspective.

Placebo perspective.

Whatever you want to call it.

The words doesn’t matter, the concept matters.

Only the concept matters, the words you can replace.

And the concept you have to develop is the 3 entity concept, with 2 perspectives and 1 connection, which is this one.

And this is real life and as close as you can get to the truth.

And you can apply this to anything, you have to.

Everything you do and see and touch, you have to develop this two perspective view, with a connection.

In every situation, in every second, everywhere.

The circle can have infinite ways of how it can look like, the connection can have infinite ways of how it can look like, and the square also has infinite ways of how it can look like.

And this is as the actual truth and reality.

This is the way things really are then.

Then you are right on the truth.

And you can give up on this one here.

Just give up on trying to eat the circle.

It is a dream will never come true.

The reality is this here, so just accept reality and deal with it how it is.

Without labels, it’s just this.

And this is reality and nothing else.

And this is how you get the high-tech nuclear weapon systems then.

With this shit here, you only get some gay Albert Einstein Atomic bomb.

This is giving you the gay Albert Einstein Atomic bomb.

And with this one here below you get the high-tech nuclear invisible death ray system.

This one here leads to the high-tech nuclear weapons, the real good shit.

This is like the real fucking hardcore one.

Like this is the real one.

And the one from Albert Einstein is just the gay one.

This one here is the real fucking hardcore high-tech.

And they say there are no records of an advanced civilization before.

Of course not.

All disappeared.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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