Visual Evidence Based Ego Calculations

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Visual evidence based ego calculations are what today’s society public understanding is based on, and it turns out that this creates gay people.

Visual evidence based ego calculations have the intention to be the straightest way to do ego calculations, without the use of physical evidence, which always involves a 4% gay activity, done with the girlfriend.

But with humans, you always get the opposite of what you want.

By using visual evidence based ego calculations as the public understanding of the world, you actually end up having gay people.

Now, if you turn it the other way around again, and use physical evidence based ego calculations, then you will have the world full of straight people again.

You can look at how we did it before, and we always change things around in alternation.

That means now will be the time for the physical evidence based ego calculations, which will turn all the guys straight again and remove all the gay people.

First there were the Pyramids, which are based on physical evidence based ego calculations.

Then there was also Atlantis, which is doing visual evidence based ego calculations and creates religious humans with the worst understanding of the world.

Now we have the understanding of visual evidence based ego calculations as the public knowledge, which is creating gay people.

If this now gets flipped around again and the understanding of physical evidence based ego calculations becomes the public knowledge, then it will remove all gay people and turn all the guys straight again.

This is then the correct way of doing it and this is how we mixed it up 2000 years ago.

2000 years ago we thought that if we use the understanding of the visual evidence based ego calculations, which is the straightest way to do ego calculations, as the public knowledge, that it would create only straight people.

Of course, you would think this on the first sight, because the way the understanding of the visual based ego calculation is created is entirely straight.

It doesn’t contain any gay activities at all, so where should the gay thing even come from, you could think.

But turns out that it creates gay people.

Probably it creates gay people, because the visual evidence based ego calculation is actually questionable, in terms of if any ego calculation actually even was triggered inside the people.

The visual evidence can be questionable, and in this case the need for physical evidence can skyrocket.

This can be misinterpreted, and the people can even be brainwashed into thinking, that they are gay instead of telling them what it really is:

That their ego calculations just didn’t get triggered properly, due to missing physical evidence from the girlfriend.

Once they received the physical evidence, even just a single time, their need for physical evidence will completely stop immediately.

When people are getting brainwashed into thinking they are gay it is actually just a one time experience that they are missing from a girl and once they had this, they will never turn gay in their lifetime.

This pretty much cures the gay thing directly, with a single experience.

If the public now changes the evidence from visual to physical for the understanding of the ego calculations, which involves a 4% gay activity, but done with the girlfriend, it would create a world full of straight people only.

Visual Evidence Based Ego Calculations Give Only the Understanding of Absolute Numbers

The big downside with visual evidence based ego calculations is, that the humans are only developing an understanding of absolute numbers.

This is a horrible mistake someone made 2000 years ago, and now I have to suffer the consequences of this today.

Now you have people walking around only with the understanding of absolute numbers.

They cannot imagine that the human in general, and every male there is, all of them are probably just 4% gay and that’s it.

Because the public understanding is using the understanding of ego calculations using visual evidence only, they cannot understand rational numbers.

They cannot refer it to any experience they had, they didn’t experience any rational slicing of their egos, they don’t know what rational numbers are, they don’t know they exist.

That’s why the public cannot understand that the male human is just 4% gay and this is it.

Now these people are trapped with an understanding that is too simple for their own species.

We did a funny mistake, and I’m sure the people 2000 years ago would now be laughing about how it actually turned out.

I’m sure the idea sounded good in the beginning, but giving the general understanding of the world just the absolute numbers, makes the people too simple for their own being.

The understanding of the general person is not advanced enough that it could understand itself.

We went a little bit too low with the general understanding, it should be a bit higher, it should be using the understanding of physical evidence based ego calculations instead.

This would make the understanding of the world for the public as advanced as it needs to be in order for the people to understand their own being.

It would again have different consequences in the end, but we humans always change things around in alternation.

Now would be the time for the understanding of the physical evidence based ego calculation for the public general knowledge as the next phase.

It would get rid of all gay people and would also make the public much smarter, with much higher complex thinking capabilities than the human nowadays have.

Experience the power of Genius Wave, a groundbreaking solution that amplifies your mental clarity and boosts your personal growth like never before.


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