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You can create ego positive and ego negative events.
The ego positive events need just a few until they reach the peak of the ego function and from this point, no additional ego increase is happening.
It needs ego negative events then to get the ego function down again to get it then up again and so on.
This means the ego has two sides to it, one side for the positive ego events and another side for negative ego events.
It’s like a medal that is getting flipped, or a water molecule I saw on TV.
It has a pendulum effect to it, where when the negative side of the medal is getting hit hard it reflects it on the positive side with the same intensity, either through indirect or direct activities.
When the negative side of the medal is getting hit hard enough, it opens the black hole. But the black hole can also get created in different ways.
The black hole can also get created through fine slicing, which then results in slight gravity increases.
Tiny fractions of gravity increases for each slice, until the gravity becomes a black hole and holds the couple together like glue.
The gravity is slightly increasing with every slice, a little more, a little more, and then it hits, and the black hole is there with the gravity at max.
I’m wondering if the black hole only happens with girlfriends that you don’t like, this could be the important factor.
Probably it is like this, that you need a girlfriend that you don’t actually love to be able to trigger the black hole.
All actions will be returned the opposite way with a girlfriend that you don’t love but have a black hole with.
This is probably what is then keeping you from becoming gay and keeps you straight, because there is no love with the girlfriend.
Ego negative events with a girlfriend, that you don’t like, are causing the self to push for ego positive events through cheating, it becomes a lifesaver, worth 1000 euro for 2 minutes sex.
Seems like this is the crucial factor in order to be able to do proper legit science with the girlfriend.
You need a girlfriend that you actually hate and don’t like to be able to do science with her. You will then desperately be screaming for love and be running away any chance you can, eventually, but especially after doing too many ego negative events with her.
If you don’t love the girlfriend and then do ego negative events with her, it will never trigger any good emotional responses to the ego negative events.
It will only cause the ego to drop more and more until it’s unbearable and the need for an ego positive event becomes worth 1000 euro for 2 minutes sex.
You are then desperately looking for love only with other girls, but with the other girls you just only need a bit of the lack of love back.
Not much, just 2 minutes of love and that’s it, just a quick love reminder, and then it can go back to the black hole girlfriend to do more science stuff and get the ego down again.
It is some kind of object shooting system without propulsion system. The 2 minutes sex become worth 1000 euros, that means it must be some impactful object shooting system.
But remember, you always get the opposite of what you expect or want.
If this looks like some nuclear missile launching system, then this is probably some cosmic joke.
That’s then exactly what you don’t get, but that’s just what you think you would be getting, that’s why it probably looks exactly like that.
But you get the opposite of what you expect, so the nuclear missile launching system is then exactly what you don’t get.
But it looks like this, and it is very funny, I just noticed it now that it looks exactly like this haha.
Just really noticed it now, but is very funny, haha.
Yes, looks like a nuclear missile launching system, especially with the 1000 euro for 2 minutes sex haha, just noticed it now that it has all the elements even with the details, haha.
Haha, this is very good, that’s some high level joke, I just noticed it now, it’s very funny, really good.
But that’s what you don’t get then, because you always get the opposite, it’s always indirect, so if it looks directly like nuclear missile system, then this is not what you get, sorry guys.
But it’s a good joke, marketing.
It’s just marketing.
The positive side of the ego
The positive side of the ego is the default, which a person always reverts to.
The negative side of the ego is difficult to activate in a person, but every person should have one.
The positive side of the ego takes ego positive events and reacts aggressive towards ego negative events.
It only takes positive ego events and tries to block all negative ego events.
Flipping the ego side
Flipping the ego side is difficult to do and only works in specific circumstances. The more stable the life situation of that person is, the easier it is to make it flip the ego side.
The positive ego side is the more professional one, it is the serious one, flipping the ego side is something that can be done for scientific research and self development, but it is difficult to do.
Flipping the ego side is nothing that can be done easily, there has to be a tremendous and highly detailed effort to make someone flip the ego side temporarily.
That a person is flipping their ego side is nothing that can easily be done with an understanding of the current system, the current system doesn’t understand how to flip an ego side correctly.
The current system assumes there should be some active effort coming from that person because it assumes that everyone would show their emotions directly, and this is not the case.
When trying to make someone flip their ego side, there is usually no active effort coming from that person, so it is difficult to make someone flip their ego side.
The negative side of the ego
Flipping someone’s ego side is in general a very difficult task and requires detailed attention to be able to make this work consistently.
A person would usually try everything against having their ego side flipped, doing this is something that the person doesn’t actually want to be doing, there is no proactive energy coming for this from the person.
But it is possible nonetheless.
The negative ego side is the exact opposite of the positive ego side, things that the positive ego side doesn’t want to do, the negative ego side wants to do it.
Flipping the ego side can be used for personal self development, and it also is a goal of the internal program of many.
Flipping the ego side and then doing actions on the negative ego side, that will be disliked by the positive ego side is a form of self development, and it’s part of the internal program of many guys.
The negative ego side is nothing that can be seen as something stable that could replace the person’s personality or become the default, this is not how it works.
The negative ego side can only be shown under strict conditions and a person would usually never show this to the public, as this is not a side that could become the default.
It is extremely difficult to trigger the negative ego side, and it is an unstable side, which tries to disappear quickly.
The negative ego side doesn’t fit into the current society understanding in any way, they don’t have a logical understanding for this.
The negative ego side is something more advanced than the level of the logical understanding of the current society.
You can see the negative ego side as something unheard of in the current society understanding, it is a phenomenon, that they don’t really know yet.
The negative ego side is taking ego negative events, while the positive ego side would block these.
The negative ego side is taking ego negative events, that the positive ego side would never take.
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