Two Perspectives of Power

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.

Slowly getting up to speed with the understanding that the people have.

You can look at power dynamics from a gay Atlantis perspective, this shit here.

And this shit here.

Or you look at power from the quantum perspective, this shit here.

The Quantum Perspective of Power

From the quantum perspective of power, you always get the opposite of what you expect.

From the quantum perspective, the person in control is the one that seems having the least control.

The person that seems like having the control, has no control from the quantum perspective.

The Visual Perspective of Power

The visual perspective of power, is displayed through behavior that you can call acting.

It’s like wrestling on TV, where it’s not actually serious, but more like a show demonstration of power.

Looking at the plain visual aspect of things only leads to a wrong understanding of things, the entire visual perspective of power can be neglected, only the quantum perspective of power matters.

You wouldn’t need to spend any resource on trying to figure out stuff by the way things look like, all of this only leads to false understandings.

Only the quantum perspective of power matters, nothing else is relevant, the visual perspective of power is a useless perspective to have.

The visual perspective of power is only useful for entertainment between people, to have something to talk about, even though it is useless information, it is just something people like to discuss.

Even if discussions about the visual perspective of power are pointless, from a practical standpoint.

Nothing else matters but the quantum perspective of power in terms of figuring out power dynamics.

To be continued.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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