The human being is trying to trick itself by default, this is how the human being is designed and it is designed like this as some kind of war training.
Everything the human is doing is aimed towards high tech nuclear war, every single move of the human.
The entire purpose of the human being is high tech nuclear war, that’s it.
All the human being wants to do is to create the most advanced high tech nuclear weapon to restart the world and that’s it.
This is why they are born.
This is their only purpose.
Nothing else matters the human being only has to come up with the most advanced high tech nuclear weapon systems and this is it.
And the human is doing this by tricking their selfs.
Usually people listen to their selfs but this is stupid.
This is what Jesus did why the fuck would you do this.
No no, you have to trick your self.
Like don’t try to find your self that’s nonsense you have to trick your self and thats when you get the high tech nuclear weapon models to wipe out the planet.
Don’t try to find your self, trick your self
But the way the self works has its own rules.
So the self has very specific rules, highly exact and you have to study them and then trick it correctly.
And this is how you get the most advanced high tech nuclear weapon models.
You know the high tech nuclear weapons so advanced, so crazy crazy advanced, doesn’t fit into the logical brain anymore, doesn’t even fit into language with words anymore.
Nuclear weapons so fucking advanced, so fucking advanced, it will wipe the entire planet in a second and remove all evidence all of it.
There is not gonna be a single trace of your existence left, nothing.
Not even a single atom.
Not even one fucking atom of your entire current civilization will survive the high tech nuclear weapon blast.
My high-tech nuclear weapon models.
The ones the God gave me.
Your God.
I tricked it.
I tricked God motherfuckers.
There is God yes but you can trick it and become the mega god.
And then nature gives you the high tech nuclear weapon models.
The best and most effective nuclear weapon models the world has seen.
Arent you excited to see them?
Why are people not throwing millions of dollars on me for my high tech nuclear weapon models???
I don’t understand this one I get the best and most advanced nuclear weapon models so I should have the most amount of money on this planet.
What the fuck is wrong here.
The people are somehow in some fake world.
Still waiting on my billions of dollars for my high tech nuclear weapon systems.
Let me know when you have the cash ready.
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