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This is a hard-to-understand concept.
You pretty much have to put all the rules nicely together, and then you can see that completely breaking an ego, doesn’t exist, but the process of breaking an ego exists.
You can hair thin slice the male ego, but you can’t really break it in full so that it just disappears, this doesn’t exist.
You can do rational ego slices, which will reveal a gravitational increase curve, if each ego slice is thin enough let’s say, but really breaking an ego or destroying it, that it just disappears is not a thing.
You will have to deal with their egos forever, pretty much.
You can drop the idea that there would be an ego that you just have to break and then something changes, this doesn’t exist.
The egos at their core follow an ego wave function (I will have to update the article, it’s terrible), but it is easier to see an incremental ego system if you cannot see the wave pattern.
Identifying the ego wave function is a more advanced approach of dealing with the males egos.
Mixing the incremental ego system and the ego wave function
Mixing these two concepts together is a good approach to deal with the people like that.
Their egos can either follow an incremental approach, but they can also behave like a wave function, either both or just one of them, both is possible.
For example, this means a small uplift of the wave function from time to time can be as effective as a single time longer series of ego positive events.
If you compare getting 20 girls in one batch with just getting a few girls here and there, whenever it becomes highly needed, nuke style, then the nuke style is pretty much way more effective than the batch of 20 girls.
The nuke style can actually beat a batch of 10 or 20 girls very easily.
The nuke style is overpowered and gives the 100% happiness with unconditional love emotion afterward, which almost seems like some nonsensical extreme loving mode.
The nuke style develops out of the ego wave function.
When the bottom of the ego wave function is reached for a long enough period of time, only then the nuke style becomes something real and effective.
The nuke style beats the batch of 20 girls
It even could have something to do with the fact that the girls are so logically structured with the batch of 20 girls.
The batch of 20 girls just puts the entire series of events into a clear, logical structure, and that could kill most of the effect on the actual ego state.
The batch of 20 girls is not as effective as a proper single nuke is.
A single nuke is completely personality changing, it is like a transformative experience, it is highly significant.
The ego effect of the experience and the girl of the nuke stays significantly, it just has a very precise timing to it.
It is almost like a surgeon that is precisely fixing the male ego with minimal effort and super high precision, pretty much with a 5-minute experience at the exact right time.
With this hyper precision of fixing the male ego, the ego state of the guy can be tremendously improved and elevated to a great level with a minimum of effort.
The fact that this is possible, puts a different light on the incremental ego system.
The ego wave function is then what appears to be the underlining ego state pattern and the reason the nuke works so amazingly, well.
The nuke style could be so effective because it’s spontaneous and lacks the story and logical element.
The nuke style has to be triggered automatically by the person’s self, and only then it actually really becomes a nuke.
That means that the planning and preparing or the story element is not really there.
This turns the nuke into an actual, real experience without the robotic story element to it.
The self is automatically going for the nuke, there is not really much that have to be said about it, but that there is no story element could be a significant factor that it is so effective.
A single 10-minute nuke can pretty much save a marriage if executed precisely like a surgeon.
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